Friday, May 17

Art Vibration - 103


Drawing  No. 999 of  Myself 

You can think critically , why I use math’s text  for title ? so I can answer to  you about  your think, you are right , I have used math’s text on top . but it is not come directly  on top of this post . it have done a true long journey with me continue  five years and my artist friend Ashwini Arya ( Mumbai ) was noticing my work continuity and he was asking to me  to last one year , yogendra when your drawing no. 999 will come for  my visit .  so this 999 on top of this post and its true , because this is a long story or a main story of My visual Art . by this visual art I can stand in mid of  you and mid of our world Art family. This 999 was 00 before my true Art journey . that was starting or turning point of  my art journey . this 999 is  my drawing number ,it mean I have completed 999 drawing by myself art energy or dedication about visual art . when  I were started this true drawing art journey that time I were in Jaipur  and it came on 999 in Bikaner after five years work exercise . I have faced lots of puzzle conditions and struggle level  again and again but my art passion was not broken my art energy . myself control was controlling to myself and my dedication was bounded  to me for work commitment . this art journey was a live search by me on myself .

I were used simple paper and pencil and ink pen for self search by drawing language . In this self search I got lots of test, example , practical work, I did broken some definition of past , I design to new definition, I catch to myself inner sound ,and complete  some self commitment .

By this art work I give answer to my art critics and I am try to prove limited space and medium can give more advantage for self expression with easy way.this 999 drawing work is proving it . because self research gave me 1000 something visuals  and its continue  in myself , I knew by this journey no end of any search or research  in real live life . may be this visual and myself research can give me no. 9999 or may be more up to it . ha can possible because I am not on end stage of this research of myself  it’s a continue  journey. This writing work is also part of this true research journey..ha 

When I were started my first drawing  that time  I was very puzzled itself  for creation , may be that first drawing was  the Key of this 999. OF myself.

In 2008 was published  my short note with drawing image on web page . that short note is first post of this art vibration blog. When  was published  my exercise  that time I got a way for continuity in this search of myself . in same time A big Art Collector  or art Businessman  Mr. Gajendra ji  was gave me a big cost to my drawing exercise , he told me  you give me  your five year  then I can give  you one lakh rupees today, to  your one drawing . that was a live test of myself . but I did not committed with him or I were not gave my work to him that day. Because I told to him , I am not perfect and I am not sure tomorrow  I will draw same drawing so my art space want to me some more time for self research by this way of drawing work. Actually I were not gave my freedom to him and that’s result today I have 999 drawing in five year with  my full art freedom .but that art talk was gave me full confidence  about this 999.

After Jaipur  I were came Bikaner  and here I were joined to my studio and art work was  continue but that’s speed was slow because  my studio was pulled  my time  for studio job work . that was struggle  time but I liveed in patience and my art dedication was controlling on myself, that time I were creating  one work in a one week . That two year was very complicated  for me or for  my art.  because I were in presser of heart, mind or money , I were paying  installment of BANK lone because  my studio was on my own lone base studio And after that I were buy a pc for art communication so one more lone on myself . but I did hard work and then came out to all presser of that  time.  I did pay to BANK , I did gave job to studio and I did presented  on online network for communication of art to world Art family.

In 2010 I were noticed art was creating big presser on myself and I were noticed what I am doing in studio . my target is art not only money and in studio I were shared  my full day time for wait of money that was wrong for my art education or about  my art dedication  . so I were leaved studio job I were closed to Photography work from  my studio. When I stop to studio job then I came out to money presser and job presser too. I were feeling free and there to I were recharged  to myself , in that case Cine Actor  Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  was promoted me by his online communication canvas ( blog ) he was noticed  my deep art sense and art condition . he was gave me full freedom by example  of his struggle stories publication on his blog.

2010 to till 2013, I were continue lived  busy in  my drawing I were leaved all kind of job , and I were done lots of exercise in myself research by drawing . I were transferred my art  sound in different kind of mediums  , like collage, ceramic tile, postcard drawing and some more . after 2010 I were gave lots of time in art and art communication and I have expressed myself as a visual artist in city to international level . I did some art workshop in city  and some international art exhibitions  with this 999 style work , I am saying to it, its  Myself Art Journey. Here I have shared some  post  for  your visit and reading in past posts ,so  you can take a look .at here on blog posts 

This 999 drawing  was live  test of myself when I were drawing to myself  . that three to five hours was a complete self research process for me , in that drawing motion  I were doing journey in myself with past memory, feelings, motion. Attachments, relation , art duty, live vision, self creation, true talk to world Art family and some more part of life.

In this five years  I were founded  meaning of life and design of time. This art journey was gave me mile stone but there not any math’s text there only symbol of love , art journey target is love and peace so in that journey you will see mile stone with love symbols.

Italina Artist Cum Director of RAMO D ORO art Society of ITAlY was noticed  my art research in form of my drawing .  He was invited  my art work for his international art exhibition . so I were posted him my Six  drawings  and he was gave me four  international art Exhibition in Italy or Rome. Art Critic  Ekin Sanac  was gave me a big article in her BANT art magazine of Turky . Artist Friend Frosso Greece Was give me a exhibition in Greece .( that art work was on Post Card and part of this 999 ) . Artist Dhruv Mistry  was promoted  my art work by his online network in INDIA.  Artist Jose Ramon Barreto El Ambato  ,  Jorge Azevedo , Manlio Rondoni , Cine Director cum Actor Manoj Kumar ji, Artist Friend Sangeeta Singh, Mamta Goel, Ashwini Arya , Man Singh Nirwan, Gunter Ludwig , Mahboobeh Goudarzi, Dhanesh datt Ojha , Dr.Tripti singh  Vaibhaw Singh, Art Critic  Ashok Atrye ,Rupam Sarma ,Sourish Mitra ,Ashish Pai ,Bharti Dixit ,Indera Ghandhi national center of Arts, Neena Arora , Samanvai Art gallery ,Sung yu Park, Beyoug won chui , Oscar Hernandez – Stewart , Lizia Niemand ,Kalpa Kapasi , Arvind Vyas   Gunvor Eriksson , Maria Grazia   Todaro Art Director  Aren Kim , Bhaskar Rishikesh ghosh  ,Maria Pia Mucchetto, Richard Kushinsky , Rajan Purohit Sanjay Jha Mastan , Dheeraj Singh, Joan jouis  and all world Art family member of  online are liking  my self research work 999 .

  Artist friend Harriet Morlin was wrote  for  my art work in her words ( I like  your drawing  they are a travel inside  your heart and soul .. and show what happens with  you…!! You growing … More insight about  yourself and your life …what  you have to do  just now …!! Yes  and  you opens doors inside  yourself …!!! ) 

Dr. Tripti Singh was wrote a article  about  myself research on her blog . 

Last 2008 to till 2013  on online every day after updated of my art work 20 to 30 art lovers are visiting and they are liking  to my art research in form of drawing , so this online art network is a very important part of my art journey  ,by this tool , I can touch to world Art family and I can express  my art research  in front of our world Art experts . so I am very thankful for our national BSNL network service, and after that google Explorer team , yahoo team, twitter and facebook team and to Dr. Amitabh bachchan  blog team . they all were cared  my true art sound by strong communication backup . it is great and it is very must because I am sting in desert here body is busy in environmental fight , in summer I am  facing  hot and in winter I  feel very cold so body energy is going in fight to environment . in that fight condition this online network and teams are giving some strong support to creative person  and I am lucky they all with me in this fight condition of body for  my backup. This strong backup is blocking to my art pack up in this complicated condition of heart and body.

By this strong back up I were started expressed to first drawing of this 999, this blog post is no. one on myself research matter and post no. 55 is also a mid way stoppage with 500 drawing of myself research ,  you can say this blogspot is a mirror of  my true art journey or self research. It is true , because by this post  you can visit this true 999 art visuals like a live mirror and then  you can understand why I am saying to this post “ 999”..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


  1. Oscar Hernandez-StewartMay 17, 2013 at 6:07 AM

    Wonderful my friend! Congratulations!!!
    Thank you for leting me enjoy it!!!


  3. richard kushinskyMay 17, 2013 at 8:56 AM

    yogendra i've followed part of your life journey which has been exciting and wondrous. you are remarkable for you ability and resolve,keep the life trip going, i hope to be around to see the next 999

  4. Yogendra ji, First of all heartfelt Congratulations.Always love to saw your works.Great to read your post ,thank you so much for mention my name.Wish you all the.Best Regards

