Sunday, June 23

Art Vibration -669


Facebook, you have been made Right value of my Art work…

Friend art is a medium of social communication for create a right and fresh environment in our social life . In this  art  medium  one more helping tool is added . That’s name is social media . This social , new medium of social communication is very impactful  on our social life . It is saving  to time energy and money or it is making fast communication by digital format or in this digital format we can use to text and images for more better communication with our social world . 

This new medium has been changed to vision of our social life , so today each one person are connected to this new medium of social communication . It is giving freedom of self express in any how condition . It is giving sound to silent , Its giving vision to creative thinker and it is making confidence in a creative artist .

Its live example is I am . In year 2008 I was connected to this social media , after completed to my master of fine art in painting  from Rajasthan School of Art Jaipur . I was came back at my home town Bikaner or I were started a new art journey by this social network . for me it was very new but I felt comfort with it so I joined to it from my art studio with my P4 computer .  

First I were created my account on facebook , on facebook I noticed this social network page was providing  space for explorer to myself art journey , I could uploaded my  art work images or I could wrote my feelings in digital words for this new digital world of us. It was magical for me or I were feeling confident in myself because I were started communication with world art family , I were created a caption for my tag line .. “I AM DESIGNING  TO WORLD ART” ..


Year 2008 to till today I am continue  present  on this facebook social network , It is really a right canvas for a true artist. So I am thankful for facebook  designer Mr. Mark Zuckerberg . He was thought very advance for our world connections  and he was designed it in form of his facebook platform ( today facebook name convert in META title .) It is surprising with great think . 

Last 17 years to I am on facebook , it is historical sound from my art dedication or for my art commitment about social art communication on  facebook .

You know I am creating every day one or two drawing of my own concept . That’s title is Myself . ( it  is represent to my  inner journey of soul and thoughts for understand to self life or to time .) I can say it is  my real practice to catch to myself by way of creative path  . I can say it,  my daily art work practice is like a poetry , a flow of vision , creative practice by limited symbols drawing /painting on art space  by limited art medium ink pen , pencil & colors .

 Or after creation of my art work, I upload that on facebook page from my account page . on facebook many national or international art masters , art galleries and art collectors are noticing to my daily art practice or they are communicate with me , we are doing discuss on my work . Many compliment or offer I am receiving from good art critics and art buyers . So it is very much important for my art journey . or this kind of social art communication is giving me full energy for my art journey . Its example , I have passed 17 years with this one facebook social network . can you imagine ..?

On facebook above 4500 artist friends are connected to me or many international artist group and communities have been connected to me . so it is a reward feeling for me in my art journey ,or it can  possible because facebook is with me to last 17 years . 

 Last week I were received a one more special offer in my facebook inbox message . The member of digital creation company / online NFT Art Business community  Joy Howard was posted me a text message , in that message joy sent to me a big offer for  my recent art work. Joy was  wrote I want to collect to your one art work for my NFT art business , Joy was  gave me a offer of 4 earthen ( 4ETH ) in Indian rupees that’s cost is 12,50,000  /- Rupees . I was surprised after read to that  great offer for  my one art work . Joy  was informed to me about  my work cost. What was that  in international art market ( NFT Art Business / 4 ETH / 12,50,000/- Rupees IND ) . That  offer was made right value of my dedicated art work . or I noticed some good art lovers and art collectors are observing to my committed art journey on facebook or I am thinking this facebook is making right value of my art work in field of international art market ( NFT ART BUSINESS ) …

So here I write about it .. Facebook ,  you have been made a Right value of my art work …

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA


Monday, June 10

Art Vibration - 668


My idea  Safety first was implemented by Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  ji at Jalsa ,Mumbai…

Friends you know when I was joined to online communication in year 2008 , in that year I also joined to blog of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji , I thought I will learn English from him , by daily online communication . It was possible by blessings of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji . so last 17 years to I am continue  communicating with Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji through his blog , without any gape and brake  . It was a true commitment of us for daily communication or our time design is supporting  to this true commitment of us , we both are writing on a blog in relation of E Guru And E Student . Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji is  my E GURU ji and I am his E Student .

By this daily communication time has been designed a strong relation between us . I am learning to him and as a E Guru ( Teacher of Visuals art ) he is guiding  to me time to time through his daily posts  of his own blog . I am calling to his blog canvas of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji . 

On post day of 5832 date 5 Feb . 2024 Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was posted a video clip of Gate Jalsa ( the House name of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji in Mumbai ) . I noticed in that clip Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was facing some trouble in ladder for get some right height for live meet to all well wishers of gate Jalsa on Sunday evening .

So in reply I were posted a idea of pedestal design for safety first of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji. I draw a drawing of new pedestal design with some easy way .

Or on post day 5936 date 19 may 2024 , I noticed Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was stand on same pedestal  but that pedestal design was changed , I noticed some safety pipes were added with that pedestal for fully safe or easy climbing on ladder . 


Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was noticed to my safety first idea or his team was worked on my idea for safety or comfort of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji when he meet to well wishers on gate of Jalsa Mumbai .

A great super star of Indian Cinema , Dada sahib phalke awarded cine art master & three time padam reward winner of INDIA a big person of my nation was gave to importance  to my idea  “safety first” in his life  , he was  implemented  to my idea at Jalsa Mumbai . It mean he is taking me very serious  in his real life and in daily  online communication too. He is reading to me and my word/feelings/advice /idea and my art journey . I am in his list of very close person . Our real  relation is online GURU SHISHYA  Relation . But he is giving value to my Idea , or his this kind of true action / nature  are  giving to me a  great feeling. So lots of regards for Him from my Deep heart . how to I describe this true relation or bounding of us in words ?  I have no idea . but I have lots of respectful emotions in my heart for him . Because it is true of today in my art journey ,

On Facebook ,Today our EF Family of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was posted a video clip on page facebook Amitji EF  , in that video I watched Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji was climbing on that same ladder for meet to well wishers but that ladder was more safe for him or in that safe motion  my idea was working for safety first of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji . I also notice Dr. Amitabh bachchan ji was climbing on ladder very easily by support of pipes of that ladder . In visuals  you can see to real story of safety first idea of myself for Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ji at Gate Jalsa Mumbai . 


So here I write about it … My idea  Safety first was implemented by Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  ji at

Jalsa ,Mumbai…


Yogendra kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art
