Wednesday, May 29

Art Vibration - 112


Art work on Life , it is in collection of a American  Art Lover  Couple .

It is true of my art life . In year 2006 I were lived busy in work exercise on life  at Studio of Jawahar kala Kendra . I were started that life work concept from live observation on  Road of Jaipur City . I saw a office worker was going to his office with his launch box , and after observed his live condition for life I were remembered  to past history , in that time men was moved with fight tool shaft box ( TARKASH ) , I thought life have  done journey there to here and after this stage life will go where ? In history men was feeling fear  to others and today in contemporary  time men is feeling fear to stomach so that time they live update with fighting tool shaft box and today that is  convert in food box ha it is fact .

 This observation of  life was gave me 23 paintings on life condition  and way of life to myself . I were created  that painting  on big size I mean on 7 X 4 fits paper .I did used only red .black and white  color for life painting , red for struggle , white  for some light in life after struggle but limited  and black for darkness of true life struggle .

In Studio of JKK I were created one life painting in two days. I were painting in wash style for save to color and time . I were pasted six drawing sheet 20 X 30 inches ,  then I were got big canvas  for life painting because I were saving money and trying to expressed  myself by easy way that time medium was not must for me but art expression was must for myself life  condition so I did that. Ha

In that life painting project or exercise time ,  one day a  couple tourist was   came  at Studio of JKK . there I were busy in work and I were in very deep motion of painting , you can say to that condition unconsciousness of myself . they both were watching  to me continue 30 minutes and in that 30 minutes I were not moveed and watched here and there . after last touch of my painting I said oh god . then that couple was said oh boy you are a very dedicated artist . we were watching to you last 30 minutes and  you were not got any brake in this time . we were watching how to  you paint it in this condition or by limited art element . it is not easy boy . I were listing to them because they were very senior  art critic and art collector. they told  it  to me , when I asked to them . they were came from America for visit  to INDIA and  color of Rajasthan . but there they were saw live color of a artist life. That was true color of Rajasthan  I think it. Ha
After some art talk that couple was doing discussion  on my art work , I were noticed they were talked on my work and my art condition . in Mid of discussion the senior lady was asked  to me ,  what is the cost of  your art work ? I want to buy your work for  my drawing room and I will display it in this same condition without change and I will express  it in my art community about  your art and working condition it is very tuf  job in this condition but you are doing it very easily,  it is great  experience for me from INDIA. So tell me what is  your art work cost ?

I was confused because I were working for self expression  not for market cost . but I told them 10,000 /- rupees  because I were wanted safe my art work  in my collection .

That work was teaching to me about  my life character . I were draw in that painting a lag of elephant , that was in motion of brake to chain of limitations and that’s limitations was symbolized by red color hand , on top of this post  you can visit to it .

After listen my art work cost that lady told me it is very high young boy , you know I am on tour and we have no money in this time about  your art work cost. So come down . I said no I can’t give it ,  then she was made upset motion on her face and his partner was again asked  to me but I was in same motion with my hard No. they were went to studio but before go to there  they told me yogendra  you can think again because I like  your work and I sure I will care it for you or life time .

I were listened  word LIFE  from her mouth then I were started thinking about life work . there to here and here to America Nothing wrong it is a true journey for life work . I were changed  my view because she was gave me a way of life by her words but when I saw on door of JKK studio they were went to there  and I were got busy again in my art work . after five minutes that couple was came again in studio and said to me yogendra you give  your art work , we will give  you 5ooo /- rupees .  you know we came from America so we will pay to transport or to custom department and then we will give a good frame to your life work  in our city for right display so please give us  your true art work , we know we are braking  your art cost but its must  for  your true art journey and some more words they told me  about art work demand and I were hand over  my art work in hand of that American couple , because I saw two life want to care a artist life by collection of his art work .i were created big smile on that couple face and they were filled confidence in myself  for life  art work . I remember that lady was stand my left side and her partner was shoot our one smile motion picture by his camera . that was a real art communication between two countries art family member . that was a historical art movement of my true art journey so I am sharing with  you this art life story  by this way.

Today I have my 22 paintings of life in  my art collection and I am remembering to my that painting , hope that is on a right wall of a American home .

By that painting I got 5000/- rupees and that rupees was created  easy way for next paintings on  life  and After that life painting project ,I were shared that art work with Bant Art Magazine of Turky , they were published it with tile or article and on this blog I were shared this life work street exhibition story with art vibration -30 that link is  it    so I said life painting was created  way for art life.

Yogendra Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA   

1 comment:

  1. interesting is his commentary on his life showing artistic experiences, I also found very interesting his
    story about her art studio, their concerns,
    your need to know your goal in life,
    is very true, life is art, is a passion
    a charism given by God, some people
    for us to use, as wisdom and wit at LIFE. Has good script your video, congratulations.

