Sunday, May 4

Art Vibration - 303

Art Work For Visual Art Without Visual

Month April is examination  time  in  our state Rajasthan . in this month students live on silent mode for study with full of consciousness .because April Month is time for final exam of present class or that’s result for them .
Kind  your information  I am not a faculty in any art institute of Govt.of INDIA or in any PVT. But  last many years to many students are coming  at my art studio  in this April month about Study of Theory . I am not taking any kind of fee from my junior artists .I am giving  my time  to them for help .because I know to condition of heart and mind of art students. mostly in exam time  of them . 

Gournika painting of Great Art master Picasso , Image from Google Image .
Artist is   belong to a practical society and theory is a section of  literature or writing .  something opposite in student life of a visual artist . ( I were also created a painting  on this matter  when I were  in master of art education . in that painting I were painted two part , one side a head of artist and that was closing by jip or  in head of artist  I were wrote all name’s  of theory subjects or artists . in second part of painting  I were painted red color and then I were dropped blue , white and black color , that color flow was  real art for me  on that painting , that was a live demo of  my art vision by painting in my master  education . today that art work in  collection of a privet art gallery of Jaipur that’s name  is Juneja Art Gallery .) I were wrote it for clear to my live condition of student life and mostly all visual art students are facing this live or critical condition in his or her study time . .ha 

Here I am sharing it because last month , in April , one junior Artist and student of B.F.A  was called me  and asked  to me , Sir can  you help me in theory study ? I said yes  you can come at my studio I will wait of  yours . next day Junior Artist Radhakrishan Sharma was came at my studio . he was came first time at  my studio . I saw he was totally wet to body water because he came at studio after complete to ten KM road journey by bicycle . That day weather was so hot near 40 Degree C. in studio I were sitting under the fan air. I said take some air drink  water get cool and then we will start to theory study for  you . after some time he was opened his bag and put out to old  papers of examination  , some notes  and book of theory  with note book or pen . I were asked to him what is this . he was explained to me its notes or  old examination papers . then I said forget to  all notes and old paper just focus on only theory book . because all chapter in this book and this book is in  your course  so old paper and notes also created by this book . you notice it , this book is a key of your theory exam so pick it in  your hand and start to open all lock of  your vision and exam . I said  your examination paper or that’s questions will lock for  you and  your book will work there like a master key because a master is helping to  you ..ha ha..he was smiled  , that time I were unlocked his vision lock about theory or that’s study . 

In red T shirt Junior  Radhakrishan  Sharma  with junior  Jeetendra Kushwha
I were taken western history of Modern art book in  my hands  and I were started reading like a normal lesion reader for him , I want to guide  to him this book is a real story book so you read it  like a story book then  you can enjoy to it as a visual artist because in this book all story on focused  on artist and artist  life.
Junior Radhakrishan  was surprised by my teaching process there was not notes no most or no any old paper, theory  study by book  or that’s direct reading , what is this ?  for him I were read to first chapter like a story and in mid I were explained to that live art environment of history  or that’s artist condition , first day I were cleared for him three chapter of western history of Modern art . that chapter was  new classism , Rocoko style and Romanticism . as a visual artist I were talked to him and I said  you think  you are artist and moving in that  time of history and imagine what was there and how to artist was worked there . in first day I were pulled  his  vision level on  my level of thinking and imagination . After three chapter study by book he was came in confidence and I saw his light and smiling  face. He  was got the way of theory study .first day I were taken his 5 hours class . 

Second day he was came with his class mate Jeetendra  kushwha . so next day I were repeated  same three chapter for pull to junior Jeetendra.  in three hour he came on same level of Junior Radhakrishan and then i were went  on  next chapter realism . that was second sitting about theory study for juniors but they were came out to tens of exam . third day again I were started for him  impressionism and I were explained to both of them about history of art ism that was working for realistic and then they were got changed in working style and in concept of art because they were getting education by time or present condition of there.  On forth  day they both were came in studio that day I were started talk on artist  SORO, SEZAN , Van Goug and Poul Goung. 

In book of western history of modern art writer Ravi Sakhalkar ( Hindi Writer ) wrote about van goug his art and life on same track so there is no difference . on van goug  chapter junior artist Radhakrishan and Jeetendra was felt confusions.  so I were taken  more up level for clear to that chapter for them . I were searched a documentary film on life of van goug  on online  by luck on youtube I were founded a link and then I were  played that  on pc monitor for both of them  , that was two hour documentation on life of great art master Van goug . they both were watched to that art life  by live visuals on life of van goug . in mid we were talked or  started discussion  and tally to book of writer Ravi sakhalkar. Because that documentary was in franch language. So visuals were helped to them . over all that day I were cleared to impressionism for my juniors .   by advance tool of art study  by visuals art . that was video art tool . 

Here I want to share that documentary link of van goug  life for  your visit. Because  I were used this advance tool for theory education about  art study of  my junior ,  it is must for better study of artist life for  visual art students . so it is for  your visit at here . 

Next day I were started cubism , Picasso and Dadaism , opp art pop art . over all  in five days I were completed a theory book with full discussion for  my juniors and they were completed a good exam of western history of modern art  without notes , most or old question papers. 

On examination day junior Radhakrishan was called me and said thanks , he was informed  to me  sir I  have wrote 20 something page  in examination note book and cleared all five questions. I will get 70 % something  marks  in western history of modern art . I said you got it  your theory command by book.- Best of luck .
Next day he was came again in studio with other  book of theory  that was aesthetic book . ( that book writer is  my Dissertation Guide of master of Fine Art  Dr. Mamta Chaturvedy  ) by  that book I were cleared  three chapter, that was Sir Ravindra nath Thakur, Anand Kumar Swami , and Sigmand frayad . with Indian aesthetic concept SATYAM SHIVAM SUNDRAM . in that theory study  junior Radhakrishan was not looked  for notes and old examination papers . it was  my second success for open his vision and confidence lock . after aesthetic exam  he was totally unlocked  from his vision and confidence . 

 His last exam was Indian history of modern art . so Raja Ravi Vrama  to progressive artist group I were cleared  without book because I have visited  live works of all historical artists of INDIA  and I have met live to M.F. Hussain ( member of PAG group )  overall  in a seven to eight days I were transferred  my education process  in my junior about theory or literature  study  and he was accepted or  followed that , he did founded a new way for art study  without notes and most or old exam papers . kind  your information my junior Radhakrishan is studding  in B.J.S. Rampuriya collage Bikaner , there present faculty of fine art . Master Aniket Kachhawa and Sankar Roy was also came in my studio for theory  study ,when they were in B.F.A. education in collage B.J.S. Rampuriya collage  ha ha .ha 

So here I said  art work for visual art without visual.

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

1 comment:

  1. richard kushinskyMay 4, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    Yogendra well said. Like all things in life we learn from those who went before,whether we study the old masters or the modern ones the lesson is the same, truth prevails and it takes many forms in art, there is no one way to get there and each of us struggles to get there. Picasso,Van Gogh,Gaughin,Manet,Modigliani and the many other expressionists who at first did not receive acceptance but they persevered in their passion. all artist must never give up their love or their passion for the work.

