Thursday, September 5

Art Vibration - 199


Today is teachers day . our word is busy in celebration of this special day of Teachers. Teachers definition is guide of  knowledge  . In Indian History we have guide of Knowledge  in form GURU.On Day  of Guru Purnima by Indian calendar  we celebrate to our INDIAN teachers day . but in contemporary time we are also celebrating  to Teachers day on date 5th September with our world Family .

But today time have putted some critical example about teacher or that’s definition in front side of our world family. This new and critical definition is creation of human mind but there in form of teacher  knowledge not want any human .it is fact of  today . we can say our knowledge have done lots of exercise on knowledge  collection  for betterment of future by self study Through strong information  collection.

As a critical and funny talk but a real fact full talk I were noticed today by a cartoon of cartoonist Abhishek  Jaipur  , he was created a cartoon with a traditional respectful words about teacher, that words in Hindi for Teacher or GURU .

गुरु गोविन्द दोउ खड़े काके लागु पांय , 
बलहारी गुरु आप ने  जो गोविन्द दियो मिलाय ! 

 but he was created a question about teacher respect by his cartoon creation , in his cartoon one is GURU and second is GOOGLE , by that cartoon he is asking to all who to I give respect  to guru or google ? .ha ha.. he was touched  to right definition of GURU or knowledge . so thanks to him about this right exercise of art.

Here that cartoon image  for  your visit .

This Cartoon creator is Cartoonist Abhishek .Jaipur . so thanks  to him  for this right think about teacher  definition ..
In art history I have read to many philosophers and that’s concept about art and art knowledge , I were noticed art is teaching itself  when a art student work hard with his/her  art exercise . in HINDI ..कला ही कला को सिखाती है !   they were said art is teaching to art .

Today in advance education,  our education  system is converting in electronic system. There many books and information of past and present is available for knowledge gainer . this advance technology is taking a right space of a teacher form or that’s definition in our contemporary  time. Today our social system is getting practical action for knowledge and this advance education system is giving it very easily  to knowledge gainer of our society . it is not a wrong and bad it’s a positive step of acceptance of new teacher and that’s definition . we know NASA is working on this definition today . there in system of NASA , human energy is working  for space design  or out of human boundary only advance knowledge and that’s created tool is working for our future of earth .

This same thing is working on art because art is teaching to art itself . on this blog post I have shared many posts near this topic . art and teacher.  But today I want to share a one more art story on this teachers day of our world.

I were in Gallery of  National Lalit Kala  Academy ,Ravindra Bhawan ,New Delhi. There I were exhibited  my art work in form of installation  art . that’s subject was struggle . I were converted in form of art work to gallery of  lalit Kala Academy . that was a new concept by me to our INDIAN art . I were said this Gallery is my canvas about presentation of struggle sound. Art Critic Prayag Shukla , Vinod Bhardwaj  and International Photographer Raghu rai were  noticed my art presentation  with  Secretary  of National Lalit Kala  Academy . ( i have shared this full story on this blog in past post so take a look for  your knowledge  )

In same time I were saw there  two other art exhibition . one was very critical work in my view . a artist was exhibited his painting on wood canvas  and he was wrote a good note about teacher . he was  wrote nature is my teacher , and in his art work  form he was selling to natural wood , he was wood cutter in my view .ha ha..

But in second exhibition  I were saw  a very small but meaning full art work of a sculpture artist . he was created a bicycle with a  news paper distributor . news paper also a teacher of our society . every day we know lots of social information by this text teacher . it is a daily book of daily information. We are knowing about world  in our home in every day morning without any journey .By news paper we can collect all world updates every day by 10 to 20 page of text and visual  information .   so I were shoot to that art work  in form of video .because in that art exhibition movement that art work was teaching to me lots  . because before that art exhibition I were done a short time press job in my real life but I were press photographer and in that art work a sculpture was representing  to my past work and that’s next step by news paper distributor . there that work was guiding  me like a teacher  and today I am remembering to that art education movement on our teachers day so I said art is a teacher..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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