Wednesday, October 2

Art Vibration - 222


Myself  Drawing Number 1111 

One Thousand one hundred eleven . this is a math ‘s text but it is connect   to my art journey . I have shared  with you  about my art journey by this blog posts  in past and today once again I am sharing some more art sound of my art journey for  you .
After master education of Fine Art . I were came on myself  study or that’s presentation by visuals in form of drawing and painting. This 1111 is proving to  you my art dedication or commitment for visual art .

In this dedication or commitment of art I have completed six years journey by visuals exercise . I were tried  every day for creation of art with full commitment . sometime time were supported to me or some time not but my soul power and respect of art was always giving me new energy for next creation . I can say it is great design for my art exercise by time . In my thinking space I am living  full time  busy for creative visuals. It is true .

 I have selected and  I were came on myself for self inner sound  express by painting or drawing . Myself subject  is a self study on myself,  step by step and that’s visuals is a transformation in form of visual art . I have tried to expressed to myself by some symbolic elements of our nature or daily life.
On art space I am doing exercise with limited   images of elements  and I am composing to that images on  free space by line or that’s drawing language  . my one drawing taking to me one to three hour’s,  in that art time I am living to my unconscious part , my real life and that’s past and present  impressions , I am expressing  in drawing a true journey of energy,  for true love or peace on this earth .  

I am creating visuals by simple medium , because I think my visuals is not a fun full art there is not only fantasy , my work is  dialogue to myself, to art space, to field of art and to world art family . this dialogue is ,  on peace And love .

When I were started self study as a painter on art space that time I were very puzzled . my starting drawing was very complicated and puzzled , that was a true example of my puzzle time and mind condition . In starting time of Myself Drawing , I were used blue and black color but after some time , I got some more open view about art and drawing so I were came on pencil with black  ink pen or paper.
I were leaved to brush and  color concept because I were knew itself about drawing , I thought its  my language I am not drawing I am writing to myself  on white space . just like a writer. A Writer is write his vision by text through a simple pen . that pen ink have a single color but when we read to writer view and stories then we can imagine lots of color and visuals by that single color text of a writer . that same feeling and think I were observed on my drawing expressions . so I were came on pen and pencil for visuals language writing with art journey or that’s story of myself .

Drawing  1 to 1111 , I have completed a long journey without any time brake . I were got some level of knowledge about art and that’s presentation by this long art journey . Today its continue by time support . I can’t forget to challenges of time  in this art journey but I were faced that with full patience . that  patience was a gift to me by art and by my art  time . I am thankful for My art Institute or that’s art  Teachers they have designed  this kind of art patience in me for a true art journey .

When  you will visit  my all drawings of myself concept or study  you will feel to lots of up and down condition of my heart and vision .you will feel how to I design it and where to its coming out by my vision step by step . I have not any data in my memory about myself drawings visuals  . In simple think my visual is a composition of art space by some limited drawings images . it can a academic definition about  my art exercise . but in my view it is a journey of myself for visual art, it is a poetry of my life, it is a story of love and peace , it is a lesson of  live art patience ,it is a dialogue to world art family .

I am happy this art exercise and that’s dialogue is working in vision of our world art family . I have very strong example about it ,  on online I have shared my all drawing visuals of Myself Concept .In our world Art family Mostly all seniors art critics and artists  were visited and observed to my inner expressions or that’s impressions . this kind of art sound or promotion is giving me more art energy for future work with more dedication . In past I were got it then I could created 1111 drawing here I said about  my visual language writing  work  by drawing number  in math’s text 1111..

Yogendra kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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