Saturday, October 3

Art Vibration - 400

Art Sound Always live in 
Artist Soul

Painting of Artist Anjana Goel
Year 1999, it was  my final year of B.F.A. Painting Education at Rajasthan School of Art , Jaipur , we are eight  student’s in painting section of final year . when  our final exam was fixed in same time  our one class mate was leaved to B.F.A painting education on final stage , because the family of that classmate was fixed her marriage  on same date of our final exam of B.F.A. Painting . 

Yes I am saying about  my classmate  in  my view she is artist so Artist Mrs. Anjana Goel ( Before Marriage She was Agrawal ) . she was very young classmate in our final year class . she was  lived very silent with unclear   fear , she was not talked  to us because she was not talking to anybody . her silent nature was stopped to  her creative journey in mid way of  B.F.A. Art Education .

Painting of Artist Anjana Goel
We know creative sound always live with artist soul . that’s  big example is in India – Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur , he was started painting  in his 62 years age , he was lived to his creative art sound  in his soul continue 62 year and after age of 62 years his art sound  was came out in form of painting . His Painting is exhibit today In National gallery of Modern art gallery of New Delhi  and his creative art journey is a chapter in art history education . 

 This kind of art sound  I am observing  in this days in  my classmate  Artist Anjana Goel . last month after 16 years she was searched me and found me on online . then she was asked to me some question about Painting. 

Painting of Artist Anjana Goel
She Asked to me - How to I start painting ? how to I use color ? what medium is better for painting ? what I draw in  painting ? who can teach to me painting  you guide me and some more question like dot dot dot about art. 

Painting of Artist Anjana Goel
When  she was asking to me question that time I were noticed a true art sound and real art interest in her own voice . I felt she need real art way for her life journey . so as a classmate I were gave some simple art tips to her . I said you will not join to any art teacher , because B.F.A. ( four year education  have gave training of a art teacher ) education have gave sense of art to  you as a teacher of art.
I said  you follow to your soul sound and transfer that naturally on paper or canvas by line or color  and talked to me about  your trouble of creation and about  your inner art sense . 

Today Artist Anjana is continue working and she was started painting and talk me on painting matter time to time  on online .she was shared  some art visuals of her recent creation for  my visit . After visit to her art work , I felt her inner art sound is starting  re-journey for painting . Her block art sound is coming out by support of her line and color  on canvas . so it is a big achievement of her for a new journey of life with art sound .  in this journey her soul will support to her and we eight classmate are  committed for her art support in this art journey .because I know Anajna is a very strong contemporary artist of our nation  INDIA . 

Artist Anjana Goel
In here recent painting’s images -  you will notice it ..just like me ..and  you accepted it very first ..

So I am looking to art work of Artist Anjana in same level of Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur …!

May be Anjana  will get more maturity when she move with time in this art journey and her art work will give more heart touching feeling for  her art viewers ..its  my view , because I know to her art nature as a classmate and after 16 years she is in same mood and motion for her art journey , she have forgot to 16 years time gape after start her recent painting . because art sound is live in her art soul ..

So here I said Art Sound always live in artist soul..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


  1. Superb paintings , very nice ����, its true a person can't foeget its art , its alwalys remains in his soul .

  2. Very nicely expressed... And a great journey ahead to our loving n innovative artist friends.

  3. Art is the reflection of soul ...... my best wishes to anjana ji for the soulful journey....
    Amit goel

