Wednesday, April 9

Art Vibration - 296

100 K = 1 Lakh


On date 7- 4 – 2009 I were received a very first mail on my yahoo mail from Twitter . twitter is a online network for short communication by short tweet. It have a limit of text.  in a one time we can post and share only 140 texts by a one tweet . this is a very smart and educative format.  it is teaching to users for share all inner sound by 140 text . it is saving  to time and making rich to vision of  online communication users .over all it is great .ha 

 I were registered  myself on twitter in year  2009  and today is 2014 , in this six year  I were connected to many persons of our world family and I were expressed  to myself art sound with big celebrity of our world  like world art museums , art galleries , contemporary great art masters and visuals artists , social NGO ,electronic and print media , cine artists, great poets , singer , and some international painters  or sculptor .

 On twitter I have shared my paintings, drawings, art workshop s , art exhibitions , some poetries and my art journey by blog posts . Mostly I am following   to 300 something  great persons of our world art family on twitter , there is no limit but I am very selective nature artist so I have a level for following  on twitter . so when I am create any art activity by painting, writing ,photography , poetry or some extra art exercise , I share  that with all following  link on twitter . it is taking some  time . but it is very must for connection of art to art by way of tweet on this twitter network. Because it is working  in vision of twitter users . 

In starting time of my tweeting , I were faced lots of trouble because twitter team was fixed the limit of tweet on a one day I were felt handicapped when I could not shared my art activity report with all following link in a one time or sitting . It was tens matter for me when I were used to twitter network . 

By luck one day a team member of twitter was observing  my art tweets on this network . he was posted me a first mail on yahoo with some offer of his online use trick . His mail was came in my yahoo mail box on date 30 – 1 -2011. His name is Joel Comm. that time I were felt some confident because I saw a live example of twitter or that’s team they had touched to me by mail . so in reply I were shared  my tens matter about use of twitter or that’s tweets . I think first limit of tweet on twitter was 100 tweet on a one day but after that talk I saw they were gave 150 tweets limit in a one day actually they were noticed  my tweets and that’s demands of use. Actually they were listened  to my problem and they had worked on that . so thanks to team of twitter and to Joel comm..

Here I am sharing a link of my twitter page for  your knowledge  you can know whose to I have connected and what I have shared on twitter in this six year for visual art . @yogendraart it is my id on twitter and this is a link of my page .

Yesterday  night when I were shared  my new blog post link  on twitter then I were saw the tweet record , that was showing 100 K , it was a new change for count to tweet  on twitter . the team of twitter was gave me some more freedom in 2014 , today I can share my art activity in a one time with all following link of world family members . it mean I can share my tweet with 300 celebrities   continue without any limit  or brake . it is progress of tweeter or it is achievement of my dedication of patience  with tweet format .ha . 

On tweeter I am sharing my time just for communication of art and I am sharing my contemporary  art condition  by a short tweet of 140 texts .

In six year  I have completed one lakh art tweet it is giving me a special energy , it was not for   income of money but it is a incomer of art trust and patience  in mid of world art family . so again thanks to team of twitter they were  gave me a large canvas for art communication by small patch of 140 text full tweet. 

So here I said about it 100 K = 1 Lakh tweet’s 

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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