Sunday, October 27

Art Vibration - 248


I am saying it because I have lived  it in year 2006  after  my art education . in art collage I were created many art work in form of live painting like portrait ,landscape , still life, or full life. but in year 2006  I were created a real live art work in mid of lots of people on day of color festival .
That was a day of color festival of my nation we are saying to that Holi  festival , here on holi festival people are play  to people by colors someone are use to dray color and someone are use water color , they are paint to face and body of people by hand , it is a cultural colorful game in form of  color festival of INDIA.

In 2006 I were thought about a live colorful painting on  holi festival so I were prepared a canvas and some oil color for painting. I were went in  my main city of Bikaner with my color and canvas , there I were selected a good place  for painting work and there I were fixed  my canvas and workplace . that was a big wood  table we are saying to that PATA . PATA is a symbol of our city culture , that is a meeting table of city people so I were selected that place  for live painting on hoil festival of my city.
First I were observed to activity of peoples and then lots of color and colorful sound of peoples . after observation  on that live festival of color I were started   drawing on canvas . step by step I were draw  to many shades of that festival activity with images of people or that’s colors .

 There I were saw natural inner color of peoples that was coming out by peoples activity or by colors of them . that was very funny or about serious thought for future culture. I were draw to that live visuals on canvas  with some critical sound of myself because some activity of people was out of limit for future culture so I were draw in critical form .

After Drawing on canvas I were painted  color,  step by step with time gape because I were observed to live visuals and that’s live sound matter and then I were converted that in colorful visual by process of  live painting.

 I were used green color  very much because mostly peoples were in mood of happiness  or in light condition . they are in condition of drug of festival . that was natural because all were enjoying to that live activity of people by colorful words or live color game. But that day I were not played holi festival because I were working there as a observer or as a art creator . so I were missed that live holi play activity but I were registered that live holi festival on a art canvas. By real color of painting with my inner sound color .

 In visual  you will see what I am saying to  you about live painting on Holi festival . that was a natural art activity or a real example for society by art . I were showed  in mid of people we can enjoy to color festival by painting on canvas or through painting work .that was a live presentation by me as a art master in mid of society  for new culture design about  future with  sound of  Holi festival. That was a creative art activity for inspire to kids about  painting by that live art work .

 I saw many kids were shared his time with me they were continue watching  my painting work  some kids were gave me idea for creation on that canvas about live festival of  colorful holi . that was very interesting movement of that live painting  when kids were joined  to me .

 There some media person was shoot  to my   live art activity of color festival painting . someone  were published to that art activity in news paper or someone were updated that painting image on online media pages . you can say that was my art income by that live painting  . over all I were created a art environment in mid of society by live colorful painting and I were gave some extra vision for play to holi festival by way of art or creation .. 

so here I said to that art work - live painting on color festival..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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