Thursday, October 24

Art Vibration - 245


Task of Big Boss live TV show - Photo by Google IMAGE 
Friend in this days I am reading some news about a live  TV show  with some video links .  here In India they are saying to that big boss , I have read  about some more live  tv show is running in our world on TV with Different names .

In Indian on  live TV show  some  people are living  in a home with rule of that home maker or tv show maker . there  no any connectivity to outside  people , there no any communication tool for  use  , just a home and some people are living there with daily work or with some new task of  that home maker .

Task of Big Boss live TV show - Photo by Google IMAGE 
I have read and watched  some video of that live tv show many time in past year ,   in alone condition in my studio and I were laughed very much because they all people were lived and living busy for win to that live tv show by complete to all tasks of that home maker  .

After 2007 to till 2013 I am busy in my studio room ,  I am alone here no any task after art and that’s communication with world , some guest and junior artist coming time to time but that is not for always so I live alone all time in my studio with one task that is my visual art , I have shared  my time with one task and in this one task I have lots of work with creativity And in this years I have noticed many live tv show is  by pass to me but I am still  in my same art studio with  one task that is art . here rule is something different to that live TV show but condition is same to same I think my condition is critical because I am alone in my art studio with one task and there in a one  home they live lots of with lots of task .

Its My art task from 

In  live tv show,  player or people are live busy for win to game and in past  they had won prize money or Etc. but here no wining way, no any prize chance or no any money maker system here just a one task for  me about  art creation as a artist . because it is myself commitment for art . my task is also live show of a live art exercise of mine  and  today world art family can visit it and they can share his or her view on my art task  work , they are doing it and then I am feeling some right feeling for my art task.

Communication art task with Dr. Amitabh Bachchan 
Here in my studio every day I am giving to myself art task with exercise,  in this exercise drawing, writing, photography poetry  and some critical note  in hindi is include in task work  . here in my studio my task is get start at 9 am and it get off till 1 am  .

In task of art first I am create  art work and writing notes and then I am sharing with world art family by online communication path its from our Government communication system BSNL INDIA.  You can imagine when my communication get off in that condition my task of art is making double presser on my mind , in that complicated condition I am tying to get  some cool condition of my mind  and I convert my puzzle condition in extra art work creation. here for me this  art task was started in year 2007 and I have no idea when it will complete or not in this art life . because it is a live task for my art journey .

In live  Tv show , there task have very limited  time but in that task I observed no any creativity but here in my art task nothing after creativity so its making me more strong after daily art work and I am getting strong condition in myself  day by day by this creative art task .

Art Design Task for TATA nano  Car. 
I am facing some trouble in this art task when I join to it . some time power cut problem , some time communication network  problem, some time art medium problem some time PC error problem , some time social functions disturb to   me some time family work is making time gape  in my art task , but I know its real task of this art journey so I am facing it with full patience , in this  task work I have lost  of practical life because my art life have designed it for me  with this true art task so I am following  it in my studio room in alone condition ..

so i said  for me, art is a task ..

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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