Wednesday, June 26

Art Vibration - 131


Artist Jakie Sleper is Explaining her art concept about Digital
Painting at Vyom Art Center , Jaipur. 
One day I were  on art call of  a international art talk  at a new art center of Jaipur. That’s name is Vyom art Center for contemporary art.  that’s director is Artist Vinay Sharma .  I were went there  with  my junior  Art Master Shrikant Rang .  I were entered  in hall of Vyom art center there light was off , because on projector a artist was presenting  her art work images  so there  light was off .

I were noticed  in that art work presentation , the artist of Holland  Jakie Sleper was explaining  her exercise  of digital work . she was said  to her art work digital painting . it was critical  but in contemporary  time many artist is following  it as a painting actually that is a digital art exercise result . in that art process a visual artist is thinking  like a painter and he or she create composition  on monitor screen like a painting by digital software and then they get a fine print of that art exercise of painting on monitor screen. In  my view  that was is digital print of  collage art exercise.  in technical word we can say to that digital collage . ha

Art Work Image of Artist Jekie Sleper  on Projector at Vyaom art Center 
Artist Jakie  Sleper was sharing her visual creation story , she was used advanced photo editing software and some visual of her city and home  for creation of her art work  in digital painting form. She was used mostly human figure and wild life animal images.  she said I love  to animal and in  my childhood age I were playing with my pet animal at home .

I saw she was used green nature impression in her art work and on screen of projector she was shared her 20th something art work visuals , she was used window of her home in many  digital paintings. She was used  photographs of her life part and some landscape visuals.  by that art work she was expressed  her past life  with her natural character . over all her art work was showing her true life.

Art Work Image of Artist Jakie Sleper at Vyom Art Center, Jaipur 
After Presentation of International Artist Jakie Sleper, she  was started art talk with viewers . in viewers I saw some big artists of Rajasthan were  sited there.  in that big artists List   I were saw  to Dr. Vidhyasagar upadhay,  Dr. R. B. Goutam ,  Artist Bhawani shaker Sharma , Artist Surendra pal Joshi , Artist Summi Ghidial ,Mr. Kaji , Sculptor Mahendra Gour , Artist  Ekeshwar hatwal , Dr. Anil Gupta and some more junior and senior art masters of Rajasthan .  In that art talk  someone asked  to Jakie about her art concept and someone asked  to her about  her art tool , And  Artist Jakie was explaining her work detail step by step with full patience to every one . some question was very critical  for her and some question was very supporting  for her art dedication.

Artists of Rajasthan is listing  to art workds of Artist Jakie Sleper at Vyom.
As a Artist I were thought why she was used digital collage way there mind is working and tool is working but our manual exercise roll was not active and without manual exercise we can’t say painting to her art work . may be her art work is in list of visual art because her visual is a visual after a art exercise but that is not a painting , that is digital collage . I were not said  it to her there because there many persons  were asking to her lots  of question so I were not asked  to her this critic level question . ha

As a art documentation  there I were shoot some picture s of that digital collage art work presentation or that’s international art talk . so here that’s visuals for  your visit or for  your right knowledge about  right definition of a digital collage work .because that was not a digital painting. That was impression of painting by digital  tool. But that art talk was very artistic and a true art talk for all of us , by that Art talk we could knew a art condition or art vision  of a international artist of Holland  by Artist Jakie Sleper .

I were enjoying her art talk because I were also using  to digital tool for some photo collage and photo editing  work . so I could understood her art vision and working condition on digital tool  but I were not accepted her  digital collage work was digital painting because I know what is painting and what is digital painting .ha.

A Digital Visual by Digital Camera , its a digital painting  concept me. ha 

We can play to words and by words to people vision but it is not a art it’s a real politics of words and in art no way for any kind of politics its fact of true art. So I said I were joined  to International art talk .

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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