Tuesday, July 7

Art Vibration - 546

I am Fighting to Covid-19 with 
My Alexandera  Art Maestro  
 Enzo Marino Italy …

Friend you know time is proving the art and culture can live in any condition or by art and culture we human family can live in any condition of our world or universe.

Today our world is facing to covid -19 , it is very surprising for all of us , because this covid -19 enter in human by touch . its making chain human to human . or we human are trying to brake to this chain of covid -19 .so we are living in home or in home we are living with art and culture forms. 

Today many senior or junior art masters are busy in fight to covid-19 . they are creating art work, they are sharing messages in form of art and creativity . they are giving coolness to minds of peoples , at their home through the art . it is very must for each one artist , so they all are busy in this live  fight to covid-19 .

I am also busy in this fight as a visual art master . I am continue working from day one to till today ( day one of lockdown of  my city date 22 march 2020 ). many artists around the world were demanded to me  my art work on condition of covid-19 or many more are want it today.  I will share with them . because it is  my right duty in this critical time . I want my world family live on earth they not feel fear or they stay home for safety . so I am doing work for them . 

Last month I received a invitation for art work submission , it was from Italy , A art group Free International  Artists group was  called to me for submit my work . The free  international Artists group or that’s director Maestro Enzo Marino a very senior most artist of Italy ( My real Alexandera ) organized a online art Exhibition . 
My Real Alexandera  Art Maestro Enzo Marino Italy 2020 ..

Certificate from Free International artists group , covid art 2020
My Alexandera  Enzo Marino did  fight to covid 19 in Italy very first . he got angry on this covid -19  and started work against Covid -19 , he cared to himself and tried to care to our world family  by art messages . he is doing fight for care to life so maestro Enzo Merino is real Alexandera for me in my view . he is caring to life not killing to peoples  , he want to kill to covid -19 or I am with him too. Because this covid-19 is killing to our human family members day by day . so a real fight is must or we are stand against this covid -19. This fight not need any gun or machine gun , its require gentleness of our human family. we artists are trying to make gentle to our people’s by our art works or that’s messages . 
We know Italy lost very much or  America and other countries are also busy to stop to this unwanted killer virus . so we all artists of free international artists group are busy in this live fight to covid -19 . we want to stop it by human family , it can possible when we human family will brake the chain of this killer virus . 

 I also fighting to this covid-19  or I stand with my Alexandera  Enzo Marino Italy .

So here I said about it , I am fighting to covid -19 with my Alexandera Enzo Marino  Italy …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


  1. During my life I have repeatedly dreamed of isolating myself from the world in a glass room and observing and meditating everything that happens outside.
    Something similar happened to me several times but never with full solitude and with the full awareness of being a special observer. I touched this magic in a room on the sixteenth floor of the Stadt Berlin Hotel in Germany where I had the opportunity to meditate on the anachronistic remnants of war and the disturbing flights of carbon black crows but also on top of the temple of the Atlases in Tula in Mexico and on top of the temple of the Birds in Bikaner. The world was at my feet and it stood out. But they were just feelings. The Corona Virus in recent months has forced me to stay long hours in the study. The lack of extra studio activities, exhibition exhibitions, cultural events, raids on the world, I have started to rant. What I experienced were no longer simple perceptions but total psycho-physical involvement and of myself. I saw myself in a glass room building images of a fantasy world and settling disconnected sentences. I became aware of all this and thinking that the other artists were also living my own experience, I came up with the idea of ​​creating a vent, a virtual gallery where you can exhibit, discuss and organize events, thus was born the FREE ART GALLERY a place to fight Covid 19 with culture, with art.
    At the same time, I and Free International Artists tend towards much broader objectives that go beyond the pandemic and individual exhibitions. We tend to a cultural revolution. We try to build a place of brotherhood where only art matters. In fact, we have created a gallery where all the arts operate, where all the countries of all the continents compare, where the visual arts, music, dance, gastronomy, etc. are confronted live FB My goal is to create a new art system managed by the artists themselves. It is an intellectual revolution. Enzo Marino

  2. This article by Yogendra on his blog honors and rejoices me because he comes from one of my artist friends from Bîkâner, a land of art, color and love. Meanwhile, it also gave me the opportunity to say my thoughts on Covid 19, on art and to thank the artists of Bikaner and India

  3. During my life I have repeatedly dreamed of isolating myself from the world in a glass room and of observing and meditating everything that happens outside.
    Something similar happened to me several times but never with full solitude and with the full awareness of being a special observer. I touched this magic in a room on the sixteenth floor of the Stadt Berlin Hotel in Germany, where I had the opportunity to meditate on the anachronistic remains of the war and the disturbing flights of the coal black crows, but also on top of the temple of the Atlas in Tula in Mexico and atop the bird temple in Bikaner. The world was at my feet and stood out. But they were just feelings. The Corona virus in recent months has forced me to stay long hours in the study. The lack of extra studio activities, exhibitions, cultural events, forays into the world, I started to go wild. What I have experienced are no longer simple perceptions but total psycho-physical involvement and of myself. I saw myself in a glass room while building images of a fantasy world and arranging disconnected sentences. I realized all this and thinking that the other artists lived my experience too, I came up with the idea of ​​creating an outlet, a virtual gallery where you can exhibit, discuss and organize events, so the LIBERO GALLERIA D 'was born ART a place to fight Covid 19 with culture, with art.
    At the same time, Free International Artists and I are tending towards much broader goals that go beyond the pandemic and individual exhibitions. We tend to a cultural revolution. We try to build a place of brotherhood where only art matters. In fact, we have created a gallery where all the arts operate, where all the countries of all the continents are compared, where the visual arts, music, dance, gastronomy, etc. are compared live. My goal is to create a new artistic system managed by the artists themselves. It is an intellectual revolution.
    This article by Yogendra on his blog honors and rejoices me because it comes from one of my artist friends from Bîkâner, a land of art, color and love. In the meantime, he also gave me the opportunity to say my opinions on Covid 19, about art and to thank the artists of Bikaner and India for their collaboration in building this new gallery and fighting COVID 19 with their art. Enzo Marino

