Tuesday, October 8

Art Vibration - 229



Marks sheet of  10th class  from Higher secondary board of Rajasthan , Ajmer. 1993  

It is a very true and critical story of my art journey . in education system, board exam is a real test of mind of student. I am a  practical so theory was making trouble for me always . Actually I was designed by creative or practical work by time so I were not interested  in school study for all time or in all subject .it was past true . today I think all subject is a one subject  its today true.

But by luck I got good teachers all time in my first to 12th class  so I were got real education of life for a long art journey. My one English teacher late Sir Arvind Balabh Tiwari ji  ( ABT  SIR ) was calling to me Artist  ( In Hindi KALAKAR ) . he was know my practical art sound so he was not giving presser on my creative mind for English .he was confident for my life aim . he was observed  my art sound very early to art field . I was in class 6th when he was called me first time KALAKAR .

In education I were getting interest in Hindi , Sanskrit and math’s , science and English or sociology was not in my interest list. Art , S.U.P.W. or physical  Health subject was on top of list of  my education interest . because that was practical subject and there I could expressed  my creativity and freedom of my soul power.

In thenth class I were came after one year loss of  class ninth , I were failed in class ninth by my practical work exercise , I were full time lived busy in painting and drawing  so I lost one year of my art journey in class ninth by education system . I were went one year back but ,I were not leaved my passion of art. So I were recovered my one year by exam of ninth class  and then came in tenth class .one year I were not painted any line on art space . there to I were got consciousness about art life . I were joined some extra classes in evening collage there a good lady teacher Ms. Veena  Cour  was guided me about education or art. She told me yogendra art field need a educate person for perfect art .so you must read for better art presentation. She was taught me Sanskrit , and math’s . in one year I were cleared  my tenth class study with third division by Grass .haha  G was came in English subject and in same year I were got A or B in practical subject of  S.U.P,W. or art and physical health subject. Our Rajasthan education board was gave me a mark sheet of class tenth with A.B. of G. grade . ha ha..
After clear to tenth class I were got a free canvas for my art education . I were selected fine art subject for my art study. I were got admission  in fine art subject and there to I were started practical study once again as a art student . that was a very free space for me about my practical sound . I were cleared  my eleventh class with good marks  in Hindi ,English or theory . there my practical work was up to other class mates .

After eleventh class I were again come in under of board exam that was higher secondary exam class twelve th   . I were done more hard work for my best performance in drawing, painting and in graphic . time was support to me  and I got first class result from Rajasthan education board Ajmer but they were gave me first division by grass. The G mark was bonus mark for me from our Rajasthan Education board .ha ha.

In twelve th class  I were gave three practical exam of drawing , painting or graphic and in that practical exam I got distinction marks with D D D and in English G..

Hand Made mark Sheet of Fine Art subject class 12th from Senior Higher Secondary Board of Rajasthan , Ajmer . 1995

( Note :-  Senior higher Secondary board was gave me scholarship on my 72% marks but that was stop after two installment .why ? I don’t know and they were not informed me .i were transferred my scholarship payment on account of my Art collage Rajasthan School of art Jaipur there they were gave me  only 750 /- rupees and after that they were told me Senior Higher secondary education board was stop  your scholarship ..that was painful for me but whose to I request and whose listen to me  I were posted some applications to Board  but I were not got  reply from Education board office of Ajemr , my practical exercise of art was gave me scholarship level but I were not funded complete scholarship of my twelve th class..so what mark I give to Education Board of Rajasthan  from my practical art sound ? – A or – D or – G or fail without any grass …ha )

Over all I were cleared  my fine art 10+2 with Distinction or grass but my practical work exercise was gave me first division rank so I were confident on my art study or on  my own judgment of fine art subject selection  .i were honest for practical work or I were got a honest resent about my art exercise from my education classes . So in  12th class I got D D D and G with First class  from  senior Higher secondary education  board  of Rajasthan  , Ajmer.

  So I said here a b c d e f g from education board of Ajmer…

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA.

1 comment:

  1. Appreciate your courage to come up with this post. It definitely needs courage to stand up and face your weakness. Still you could have used a humble MS Word, to draft this message... :)

    Any way... all the best

