Tuesday, June 10

Art Vibration - 317

Chess In Life – II

My Stats on chess.com about  My chess Board Game .
Chess it is a creation of INDIAN Mind or it is a gift  to our world family from INDIA about exercise of Mind . chess is a very philosophical art exercise . I said about it in  past  post on this art vibration with title Chess In life. I were created a  art work in form of installation .thats title was chess in life. So I will not  write again  to  that art concept at here. But today I am with chess in  my art journey so I am sharing  some more about chess in life . because it is or it is true . 

We know chess is a game of vision or chess is a tool of make to vision . chess is giving a right guide  line to life by chess board . on chess board two player is working like a leader of war .they both face puzzle condition  on every step of chess  board chances or on moves . that chess board moves are  like movement of real life and our mind is facing to that by peace or vision  action for better result. 

Chess board is designing a fast thinking process , patience full control on vision action  , wait for last movement of any condition for turn back, over all chess is making mind with creative exercise or action. I am saying it because I am living it  in  my art journey. With me chess is a strong exercise for  my mind or a fine conceptual refreshment of  Mind. So I am sharing  some art time for my chess interest . because it is in me from My childhood age just like  my art. 

In  record I have played national or state level chess competitions as a chess player with good rank level. Chess need two player always for chess board   game. Kind  your information  I have chess board  in  my vision  but not in  my art studio . but I am sharing my short art time with chess. You can ask to me How to you can do it without chess board ? so I will tell to  you my good friends .

Yes I am playing chess on online there I am playing like a international chess player , but that chess site and  web master know to me very well ,  I am artist ( Master of Art ) , I have registered  myself on that chess web with title *yogendra-art * .

A interesting chess board i were finished with black knight .
In Year 2009 , I were joined  to Online chess web site www.chess.com , there I were registered to myself and they were gave me space  for exercise of mind by live chess on chess.com. 2009 to till 2014 I am continue connect to chess.com  and they are caring  my chess board record as a member of chess community. they are accepting to me as a international chess player  on chess.com .its region is , I am playing better to  better day by day  on that online chess board, there  I have won much more game and my  loss chess board  is very limited  . here for  your example  I want to share a image of  my chess states .it is a record of  my chess boards on chess.com . 

Chess.com online chess is a live refreshment for me or it is must for a creative person just like me . because it is braking to  my puzzle condition of  mind when I live very consciously to my art sound or that’s exercise , this  online chess board  is changing to  my mood after a high thinking full art work,  so  you can say chess is a  exercise cum fun for me  in  my art journey . 

So here I said again for this post  chess in life - II 

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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