Saturday, March 23

Art Vibration - 513

Now  you know to Master
Vijay Kumar  Naik and his VTBT..

Visual art have many form’s in this contemporary time . I am saying visual language to this  Visual art . its communicate to viewers with eyes contact . by eyes contact it is connect to vision of viewers . in history this visual art was very strong tool of  communication when education was on zero ground .  for example we can see to Religions of INDIA mostly in BOUDH DHARMA or JAIN DHARMA . they used to this visual art form as a language of their Religion . 
That’s evidences are live caves of AJANTA , ELORA, ELEPHANTA . Many Jain Temples and much more literature books of paintings . Boudh Dharma  was used to all kind of art forms in presentation of their DHARMA concept in mid of mass. Mostly they used to visual art forms like painting, sculpture . theater art . so their DHARMA could got a right form in our world that’s result we can see lively in JAPAN, China after our INDIA . 



 We know theater  art is a complete form of mixed art , theater can produce to sound, dialogue ,music, character, by live performance like a real seen of a real condition . so this art form is very useful for better communication with viewers . theater art can better dialogue to society , there art is a itself a institution for artist and art viewers . its live example is our BOUDH AND JAIN DHARMA’S  too .
In contemporary  time this art is supporting to a very conceptual theater artist  Master Vijay Kumar  Naik GOA . He is using to this art form  for better communication with masses . he has changed  to form of traditional theater art form or in this contemporary time. he has designed a very simple and impressive form for his theater art and art communication . he is calling to that BOX theater . 

 Last four years to continue I am watching his very meaningful play through his box theater  in my city Bikaner. He is presenting  his box theater  in our Bikaner theater  Festival  or I am joining  to our Bikaner theater festival as a viewer or as a art master . I am noticing  Master  Vijay Kumar Naik is very free to his mind about his theater art or that’s presentation . I am looking  in his vision , the vision of Sir RAVINDRA NATH THAKUR . Sir  RAVINDRA  NATH  THAKUR  was giving importance to communication by art language , he was not bounded to much more art mediums for his art presentation  in his vision . I also learn it from Sir RAVINDRA NATH THAKUR and I am Appling  it in my art journey . so Theater Master Vijay Kumar  Naik is impress to me by his theater art form that is box theater . in visuals  you will see to right form of BOX theater . this all visuals,  master Vijay Kumar  Naik  has provided to me about this post so thanks to him from my deep heart. 

Kind  your information Theater Art master  Vijay Kumar Naik is a play script writer, director and  actor too . so he know real  requirement of a writer, director or a actor too . I can say he is a good theater art manager . he know how to manage to performance conditions and how to manage to live communication  with viewers by his box theater work . 
In a one line I can say to him a king of BOX Theater . I am looking to him as a NAT SAMRAAT , I have no rights for give to  this reward to him ,  but in  my vision I am thinking to him as a NAT SAMRAAT of BOX theater of INDIA .  
He has started VTBT ..
Its full form is Vijay Kumar’s Traveling Box Theater ..( very contemporary concept of Theater Art . ) 
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
 Bikaner , INDIA  

A Special  Comment on this post by  VTBT - Sir Vijay Kumar Naik  GOA . this Comment came on my  Facebook page

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