Sunday, December 25

Art Vibration -594


A Sage/Devotee Of Words

Dr. Rakesh Goswami ( Prayagraj )..

Friend I belong to Hindu culture , It was started in India very early. In history we are calling to it Gupt kaal . You can say to it or call to it Hinduism period , Here I will not talk about religions but this religions is in base of our Hindu culture  so I talk about inspiration from Hinduism or Hindu Culture . It is inspiring to us in our real life . when we start to a historical work from our vision.

 In history of Hinduism I read to A sage/ Devotee JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj  , He got complete education of Hinduism in his 12 years age, He was completed his journey of four side of by walk and he founded four centers in four side of India , we are calling to that Math of Sankracharya ji.In this history of Hinduism or in a Indian  sage /devotee  ( young boy )  JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj ,  you can see the capacity of learn and express to mind in a 12 years old boy of India.

This one JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj is a complete inspiration for our Students of Hindu community . Today many boys and girls are getting inspiration from his real life story  . ( he was a real researchers of Hinduism or that’s concepts ) .

I am saying it at here because I am seeing the quality of  JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj in Doctor Rakesh Goswami Prayagraj  . His birth year is 1985 , birth city is Jounpur ( U. P. ) , in 37  years life he has completed PHD in art history . Indian Art history is very old,  it was started to cave’s culture period .

So it is pull to mind and vision  of a researcher in past for know to it with full details  and evidence .The Research of art History  is need  complete time and 100 % consciousness of a researchers , this job is like a job of A sage/ Devotee  . So I am looking to Doctor Rakesh Goswami in form of a Sage/Devotee  of words . or I compare to him to  JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj . ( I am feeling it so I am writing it about his work nature )

 In 37 years age this young guy Doctor Rakesh Goswami has been  visited to Ajanta caves , Bagh caves , singhiriya caves and some more historical art place as a researcher and he wrote that in form of books , his one book is in bind with 400 pages or in 400 pages he has been wrote to history of Indian painting . ( its hindi title is Bhartiya chitrkala ka itihas ) .

Professor Aniket Kachchawa , Professor Shankar Roy and Professor Dhirendra Singh Shekhawat  presenting to book Bhartiya Chitrkala Ka itihas in campus of fine art department of  B.J. S. Rampuriya Jain College  Bikaner 2022

Professor Aniket Kachchawa , Professor Shankar Roy and Professor Dhirendra Singh Shekhawat  presenting to book Bhartiya Chitrkala Ka itihas in campus of fine art department of  B.J. S. Rampuriya Jain College  Bikaner 2022


His book publisher is Goswami publication , city Prayagraj , India . Book printing is very neat and clean , typing mistake is on zero level and important point is in bold text like publication of Hindu Religions granth’s like Ramayan or Geeta . ( Geeta press Gorakhpur book Publication pattern printing ) .

His Research work in form of  books for art students , painters,sculprots and art researchers . Because he is working as a committed a sage / devotee . He has dedicated his life to our INDIAN art as a sage / devotee . it is not a easy job  for a young guy but Doctor Rakesh Goswami has  done this commitment to himself in his life.  It is great step of him just like JAGATGURU Sant Shankracharya ji Maharaj . ( work with self commitment )

So I salute to him and his committed art job. He is searching a very easy and proper art way for art students from his deep art research work or that’s publication in form of art books.   

Some books he has been wrote  and someone will come in near future for Indian artists or art students . or I sure they all artists and art students will get a right art information about our history of INDIAN art  in easy language or in right publication form ( book ) .

This week I received a book Bhartiya Chitrkala ka Itihas ( History of Indain Painting ) near 400 pages book.  it is start to pre-historical period to Bangal Art (bangal School of art ) .

I read to his book as a art student or I found his book printing is very fine , title cover is very artistic with cave painting of Ajanta .

Important points are in bold text for easy reading and writing of words like a flow of water , writing style like a story telling format , so I felt I am reading and hearing to stories of historical art period in sound of Doctor Rakesh Goswami . His words selection is like a words of  a sage / devotee .

After read to his book I shared his book with Art professor’s and art students of Art college of Bikaner , I went to B.J.S. Rampuriya jain College  Bikaner and there in front of  painting department Professor Aniket kachchawa , Professor Shankar Roy and Professor Dhirendra Singh Shekhawat or their students.  they all were noticed to book and that’s words and demanded that’s copies  for their college library . 

HOD Dr. Indersingh Rajpurohit  with Book Bhartiya chitrkala ka itihas and with his Dr. Satish Gupta ,Professor Surendra Pal Megh and Professor Narendra Sharma at Fine Department of M. Dungar College Bikaner ..2022

HOD Dr. Indersingh Rajpurohit is talking with his students about book of Dr. Rakesh  Goswami  at M. Dungar  College  Bikaner 2022

After that,  I met to professor’s of painting department of  Maharaja Dungar Mahavidhyalay Bikaner . There in fornt of Professor cum HOD Dr. Inder singh Rajpurohit Dr. Satish Gupta , professor Narendra Sharma or professor Surendra pal Megh  were presented to this book Bhartiy Chitrkala ka itihas in front of their students and they gave order to Doctor Rakesh Goswami for buy his books by phone call.

It was a live magic of words of A sage / devotee  Doctor Rakesh Goswami , in a first look many art students of Bikaner were demanding his book for study of history of Indian painting .  really it was great .


I wrote a short summery on  book of a Sage / Devotee of words Dr. Rakesh Goswami ( that was in Hindi  ) and shared with Sir Sundeep Sumhendra Sharma the Editor of Kalavritt  art magazine  Jaipur and that Online Art magazine KALAVRITT was published that yesterday as a critic note on  Book ( Bhartiy Chitrkala Ka itihas / History of Indian painting ) that same matter I published on my facebook page too.

So here I write About work of Doctor Rakesh Goswami  …A sage / Devotee of words  Dr. Rakesh Goswami ( Prayagraj ) 

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA


1 comment:

  1. This book "Bhartiya Chitrjala Ka Itihas" pragetikhaisk kal se bangal school tak; written by Dr. Rakesh Goswami, was a excellent book for art scholar's and art students. Thanks and best wishes for Dr. RAKESH GOSWAMI JI.

