Saturday, October 19

Art Vibration - 240


Sculptor  Vipul Kumar - Photo by -yogendra  kumar purohit
Art is a form of inner presser , feelings or demand of self  satisfaction . art is coming front side of us  in a form of art and that form is coming by art  medium . A artist select his own medium for self expressions . someone  are using to body, someone  are using to hard medium of this earth . when that medium was convert  in form of art then we are saying to that’s in  different names like painting, dance , theater art, music , craft, and sculpture or ECT.

Actually a creative person live always  in motion of creation by his/her self . self expression need all time some tool in form of medium . I can say to it medium is a base of art.  without medium art definition is not possible . medium is a first step of art work creation. So in my view I am looking always medium is calling to artist .

Here in my studio a white space always calling to me for creation  but here I want to share a very different  type call of art medium for a strong artist . I were learned something by his vision step for art about  my art life. So its very must I share  with  you that learning point of my art journey .
I know  to a sculptor Art Master Vipul Kumar . He is busy in art work as a freelancer just like me . His art medium is stone . he is thinking in three dimensional form  for art work . Stone piece is live in three dimension . so that is helping to sculptor  in creation of a sculpture .there medium support to artist for save energy in stone carving work .

 Artist Vipul Kumar is working in abstract form with natural logic of system of life and art.  I were knew it,  when I were talked  to him many time on art matter . I am remembering  a day of our talk, we were sited  at coffee house of JKK. JAIPUR . he was in tens , I were asked to him about his tens matter then he told me medium is creating some challenge for me . he said my studio in Jaipur and Art medium Marbal Stone is Coming  from Makrana city of Rajasthan . in this condition my pocket is not permit to me for lots of work because it is costly for me .then I were asked to him what  you think about  it ? how to  you will come out to this tens matter ? he said I think I  shift my studio  in city Makrana there to I can select good art medium in right cost for art work . that was a real tuf decision of him . he said , it is a last way for  my sculpture art. That was his struggle  time because art collector was not collecting  his work  in right cost so he was in puzzle condition. But in other way I were observed his art medium was calling to him for more freedom of art.

He was getting change in his thought for art  medium collection . that was a right thinking of  him but for art field that was very critical . but that was  in that time . ha .
Finally Art Master Sculptor Vipul Kumar was shifted his art studio In Makrana City . he was started again some big art work for art expression in contemporary  INDIAN art  time. There he was got lots of support from Marbal  Mines worker . I can say he was felt same feeling of Great Art Master Sculptor Michelangilo . Michalangilo was work and selected marble for his art work by self selection in marble mines  with worker of marble mines , I have read it in western art history . so art master Vipul Kumar was on a right track for more strong art work .after taken a big decision for shift to his art studio .

 I saw how to medium is calling to a artist for more strong art work , and I learned  to his art action for next art journey . he was changed his art concept for right art medium.  he was proved no compromise  in art. When we take a self commitment for creation of art , by art medium in that commitment,  art medium is saying to artist a one word for creation of art -  that is WELCOME ..

So here I said a art medium is calling to artist ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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