Friday, May 24

Art Vibration - 108


 You can ask to me how to I am proud on myself ? then I will say to  you I am artist of visual art and as a artist I have master education  in visual art.  In this year our INDIAN cinema ( Visual Art ) have complete a historical movement , its have complete hundred years .

 I have read to NATAYSASTRA ( Theory of  INDIAN Theater Art ) writer BHARAT MUNI was wrote this strong medium of refreshment of mind by others performing  activity , sound, and visuals   . our  Indian  Theater  and Cinema is following  to that strong theory for refreshment of Society and its working very well before medicine  or like a natural medicine of life. So I am proud on myself .

I am feeling proud on me because I have read it and noticed it .  it’s a real use and definition,  I am saying about NATAYSASTRA of BHARAT MUNI. First I were saw this NATAYSASTRA  sound  in international film creator senior  late  great artist cum Director CHARLIE CHAPLINE , I saw his art video by National channel  DD-1 INDIA . every Sunday I were waited and watching and I got laugh condition after visit  to activity of Sir Charlie Chaplin .  I were getting refreshment of mind from visual film of Charlie Chaplin . I was kid  in that time . but when I were read to Bharat Muni and His NATAYSASTRA  then I were got the real meaning  of Film of Charlie Chaplin . so I  am proud on myself .

Kind  your Information I am artist of visual art and  I have not created any big film but I have knowledge of All kind of part of a visual cinema . Mostly for INDIAN cinema , because I am on practice for complete  to artist  definition of Bharat Muni . he was wrote for a complete artist , A artist should know to poetry, painting, dance, music, light study, design sense ,singing , performing ,crafting, writing  ,dress sense and etc.  by luck time is giving me chance for this kind of practice step by step . so I am proud on myself.

 Great INDIAN  Actor Dr. Amitabh Bachchan   in painting impression
after  my digital graphic practice on Photoshop format. 
After Study on NATAYSASTRA I saw that artist definition perfectly in a true artist Dr. Amitabh Bachchan .  In childhood age I were knew to this Bollywood Artist . but in that days I were getting refreshment by his angry mood action on video .that time I were not knew if one day I will talk to him as a artist and he will notice  to  my art sound step by step . kind  your information last five year to continue I am connect with him and watching his all art action and reading his all art word for art definition. He is noticing  my art practice and that’s progress of day by day.  In this art communication  I have received  many time his reply in form of art comment . So I am proud on myself .

Last week Cannes a International visual cinema art festival was exposed to 100 years  of INDIAN  Cinema  by Cannes Stage  on opening time of Cannes Festival , they were Invited on Stage to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan from INDIA ( A Complete Artist Definition of BHARAT MUNI ) and a other Great  artist Leonardo DiCcaprio  ( in titanic cinema he was completed a role of painter ) they both were open to Cannes International visual film festival for our world art family by his artistic words . I saw Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  was gave his speech in Hindi for historical 100 years of INDIA Cinema ,that time I were noticed and felt  to BHARAT MUNI in his sound and vision . because he was proved to  Artist definition of Bharat Muni on  stage of  Cannes International film festival . so I am proud on myself ,

The Sound of Bharat Muni have  done a big journey in our visual art history and by Dr. Amitabh Bachchan his artist definition was worked in mid of other countries artists. Dr. Amitabh Bachchan was completed  a big cinema the Greats Gatsby . by This film visuals I sure real art lover and observer will notice to artist Definition of BHARAT MUNI by Art Activity of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan in Film The Great Gatsby .  So I am Proud on myself .

Great Actor Leonardo Dicaprio, i were gave painting look to his picture
by digital graphic practice work  on Photoshop -2013 .
Yesterday evening ,I were visited  some visuals on  my computer screen.  in that movement I saw some pictures  of Artist Leonardo Dicaprio and Dr. Amitabh Bachchan and some visuals of Film Greats Gatsby ( it is a International visual art product  for visual art lovers ) . then I were selected two picture for digital work .i were selected  one picture of Leonardo Dicaprio and second was Dr. Amitabh Bachcan . after selection of pictures I were converted to that picture in painting look by photoshop dry brush tool on phootshop format . by luck I did got some painting impression in that digital work. Before  that practice  I did planed and that plan was got 100 % something result and effect by my art practice . so I am proud on myself .

I hope after visit and reading this post Great Artist Dr. Amitabh Bachchan and Great Artist Leonardo Dicaprio will do proud on me..Because I know art is give always a new hope to Creator or that’s visitor )  so I am  proud on myself ...

( Note This post is in sound of Poetry , Are  you notice it  ? ) 

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art


