Friday, August 9

Art Vibration - 677

One Art To Seven Character’S , It Is possible Only in Art…

Friends we know art is giving a right or a real form to our concepts /thoughts/ideas and creativity . or in this art ( I am saying about visual art ) by  one  art format  an artist can create lots of art forms and characters . you can say it is magic of art or it is comfort zone of artist . 

In this visuals art magic I think sculpture art is very impactful for create to lots of form and characters by a one medium . for example we can see normally a clay pot maker is make lots of items from his hand in different forms. Each one metal casting work of sculpture is get first form in clay before sculpture casting work in metal  . so I am saying it about sculpture art .Am I right ? 

Kind  your information  seven year ago I were buy two carpets for home that carpets was rolled on card board roll . so I were stored to that two very hard card board roll’s in my studio for use in art . But I was not cleared for a right art form about that cardboard roll . so I stored that in my studio in  that time . 

 This month I got some ideas for use to stored items of my studio in art form , so I selected to that two stored card board roll , I were cut that in size 2.5 or 3 feet’s . then I visualize in that cardboard roll’s , form of human figures with different character. For me it was new exercise .  

So I were started art practice on that card board roll , first I were selected to that card board roll then I selected pasting gum and send dust , I also created some small candy size cemented form for use in pasting work on that new art forms or for different look of each one sculpture, I also used to card board paper and some threads . ( this is a basic medium of Sculpture art ) .

First I were gave a right form of human body with very simple form to that all cardboard roll’s  , and then I were pasted send dust on each one card board roll’s , then I were pasted candy size cemented items on that roll’s ( but not on all ) .  After that I were created neck and face of human form by card board and paper and pasted that on all roll ‘s . by this exercise I got a simple human figure form on  that stored card board roll . After that I started painting work on that human forms sculptures. I painted different color for different look or character . it was must or important part of this new art exercise . 

For different  identity of human sculpture’s, I created seven different types of hat/cap/turban / etc. In visuals  you will notice it . I also painted that in different colors , for give a feeling of life in that seven characters, I created very small size eyes in plaster and pasted that on face of that seven sculpture’s . this exercise was taken very long time because it was came in art form step by step . but the surprising movement of this art exercise  I was stored two card board roll’s for this art practice before seven year or today that card board roll’s is convert in seven characters through the art exercise .

So here I write about it .. One Art To Seven Character, It Is possible Only in Art…


Yogendera kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA




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