Saturday, April 6

Art Vibration - 81



Some  Art work Visuals of Great Art  Mestro  The Leonardo da vinci .

 I am very creative to  my childhood age . I have fully interest in sound of art and in creativity . Many art critics were gave me words about  my art nature  “optimistic “ “ Surprising mood of energy “  “Small  captain Jeck sperrow “ “ Mr. Wangdu “  “Dedicated mestro “  “ passionate art worker “ and much more words they were  gave me for  my art exercise . I don’t know I am fit with that words or not  but I know I am fit with  my inner art sound and that’s expressions  work  step by step. this blog post writing work is also part to that fix art condition of  my true art journey.

Mestro is a word of  Franch language . there they are use  it  for art Master , in  my study of art history , I have read many maestro of western art but I saw in that mestro list , mestro The  Leonardo da  Vinci is very up to all western mestro and his art nature is very close to myself  art nature. In this days  Here on online I have visited  some documentary film of his work and Dr. Amitabh Bachchan ( Cine  Actor of INDIA) has  worked recently  for mestro Leonardo da vinci art life in a film of Hollywood . That’s Name Is “Great Gatsby “I am saying it because my senior visual artist of INDIA is working for Mestro Leonardo da vinci  works  or his true Art  life. it mean The Mestro Leonardo  da Vinci was a real mestro of our world . all are  impress to his art energy and in  myself  natural life I am living same art energy .

after read my  next  words .you can accept it or  you can laugh on me but its real fact of my true art journey .ha ha ..

I don’t want to prove  it but I have some example  for  your notice , I did critical talked to NASA for space robot project or water search on other planet by blast action. I told to NASA why  you throw to human in space through rocket  bom why  you not create easy journey product for Space Journey it is possible .kind  your information  NASA have  BLOCKED to Robot Project for some time otherwise they were launching to Robot in 2012 year for space project  and NASA will not blast again on moon for water search we know all about it today. In this science talk to NASA I were not gave any good design or idea to NASA but as a artist I did gave a way for better exercise  for peaceful or natural work about  our universe .
Last Month  I were gave a advice to Our Highway safety community of INDIA. It is a GOVT. of INDIA  community . They have noticed  my advice  and marked for project of Highway safety .they reply to me  in this words  on facebook page ( Ministry of road transport and high way  : - The  Suggestion has been forwarded  to the concerned zone .)

In childhood age I were created music on a traditional  instrument that’s Name is  CHANG , it’s a basic design of Drum instrument of Music , when I were creating and making sound in rhythm then two villager senior villager were  dancing on that music tune of myself music  composition  on Chang .

when I came in 10th class that time in a science practical test I were gave a petroleum gas presentation by  live model to my science practical lab . I did gave there a live demo of petroleum gas . I did burned  to petroleum gas practically in our science  lab .  my teacher was knew I am artist but that was my science  work presentation as a science student work , that was a first science  practical demo in our school history  by me, my science teacher told it to all  .   in year 2003  other case of science I have handle by me . one time a sixth class student  was asked to me for science model about  his practical test , I were gave a idea  to him for H2O  model .  I said to him take three small bottle transparent bottle and fill water in same level , then write on paper chit , on one Only H2  or on second only O  or on third H2O ,and paste that chit on bottles  .you will pack to mouth of bottle H2 or O and leave open mouth of third H2O bottle . he was asked to me in three bottle I will fill water . I have no gas H2 Or O , so my teacher  will not accept my model .  then I said  to him , you know it all are not or when  you pack to mouth of bottle H2 or O then how to they will test it , it is water or  Gas, when they try for open to H2 or O bottle then  you can say to your sir , Sir  please do not open it ,its gas after open to bottle mouth  this gas will mix in air ..haha  but  you will say to all it is H2 gas or it  is O gas its  combination  is H2O = water .he was done that  and next day came near me after his science practical test and said to me sir my teacher liked  your idea he have exhibited my model H2O   in our science lab. ?? ha ..ha ..

My wood  crafted  Watch 
I were Craftged a watch in wood for  my niece ,he was submited that watch to his teacher for his craft  test  and today that  wood crafted watch is exhibit in his school wall .

in 1992  I did admitted  in fine  art section  in new school there I were joined to Art and Air wing NCC . there I were got first rank in shooting by point 22mm Gun in Air Wing NCC they were registered my shooting  record  with  my name or that shooting paper chart  and in art education I got first rank but English  number was down there .ha

when I went to art collage there I did worked very fast or in very short time , each one subject  class was running for two month  and I did completed  that class work with in one week my all class mate were lived busy continue two moth in a one class  but I were not ..ha

After B.F.A.  Art Education  I were worked  for my City Collector in Bikaner. In   that art work I did created  some conceptual painting on concept of City Collector  or after that art work I saw  my paper painting was converted on big walls of Bikaner District .i saw  my painting on wall of villages school buildings  or on GOVT .buildings . 

When I went again in art collage for  my masters then I were painted big wall paintings  in  my art collage. that work style was realistic in wash or Tempra water color   and I saw a bird was trying to sit on my painted big glass bottle of cold drink DEW . that was award from god to me about  my true Art Exercise . that day I felt god is blessing to my art energy just like great art Mestro The Leonardo da vinci . in same time in  my art collage  I were created A Sculpture in size 4.5 fit that was a Indian Post Stamp , I were draw that drawing after that I did created armature of that sculpture by useless wood furniture of art collage , first I were crafted that by clay and then I did taken that plaster mold  for fiber casting and finally I did casted to that post stamp in fiber in my collage sculpture department , I was student of Painting but I did work in sculpture for  my installation art , I did joined  to painting and sculpture department in my art collage by  my art exercise and I got a award on that work by State bank of Bikaner And Jaipur.what you say to  it ?

At home or in Home construction I am always giving idea  to worker and they are following my idea and they are asking to me for what will next in construction work. Kind  your information I am writing this blog  post  from  myself construction designed studio . in past I did created our home entry gate design in iron or iron craft man was crafted that complicated  gate in light weight  and that’s poll in ciment like historical round shape of King  Fort  poll . I did designed a roof cover in iron or fiber that’s shape like a pyramid it is blocking to rain water at my home .

Kind  your information I have done this kind of work by drawing process and worker were  enjoying work when they were working on  my  drawing design , they felt easy in work when they were  following to my drawing design . some worker have saved  my design drawing  some one have changed in his working style . what is it ?

Here I can’t share all part of  my art journey because in my art journey every day I am creating something for world Art Family  . some one noticing it or some one not but its continue  with me and with  my true art journey..

Base of my crafted Table , its in under crafting  work 
Here i want to share  with  you a wood craft work of myself with that’s short story.  On day I were sited on my home roof there I saw our old carram board was getting damage condition because we were  not playing  caram game in home  . so I did designed a project in idea for use of that caram board . I were  draw a table design in look of cow boy home . when  my drawing was completed I went to market . there to I were buy some small wood sticks and some thin thread and came back to  home . in home I opened our tool box kind  your information I have all kind of tool for all kind of craft work so you can accept  my talk ..ha . ha

I did draw a round shape drawing on that caram board and cut to that by myself through manual tool of wood cuter . after that cutting work I did fixed wood stick and before fixing of that three stick I were pasted thread on that sticks . thats look was looking like very old  .when table base was fixed by me  then I were putted that round shape board on that table base structure  and I got a table by that use less caram board . I were gave some final touch to other spare medium of wood work . after final  touch I were gave a table to home and today we are eating food on that table  .ha

Carram board was converted  in form  of  Table after my craft work 
A table I saw in ”  passion of Christ ”  Film .  God Isa Mashiha was created a table by wood for his mother and he said to her  , Mother we eat food on this table like rich people .i were noticed  that time god Mashiha was forgot it   he was very richest person of this universe no one can touch to his richness of vision or passion of peace and love .ha  ( I think it was mistake of film Director or may be Mashiha I don’t know ..but I notice it ..sorry )

Here in my vision peace , love and my work is a part of that creation of God Mashiha , and I remember the work of mestor Leonardo da vinci  last supper painting , in that painting Isa Mashiha was eating food with some others people on a table  , I were read one time  mestro Leonardo da vinci said to his student its must you have some for eat when  you want to live , this same talk is related  to  creative person , its must creative person have  patience when he want to live like a true creative person .

Mestro Leonardo da vinci was living always in patience , he always live busy in creative research and that’s registration by drawing , writing and practical work . today we have lots of example of his hard or dedicated work . France streets and that’s historical record is saying it  to our  world , the mestro Leonardo da vinci  walked on us  with his creative art energy ,he was a mashiha of art .

Sorry,  I am not Mashiha I am just trying to design in  myself the real art patience for my true art Journey . I am on the way but I am  not find that final stage . on that  way,  I can say it ,  because last five years to continue I am  busy in work of myself research by exercise or expressing  through drawing line . Mestro Leonardo  da vinci was studded  on human body and that’s inner function . I am studding on inner sound of human life .  it  is different to mestro Leonardo da vinci , mestro study was focused on objective  study  and  my study is focusing on  invisible non objective matter that’s name is motion , emotion , action , feeling, sense , observation , attraction, attachment , relation of nature,  soul or universe , because I know life is moving by self motion or action . this kind of sound I visualize  in real life of mestro Leonardo da vinci  but he did not found that because he was busy in his objective research and that’s practical work . but in last I want to say  I am working in  art like great art mestro The Leonardo da vinci and its continue with myself art journey …

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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