Tuesday, May 31

Art Vibration - 427

Junior is Work As A Senior

Artist C.P. Sharma
It is true because it is prove. I am noticing it when I observe to work of  my junior artist C.P. Sharma .He was  my junior when I were busy in my masters of  Painting at  Rajasthasn School of art Jaipur . we did talked  on art and we did shared our daily art life at Tea Shop ( CHAY KI THADI ) near our art collage . I saw in  my junior C.P. Sharma , He was always  lived silent with a cute smile , He was calling to me BHAIYA ( Big brother ) . I were  also lived with him as a big brother because it is in  my nature , I am caring to  my juniors and I support to them when they need  my help for their right job about their art and art journey . 

My juniors know to  my nature  so I am confident  in  myself and  they are collecting confidence to me . it is blessing of god  on me or for  my all juniors. 

Junior C.P. Sharma , Today  Artist C.P. Sharma is living in different mood of art . After art education from Rajasthan School of art . He did went to Mumbai for join to a Animation course . there in Digital art he was learned lots of and today he is a master in digital caricature art. His hard work , dedicated practice ,committed exercise was made his master in caricature , today he is enjoying to caricature art work .very well . 


After  my Master I were not met to him but on online network ( facebook)  was connected us again . so I can see his recent art update or art exercise from his wall updates . last three years to I am continue visiting  his caricature art . He is getting very much maturity and a special impression  in his caricature Art . Mostly he is creating caricature of big celebrity of INDIA . His facebook page updates are  saying or expressing it  in front side of myself  .

We know caricature art have two thing , one is critical or second for fun of viewers . critical caricature is useful for print media or press but  fun full caricature have  wide canvas of viewers for a caricature artist .
Artist C.P.Sharma is working for this wide canvas about natural art fun in vision of art viewers . so his art and art vision is very mature like a senior artist work . he know how to give refreshment to vision of art viewers from his caricature art. 

 We know in India very few caricature artist are creating caricature and someone are creating caricature through digital tool. Artist C.P. Sharma is using Digital format for his caricature art , his style, technic , motion and mood is very different that is come out by his caricature work . in some visuals of his creation  you will feel it and notice it on this post. I sure you enjoy his caricature style . because he is creating by his full maturity or his maturity is making very meaningful to his caricature art work . 

Artist C.P. Sharma is  in struggle mode , he is belonging to a very small town DATA RAMGHAR near Jaipur City . he is freelancer and now working at his Home town . but his work sound is giving  to me very bold and mature sound like a Artist of metro city of INDIA .  He is living in peace nature  but in his soul or vision he have very strong and bold sound about his caricature art , time to time he is showing that like a senior artist by his art updates or art exhibitions In Mid of  Society . 

So here I said a junior is work as a senior ..
Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


  1. Thanks a lot bro yogendra bhai. I appreciate you for this article.

    CP Sharma

  2. At first it seems a naive and captivating satire. Entering in to the graphics, the way to draw and tell, it turns out that she is alive, witty, intelligent. Artist C.P. Sharma is convinces! I congratulate the author. Enzo Marino

