Tuesday, March 11

Art Vibration - 287

Art work on demand of  Social festival

Friends this time is in India  for color festival , we are calling to that HOLY . people are play holy by wet and dry colors on this festival time  , they are paint to face of each other , in home, in society . over all this festival is a activity of refreshment of Mind by way of all kind of colors of  life. 

Here in my city this festival was started before 526 years, when our city was founded with name Bikaner, and today this city holy is very popular in world .here people enjoying to this festival continue seven days ,in main city many historical folk musical theater performance is running every night we are calling to that RAMAT . Many people are get the different look or getup for fun of other, in this getup someone taking look of god, women’s , animal , ghost , Joker, you say fancy dress type. But only male are doing it women are not participate in this fun activity . women are just enjoy to this fun activity of males in my city Bikaner 

Some social societies live very busy in installation art work of penis in mid of open space of city, we are saying to that chock . it is a live indication of god Shiva with some fun full visuals . over all my city holy is a live demonstration of sex education  to people by symbolic art activity or performance . 

In seven days here people get a different colors  in vision for life , they live free for self expression about life and sex education . someone singing song,   someone act to educational sex activity , someone work like a installation artist and they all are exhibit or present to sound of holy for society . 

it is a very philosophical and  psychological social activity by city Man’s on Holy festival in Bikaner . In my childhood age I were created some caps by paper in long height and I were wear to that and I were moving in my city on my  baby  bicycle . many time I were taken different look like a old man, Moalana , Sardar, Joker or etc. that was child age fun on holy festival by me for myself ..ha ha ha 

 I know you are thinking why I am saying to it today at here , so I want to tell  you I am saying to  you it because here in my city  holy time is on , and yesterday my school friend was called  to me and demanded  to me a art work  in form of Penis .ha ha ha..

it was funny demand from  my school friend .he was came my studio and requested  to me for a art work . I was not in art work mood of holy because I am in pain of loss of our family member . so I am not in mood of holy festival . but friend is friend.he was said many pining words he was gave me lots of critical words actually he was in big hope to me for a art work. Because he was in presser or in tens , he said someone want to me a art work and I can’t create that without  your help so please help me and create a art work for me or for our city Holy . 

 After listen his lots of words and request , I were adjusted  to my emotional condition and then I were set to my mind for a art work because friend was very upset or in tens . so it was  my duty for  clear all tens of  my friend by art exercise .

I were collected four bottle of cold drink, that was big bottle of 2 liters. For fix to that bottles I were used a tape . in 30 minutes  I were created a big size penis in natural form by that plastic bottles. When that sculpture was getting a right shape in that movement  I saw my friend was coming out by his tens or mind presser . when I were completed that art work for his installation he was said to me thanks . and in same time he was surprising to my art exercise or by working process . when I were creating  that art work in  my vision I were just thinking how to I can make a perfect form in big size by none art medium that was plastic bottle ..ha 

Over all I were created a art work for  my friend or city and in that  activity I have participated  in our cultural holy by a indirect activity of art for fun or education .

I did educate to my school friend  how to create something special in presser of mind , and how to use none art medium in art for a right art work creation. I were taught to my friend how to yogendra care to his friend in any critical condition , I were taught to my friend whats the duty of a artist or a friend for long relationship by way of art activity from my studio . 

For  your observation I am going to share that art work visuals , after visit to that art work  you can see how to I were created that  big penis  sculpture by four plastic bottle of 2 litters. Because it was a demand of  friend or our social festival .

So I said art work on demand of social festival …

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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