Friday, August 6

Art Vibration - 557


Art Critic Sir Suman Singh was gave Me a Task of Writing …

Art and art criticism are two different sector of our culture , But both are work for better design of our social culture .so art and art criticism is very important in our cultural society .

 As a Artist ( Master of Painting ) I respect of Art Critics , Because they are testing to artist vision , creativity and  aim of artist .  Art Critics are check to art knowledge of artist by their many task’s  like critical article ,comments, live discuss to artist.It is very must for review to contemporary art of our world .

 In my art journey I connected or I am connect to many art critics of our INDIA  late Sir Keshav Malik , Sir Prayag Shukla , Sir Vinodh Bhardwaj, Late Radheshyam Tiwari ,Ravindra Tripathi , Dr. Nand Kishor  Acharya , sir Premchad Gandhi ,  Sir Sarvesh Bhatt ,late Premchand Goswami ,Dr Rajesh Vyas , Sir Rajendra P Sharma and some more art critics  .

 I am sharing  my art work and art vision with critics  for collect their criticism about  my visual art . I am happy  some art critics are understanding  to  my art view and journey , 


Time to time  I am create communication with critics . You can say its  my art nature or it is very must for  my art journey .

  Some time art critics are give me task  about art reading , writing and sharing . I am accepting their task’s because that task”s are design in me more capacity of understanding to art . so their task’s are very useful for me or I am thankful for  my all art critics of our world art family .

 Here I want to share a short story of a art task’ one day Art Critic  Sir Suman Singh India was called me on date 14 Dec.2020 . He was demanded to me a short note on Artist  S. H. Raza  Saheb in 300 to 500 words . It was first task for me about  writing on a very senior artist of INDIA .

As a art Student I have read to art history of Painter S. H Raza  Saheb in college time . But Art Critic Sir Suman Singh told to me “ yogendra ,I will use your note for a big project that is focus on S. H. Raza . it was direct test cum  task for me .  I accepted his task because he was selected to me for it .

 In short time I wrote a short note on art life of S. H. Raza In my writing style (  my own nature cum criticism .) I wrote that in Hindi, Because  Art Critic Sir Suman Singh was wanted that  in Hindi .  


सैयद हैदर रज़ा ( आधुनिक भारतीय कला के चित्रकार ) से पहले पहल परिचय ललित कला में स्नातकोत्तर होते समय हुआ ! आधुनिक भारतीय चित्रकला विषय के चित्रकार थे सैयद हैदर रज़ा ये जाना  समझा ! पुस्तकों को पढ़ते हुए ज्ञात हुआ की भारतीय आधुनिक चित्रकला के विकास में प्रोग्रेसिव आर्ट ग्रुप और उस ग्रुप में चित्रकार सैयद हैदर रज़ा साहब का क्या योगदान था ! वो अध्ययन का समय था मेरा सं १९९४ से १९९९ तक  !
समय के साथ मेरा कला चिंतन ओर गहराई के साथ कला और उसके कलकर्मीयों पर होने लगा ! मैंने प्रत्येक चित्रकार को  बिना तर्क स्वीकारना बंद कर दिया है ! सैयद हैदर रज़ा साहब को मै कला तर्क के साथ खड़ा हुआ पाता हूँ ! रजा साहब ने अपने कला दर्शन में ज्यामितीय आकृतियों और सपाट रंगों का प्रयोग करते हुए अपनी कला यात्रा को जारी रखा !  साथ ही भारतीय सांस्कृतिक दर्शन और उसके तर्कों को अमूर्तन में मूर्त रूप प्रदान करते हुए एक विशेष कलात्मक ध्वनि उत्पन की है ! जो दर्शक को हमेशा प्रभावित और अचंभित  करती रही है ! 
एक दूसरे दृष्टि कोण में मै सैयद हैदर रज़ा साहब को  विदेशी कलाकार ग्रेट मास्टर्स चित्रकार मोंड्रियानं के समकक्ष पाता  हूँ ! क्यों कि      
मोंड्रियान भी ज्यामितीय आकृतियों और सपाट रंगों से चित्रण किया करते थे ! 

सैयद हैदर रज़ा साहब का चित्रण कर्म विशेष इस लिए भी है की वे कला तर्क के साथ भारतीय दर्शन ( जिसे मै  कोई सम्प्रदाय से नहीं जोड़ना चाहता ) को आत्मसात करते हुए अपनी कला यात्रा को जारी रखा ता उम्र ! उनका सृजन आज मार्गदर्शन कर   रहा है आने वाली  नई कला पिढी के लिए ! मै  चित्रकार  सैयद हैदर रज़ा साहब को  और उनकी सर्जनात्मक कला यात्रा को वंदन और नमन करता हूँ !

योगेंद्र कुमार पुरोहित 
मास्टर ऑफ़  फाइन आर्ट 
बीकानेर , इंडिया 

This is translation of that short note in English  by google translate for  you..

 Syed Haider Raza Sahab and his creative art journey!


 The first introduction to Syed Haider Raza (painter of modern Indian art) happened while doing his masters in fine arts. Syed Haider Raza, the painter of modern Indian painting, understood this to be known! Reading the books, it became known that what was the contribution of the Progressive Art Group and the painter Syed Haider Raza Saheb in that group in the development of Indian modern painting! That was my study time from 1994 to 1999!

 Over time, my art began to contemplate more deeply on art and its artists. I have stopped accepting every painter without reason! I find Syed Haider Raza sahib standing with art logic! Raza Saheb continued his art journey by using geometric shapes and flat colors in his art philosophy. At the same time, embodying Indian cultural philosophy and its arguments in abstraction, has generated a special artistic sound. Which has always impressed and amazed the viewer! In another point of view I find Syed Haider Raza Saheb on par with the foreign artist Great Masters painter Mondrian. Because Mondrian also used to paint with geometric shapes and flat colors.

 The illustration work of Syed Haider Raza Saheb is also special because he continued his art journey by assimilating Indian philosophy (which I do not want to associate with any sect) with art logic. His creation is guiding today for the new art generation to come! I bow and bow to the painter Syed Haider Raza Sahab and his creative art journey!

 When I submitted it to  Sir Suman Singh , he replied me with his thanks words . it mean I were completed his task and I were gained his trust itself after write that short note on painter S. H. Raza  Saheb .

 I am Painter , I were accepted task of writing on demand of a art critic .

So here I said about it Art Critic  Suman Singh was gave me a task of writing ..

 Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

\Bikaner, INDIA

1 comment:

  1. योगेंद्र जी, नमस्कार। मेरी राय में किसी भी समकालीन कलाकार के लिए आवश्यक है कि वह अपने पूर्ववर्ती और अन्य समकालीन कलाकारों के खूबियों और खामियों की विवेचना अवश्य करे। किसी अंधानुकरण से ज्यादा आवश्यक है कि हम उनके कला कर्म को समझ कर ही आत्मसात करें। धन्यवाद, शुभकामनाएं।

