Friday, June 28

Art Vibration - 133


Morning  Peace  at  Coffee House of Jawahar kala kendra , Jaipur.
 It’s  First visual of this post is sharing a complete story of magnetic power of visual art . in this visual  you can observe a complete peace and silence  with magnetic sound. It’s a visual of coffee house of Jawahar kala kandra . I were captured it in morning time when I were working there as a artist member of Art Studio ,after  my master Education.

There I were created vibration of art by  my art exercise . there all artist friends and my seniors were confident about me or my work dedication because I were lived there full day in studio with  my art exercise .  you can say that was  my second home . when artists were came there then I were felt they were came in my home . actually a art studio is a real home of artist .because there he and she can express to his or her deep art sense for society.

Artist Friend Dheeraj is Busy in Self Drawing work , at JKK.
When artist friends came there then we were shared our art vision on table of coffee house with tea and coffee. Mostly there all artists were want to talk with me and junior artists  were came there for art talk so I were taking open art class of them  with open art discussion . I were lived every time busy there in art talk .
That was converted in open university of visual art , I were talked  to theater artists ,singers, sculptors and painters too.  

 In coffee house when I were sited with my junior or senior in that movement  my sketchbook was live in  my hand , I were planning and sketching to coffee house in mid of art talk . Some Artist  friends were noticed me and they were visited  my sketchbook , actually they can’t stop to his or her self  for visit  my art exercise.
You can say that was a magnetic power of visual art , I were created  it there by my art energy . here I want to share  with  you two live example of this magnetic power of visual art. It was live example, there were no any drama and possess .

Artisat Dheeraj is busy in sketch work  on my JKK , Jaipur 
One day I were sited  in coffee house , I were busy in sketching on   my sketchbook , , in that movement my batch mate Mr. Dheeraj came near myself and said me hello . I were met to him after many years , I saw him again after our collage time . he  was saw me and my art condition and said me sorry yogendra I have leaved  this art field .because I am busy in business . but my heart and art vision want this all time  to me just like  you.

Artist Dheeraj is   Enjoying his art line  on art paper at JKK , Jaipur.
When he said this words I were gave him  my sketchbook  in his hand  and I said  at this time  you can draw some line from  your art  vision , here you are free and not on  your business . he was gave me smile and then taken my sketchbook and started drawing  like a art master . I were saw to him  again , he was busy in work of art .  In collage  time he was working with our  art teacher for his big Mural art project. But after education he was went far to art. But in coffee house  movement he was busy in drawing like a very dedicated  artist . when he was created a drawing then gave me thanks and said I will draw every day one drawing just like  you yogendra , because after draw this lines I am feeling very light and confident . so thanks  to  you .I said to him say thanks to art because art have magnetic power and that is pulling to  you again in field of art. So come back in art here art is waiting of  yours Dheeraj.

Junior Theater  Artist Is also  enjoying  to his drawing sound on art paper
On other day I were sited In coffee house after  my art work there I were busy for planning of  art exhibition project .that was street art exhibition project . in that  movement  a junior theater artist was came near myself and asked  to me what are  you drawing today sir ji ? I said I am busy in planning of a street art exhibition  so I am drawing some layout of my art work display . he asked to me again a question how to you can draw easily ? I said  to him just like  your play how  to  you can act very easily ? he said I can do by practice . so I said same thing is in drawing because our art base is on  practice , then he asked  to me can I draw ? I said yes why not ? you can draw better  to me when  you will do hard practice . you can try on my sketchbook , I were gave him  my sketchbook and pencil  and he was started drawing on my sketchbook , I were shoot him by my camera  and noticed he was went in deep motion of drawing . after theater art his art sound wanted to him some more exercise with other medium’s for self expression ,  so he was pulled  in visual art side by magnetic power of visual art , he was enjoying to line and speed on white space . that was interesting live  magic of visual art . a theater artist was creating drawing like a painter . So I said visual art have magnetic power ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA 

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