Sunday, July 21

Art Vibration - 156


WMF it is a society of world monuments fund . this society  is working in all over  the world for  care to heritage structure or buildings . they are sensitive for heritage structure. Today WMF is caring to our historical  buildings and structures by self action or  by work of community process . it is giving message to all over the world , about heritage or history work.
In my view heritage is not only building or structures , I think my past life is my real heritage , building and structures is a property of our world because our seniors were created that by his self  efforts so its our duty we care to seniors energy by our work project because that is our identity symbols or symbols of our  Human culture  . so WMF is on that path of care to past structure or property of our world.

In my art journey I am also working on heritage subject but its not bound only on building structures its related to life and that’s history . here on this blog I have shared  in past some posts  on this matter for  your visit and reading because I have done some work on it as a artist or as a heritage care person .

WMF society was came in my view before two year after a social meeting . that meeting was on subject of care to  our city heritage building and structure . there I were knew some more information about this society and its work. That was impressed  to me so I were connected to them  on online . that day to till today I am continue communicating to WMF with some art and critical art talk about heritage and WMF is noticing  my art dialogue about heritage concept.

In this communication  on  date 1 st july  2013 I were posted a blog post on this blog with title  PAINTING SYMBOL OF JUNAGARH FORT BIKANER . AS a Artist I were shared  that post link to WMF . After share that link I were received a E mail with invitation about My photography work for  a  photo contest . I were shared  a image of Our Junagarh Fort , that was from BADAL MAHAL . I think they were liked  my heritage photography work and sound of heritage documentation on blog post . so I were posted my photo image with that  blog post link .

They were liked  my true art action or my art submission for WMF. After that they were selected and added my posted photo image in list of traditional building materials page for photo contest . .

I am feeling happy,  but not to my selection I am feeling happy because  WMF have noticed to my action for heritage Structure care sound. They are giving space  to Bikaner heritage Structure on WMF heritage project photo contest page ..they are representing to heritage of Bikaner by WMF for world heritage viewers .I know contest activity just a event but its base is education of heritage to world family by WMF. So I am with WMF by My art sound or by my view of heritage.

AS a heritage care person I were contributed  my role by posted a image of My City heritage Structure with a true Story and after that role my seen is off . there to WMF role is start and they are very dedicated for WMF duty so they are creating event and contest for pull to  vision of our world family  for heritage subject .
Yesterday night I were received a another  E mail  from WMF with a link . that was a page link of heritage building structure images . that was a page of photo contest display image . when I were visiting that page and that’s images  , I were saw a image of Badal Mahal - Junagarh fort Bikaner . In section page of  traditional building material .that was my posted image with name of Myself. I were felt happy after knew it if WMF was observed to my heritage action or submission . I were felt happy because they were read my heritage project view by WMF vision or that’s work definition. I felt happy because I have touched to right aim of WMF by My work way of  heritage . I were felt happy because I were came in confidence of WMF . so I am thankful for WMF.

As a visual artist I were represented to my city heritage building structure  condition in front of our world art family by a blog post  . in that family WMF were noticed to my presentation of heritage and they were called  to me as a family member for a heritage structure image or I were submitted my art visual to WMF with full trust as a family member without any  demand  . here  you can notice , art and communication is working and taking action for heritage care sound by us. It is must and very important to all  kind of contest for our real heritage care project .

Over all WMF was listened  my inner sound about heritage I said WMF is observing to my heritage project … 

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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