Saturday, April 19

Art Vibration - 300

Big B - E GURU   Was Registered To Me In  His EF

Big B it is a  title of our Great  Cine Artist and super star Dr.Amitabh Bachchan .  In India  all art lover  or fan of Hindi INDIAN film are knowing to him by this title very well . but in my view he is a real Guru ( A Teacher )  for me about my writing of English , and he is giving me a right angle  about  art vision of artist and about duty of a visuals artist . So I am saying to him E GURU . A electric Guru . its region is that I am not meet to him face to face in this real  life. But last 1940 days to I am continue  communicating to  him by his blog without any brake of communication . it is a very strong commitment of us about art communication . he is playing a real teacher role for me and I am performing  my student role  as a E Student and learning to him very much about my  art journey. 

 Yesterday when I were came on art vibration blog and  I were thought about next post number 300 , in that movement I were thinking  for a new post with sound of Dr. Amitabh Bachchan or  our true art communication . some time sixth sense give  you some webs in advance I were felt that yesterday about this post . here in my studio I were thinking for Dr. Amitabh bachchan My E Guru  in same time his team was updating  a presentation on his six years blog writing journey . it was coincident or destiny or some more to it for me .ha …what I say ? I have no more words about that live condition  but my sixth sense was indicated to me . 

 In night  I were went on facebook network  there I saw our many EF of Dr. Amitabh Bachcan was posted and shared a link  with title  6th Anniversary of SrBachchan blog ..EF DAY ..  i were watched  to that presentation link on youtube because that was updated by youtube .com 

The team of presentation composer was used many background images of SrBachchan Blog  in that presentation  and some dialog’s of him ,in mid of that presentation  I were watched a big list of our EF and in that list I were read my name  in capital text YOGENDRA . my name  in CAPITAL text was proved it. If  Dr. Amitabh Bachchan was registered  me in his EF List . when I were  read my name I felt lots of respect  and regard for My E GURU . because he is noticing  my daily art activity , my art dedication, my patience, my work capacity , learning habit , and English writing skill by my daily replies on his canvas ( Blog ) .

Note:- kind  your information this communication commitment have a very long  struggle story  with subject of Communication disturbance, power cut system, my illness , some time attacked and more and more struggle but we are still with our strong communication or commitment  by blessing of god and time .ha
Here I want to clear it , when  I were connected  to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  that time  I were not  knew how to talk to anyone in English and how to write English to Dr. Amitabh Bachchan . in first few  replies  on his blog I were wrote  only one to five lines  in very simple words . that was my real condition about English language that was very critical  condition for me or with me. 

But that time I were knew I can learn English writing and language by Dr. Amitabh Bachchan , I said to him I want to learn English by  your guide line  so I am committing to myself for daily reply on  your canvas ( BLOG ) that time he was in Singapore for help to his  Ill friend Politician Amar Shingh ji . 

My Digital graphic work on Dr. Amitabh Bachchan  ( E GURU )  Picture
That day to till today communication and learning process is on and that’s  result is in front side of  yours,  by me after a true and real guide line of Dr. Amitabh bachchan .this 300 number post is prove it in front side of  you. Because it can possible by my E GURU. 

Here I am sharing  a image of  my registration  in list of Dr. Amitabh bachchan  EF List  and a link of  his 6th year anniversary on SrBachchan Blog .. EF DAY ..

 This 300 number post Dedicate to My E GURU because he was registered me in his Ef  List. With full confidence . 

 So here I said big B was registered to me in his EF ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


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