Wednesday, February 6

Art Vibration - 505

My First India Heritage Walk …

Friend in this week I participated in a heritage walk . I got that heritage walk information  by online network . by registration any one could  participated in that Heritage walk . so I did registered to myself very first for join to INDIA HEIRATAGE WALK 2019 ,Bikaner .
That Heritage walk leader was master Gopal singh Chouhan ( my friend ) . but I did not informed to him about  my online registration of INDIA HERITAGE WALK  FESTIVAL 2019 . 

ON date 03-02-2019 , morning I surprised to My Friend Gopal Singh  Chouhan .we met at Chhipon Ki Maszid of Bikaner . he was our leader and we some limited but registered participants were presented in our INDIA HERITAGE WALK  2019 . Our Heritage walk subject was TIE and DYE . Title was Bikaner Bandhej Trail- A journey Exploring Tie & Dye : walk . 

We 25 to 26 participants were started our Heritage walk with our leader Master Gopal Singh Chouhan . Tie & Dye art master  Nathu Lal ji explaining to us about Bandhej art and craft on workshops of tie & Dye . we noticed how to tie and dye work come in process by manual or advance technology . we knew full process of dye in two format  one was printing process ( it has come in textile business for save to time and energy ) second was traditional block printing on textile . 

Printing process is work by support of technology so that is easy for labors. But block printing is tuff , because that is taking very much time or consciousness of labors . we felt it practically in their workshop place . 
In our welcome  The Director of INIFD GURUKUL Institute  Bikaner Ms.Reshu Mathur gifted Dupata’s to all participants of INDIA HERITAGE WALK 2019 Bikaner. So it was a another surprise for all of us . now  I am very thankful for Director of INIFD  GURUKUL  institute  Bikaner Mr. Reshu Mathur . 
I am thankful for  Sir Nathu Lal Ji , he guided to us very well about work of Tie & Dye . I am thankful for master Gopal singh  Chouhan he was lived full time   with us as a real care taker  in that Heritage walk in our city Bikaner or a special  thanks to Director of INDIA HERITAGE WALK FESTIVAL Team . 

But in that walk I felt pain of heart  when   Sir Nathu Lal ji told to us about critical condition of traditional format of work Tie And Dye . he said we are leaving to our traditional method of tie and dye.  because the market need cheap cost work  or our traditional tie and dye work is some expensive or not in contemporary fashion of textile . in that movement I thought the real identity of our Bikaner in textile business by  traditional tie and dye work  . the art and craft man are know that traditional tie and dye work  format . but they can’t use that because there are working as a labor for textile business community of Bikaner. That textile  business community need only profit  , they are not thinking for art and craft or real identity of Bikaner textile . 


May be this kind of heritage walk will  educate to textile business community of our Bikaner or we will participate again and again for educate to them about real identity of  traditional  tie and dye work of Bikaner textile .

Here some visuals for your visit , we shoot it in mid of our INDIA HERITAGE WALK 2019 BIKANER ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA 

This is reply to this post by INDIA HERITAGE WALK Festival Team . so thanks to them .


  1. Passeggiata molto interessante ed istruttiva. Credo che sia stata una grande emozione visitare gli ambienti dove si colora la stoffa e prendere parte anche alla stampa. Una grafica particolare e Colori suggestivi che solo nel Rajasthan si possono trovare. Dici al tuo amico prfessore che ha avuto una brillante idea e che quando ritorno in Bikaner lo voglio conoscere per fare la stessa passeggiata. Felicità a tutti voi

  2. Hi Yogendra,

    This is great. Thank you for joining us for the walk, we are glad that you enjoyed it!
    We hope that you join us for our future walks as well.

