Friday, January 16

Art Vibration - 354

Greeting from Hon’ble PM of INDIA

Greeting this word have a very strong vibration about true relation of our real life , it is indicating to relation of blood, friendship or culture in our world family . 

Greeting is indicating to sound of festival of our tradition or some special days of our culture of  history . Greeting is a platform of acceptance or expression to our feelings for other close person of our life. 

I can say it because I am master of Visual art , every day I am creating visuals through support of  my inner feeling or that’s expression. Greeting is showing direct feeling of inside of a human.  We know greeting is connecting direct heart to heart and vision to vision so this greeting culture is living in our human culture today .
Greeting have no limitation of relation or any age group . it is a free space or a platform for self feeling expression for others . so it is acceptable in our life system . greeting is creating communication, feeling respect and a culture in human vision for care to real emotion and tradition of our human culture . 

So as a art master I am giving  respect to this word greeting . I am creating  greeting from  my childhood age , that  time I were not academic art master in visual art but I were creating greeting for  my friends or school on special day of our nation or festival , you know I were created manual to digital greeting and I were shared and posted to many respectable persons of our nation or our world family . it is continue with my art nature ..

 In  my art journey  I am receiving greetings from my close friends, respectable persons of  my nation. 

Here I am sharing it because this week  I were received a greeting from our Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA  Sir  Narendra Modi . He was posted a mail with a greeting image  to me on  my yahoo mail . in that greeting he was used a image of colorful painting + digital photo editing  art .

Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir Narendra Modi and his PMO office team  was noticed  to  my mail address ( mail id of a art master of INDIA ) and posted  me greeting from Hon’ble Prime Minister  Sir Narendra Modi . it is a first greeting for me  in  my real art journey from Our Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA . so I am feeling happy and proud . because our Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA  is noticing  to me and  my art activity as a senior member of  a big family of nation INDIA  and he is touching to my heart and vision by a art greeting .

 So I am very thankful for him . 

 Here his posted greeting image for  your visit . you can say this post is a reply  by me with a big thanks to Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA  Sir Narendra Modi .

You know  Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA  know how to touch  emotions and feeling of nation people by his  one soft activity . that is his greeting post activity . here on this art vibration I have put out near 600 words about his greeting and soft feeling , it is a live example ,so what I say after it ? 

I can say a Army salute  to Hon’ble Prime Minister of INDIA Sir Narendra Modi .  for his greeting .. 

So here I said Greeting from Hon’ble PM of INDIA . 

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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