Wednesday, May 1

Art Vibration - 97


All artists and writer is busy in  art transformation  exercise at Ajit Foundation, Bikaner.,

Ha Ha ..Please don’t get confusion , it was our art and writing exercise by a art workshop from our  art community BALAT. I were created  a one more creative or exercise level concept  for us . in this art workshop I were joined   to writers and painters ,  you can say , it was a transformation exercise by two language of creativity. Writing and painting .

This Art Workshop we have done in banner or place of Ajit Founmdation , Bikaner, This Foundation is always promoting  to youth energy and fresh environment Project  and they are organizing  many cultural or literature  activity  in that foundation banner or in Ajit Foundation building . so I were requested  to program director Mr. Sanajy Shri Maali and  to shir Saral Visharad ji . they both were provided  us Ajit foundation hall  for a new art Exercise by four days art workshop .  

In Our art workshop I were invited  to  youth writer of my city Mr. Sanjay Acharya Varun, Saunil Gajani, Sanjay Purohit, Ramesh Bhojak Sameer,but they could not joined  to us after say yes  to me ,  because they were busy in his job work ,ha .    and on first day I were waited of them at Ajit Foundation hall , with artist Naveen swami .that movement was very hurting to me and killed  my real trust .ha

But I were ready for  our art workshop , in mid a very fresh and creative poet cum writer  Mr. Shailendra Sarswati  was came at Ajit Foundation and he was joined us as a writer or painter. When he was joined to  us then he said I don’t know painting so I did told  to him, we don’t know writing but we will exercise and then we can learn something for us.

Second day artist and painter is busy in writing and painting exercise  with tens mood. at Ajit Foundation , Bikaner., 

Over all first day we were five artists and writers were participated in our art workshop ,. In this artist and writer list , mr. Shailendra Sarswati , Naveen Swami, Dr. Namami Shnakar Acharya , Adity Gupta  and myself , writer cum program director shri Saral visharad  ji was watching and noticing us what we do and how to we will create art and story ?

First day writers were busy in writing work , Story writing work , and painters were busy in paintings creation , we were selected watercolor painting  and writing on A4 paper , I were submitted pen and paper with folder to writers  and color and art paper to artists.

Second Day when we went to Ajit Foundation than two more creative person were joined  to us , one was Shri Saral Vishard ji and second artist Shiv Kumar Swami . Shri saral visharad  was started writing a story as a participant of our art workshop  so I were submitted  him a folder pen or paper , second day our writers were wrote stories   and painters were created paintings , I were got four paintings and three stories , after collection of that two days creation I were submitted stories to painters and painting to writers for transformation , I said to writer  you will write a story on painting  and painter will create painting on your story .

Third Day Creation painting and story work  of desk  after  hard exercise  at Ajit Foun dation Bikaner, 

Third day we were created 8th stories   and 8th paintings , in that art transformation exercise we painter and all writer faced a new challenged  in creation or writing but that was very interesting  because that was  a new exercise  for us . in our workshop Writers were worked as a painter and painters were worked as a writer , I were wrote a story and writer Shailendra Sarswati was created a painting on my stoty, Painter Namami Shankar wrote a story and writer Aditi Gupta was created a painting on his  story , Writer Saral visharad was wrote a  story and Artist Namami Shankar acharya was created a painting on that story , artist shiv kumar swami was wrote a story and writer Aditi Gupta was created a painting on his story. Over all this kind of exercise was making our creative mind for writing and visuals or that’s combination by self creation.    Really that was a very hard exercise but interesting  Shri Saral vishard ji was surprised to our art exercise and to our work result in three days we have done 8 stories  and 8 paintings  in evening time of third day .

4th day we were planned for a art exhibition by luck Ajit foundation was permitted to us  for our exhibition and we were found some display boards for exhibition from Ajit Foundation. For visit to our  exhibition we were invited to senior writers and painters too. We Were organized a art discussion on literature or visual language . we all creative youth were happy when our exhibition and art discussion was started . in that last movement of our art exercise  our city writer Shri Lal Mohta JI , Shri Harsh Ji , Hari Gopal Harsh ( Sanu Ji ) Bhawani Shankar vyas Vinod Ji , painter dharma , youth painter Ram Bhadani,and , sanjay acharya varun and some more  were joined us.

last Day of Our Art Workshop , senior writer and painters is busy  in art talk and discussion on
art transformation or thats exercise  at Ajit Foundation , Bikaner, 

They all guest were visited our art exhibition and our exercise of writing and painting transformation  . In art discussion all senior were expressed and guided to  us for literature and painting connection , Bhawani Shankar vyas ji said art and literature base is emotion or sensitivity if any creative person have this kind of sense then he or she can create all kind of art form from his or her self .

 Painter Hari Gopal Harsh ji said to us painting is a language or text is also language , panting is a individual language and text language for all and same , text language any educated person can read but painting is tuf  for text reader so this kind of art exercise is must for society or social education.

Writer Saral vishard ji said it was magic  for me because I saw first time live creation of painting on words or story , same thing I saw with writer they are writing story on paintings it was not easy but this art workshop youth artists and writer have done it in front of myself.  really it was a magic.

 Writer Shri lal Mohta ji said after visit our exhibition , it is a very meaningful work from you. He said this type art workshop or art exercise is very first in our Bikaner, its new start for new history so carry on because  you all youth can change to history of Literature and art by this kind of art exercise.

In that Discussion writer shailendra Sarswati and Dr,. Namami Shankar Acharya  were  read his story and one story of myself was read Dr. Namami Shankar Acharya on  my request . because I were wrote first time story so I could not read that in mid of all senior writers , I were not confident but after reading of  my story by Namami Shankar , there all were liked and promoted  to my writing sense and I were knew there I can write just like others . that art exercise was gifted me writing power this blog and this short story of that art workshop, is a true example of our art transformation   exercise  success. Today writing and painting  in myself or I am noticing  today writer Shailendra Sarswati is sharing his poem and writing note with his self creative painting image on his poem or writing note .   so I said in very first of this blog post , story on painting and painting on story ..ha   

Yogendra  kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA.

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