Saturday, September 21

Art Vibration - 212


Painting of Feelings by me .
This word is living with life from start to end. In a one life A human can create unlimited feelings for others by his or her self  feeling . feeling less person is coming in category of stone .but its very critical we are doing prayer  in front side of a Stone  sculpture . we share our true feeling in house of GOD. Our world have many name of that God house . but there god is still in stone form .but that is god and that stone is listen to our deep emotional feeling , it is our vision feeling ? . It is true with critical sound.
In real life feeling is a base of life way . every day a  person live for completeness of his or her self feeling or that’s demand . in our earth life , some demand is basic for all life or that’s feeling . like hunger, thrust , love, sad, fear, angry , silent , violent . it is basic feeling in all type of  life on this earth.
When we are categories to life by different block , then there feeling angel will get some change . art, science , engineering , literature, theater  , agriculture , cooking, cleaning ,security and etc. we have done this kind of categories in our life system . there every one feeling and facing some different feeling  by  self activity or duty with limitations.

Painting of Feelings by me .

Feelings work is working on our vision ( some one saying to that heart ) but actually feeling is a part of our unconscious, subconscious or consciousness. All feelings are generate by this unconscious, subconscious or consciousness and all feeling is giving impression on this unconscious, subconscious or consciousness. It is virtual  work by feelings but its result is very impressive some time positive or some time negative . A educated person can understood to feeling motion and that’s  action and in presser of feeling he/she  can control to self .but a uneducated  person went in presser of feeling in that case he/she  leave  his/her  self control and he/she  can take any wrong step for future life. We have lots of big example in our world history . A attacker is  attacking on others but before that attack he/ she faced a attack of feelings on his /her  self  vision , then he/ she is attack on others. It is a negative impression of feeling but its fact and true  of life feeling s.

Painting of Feelings by me .

I were thought about  feeling in year 2006. That time I were learning and catching to right way of my art life . in that movement I were faced lots of feeling attack  on me and I were got this final logic of life or that’s feeling . I were converted that true study on feeling subject in form of painting by limited color on paper.  I were expressed to feelings and that’s impression by some symbolic drawing.

Painting of Feelings by me .
 I were expressed to hope of life and feeling of hope in that art work with some critical sound. Because I were observed to feeling subject as a researcher. so I were got many views of feeling subject with many definitions . I were created 30 something paintings on feeling subject .here in visuals  you will see and notice  my talk about feeling subject by that paintings visuals.  

There I were busy in feelings paintings in that time a artist cum press photographer Himanshu Vays , was came in studio of JKK. Jaipur. He was visited  my creation on feeling subject and noticed  to my study point. He was taken some visuals  of my art work for Hindustan times news paper  and next day a reporter of HT  Ms. Priyanka Kachhava was taken my interview about that feelings painting or that’s concept . after few days HT was published a article with a big image of my art work  in HT about feeling subject. That was first promotion to my feeling work by a feeling full artist or a team of feeling full news paper that’s name  is HINDUSTAN TIMES.

Painting of Feelings by me .

That same work was published from Turky by BANT ART MAGAZINE of city ISTANABUL. It was second promotion to my feeling full work by a feeling full art magazine publisher of other country of our world.

In 30 th visuals I were tried to expressed my all observation on feeling . I were connected to  social visuals or elements with feeling subject  for my paintings so that was giving a poetic sound  and feeling to viewers . I sure when  you will visit to feeling subject painting by  your deep heart and vision you will feel to poetry in painting of feelings.  So I said only feelings …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA 

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