Monday, May 26

Art Vibration - 312


A presentation of inner sound by  Artist Amish Kapoor , Olympic Tower  2012   London ,image from google  image .

Last week I were joined to a literature event . A theater art writer was wrote  a book on theater art . In event of his book launching he was invited to  Director of   Rajsthan theater and Music Academy  Dr. Arjun Dev Charan . he was promoting and launching to book of writer and in that event he was guiding to writer or all audience of that event  about short writing  like historical poets of past .. 

He said our senior writers were said lots of in writing by very limited words and poetry lines. for example he was putted few example of our seniors literature  work . that was  DOHA writing , rhythmic poetry ( Chand pad ) . over all he was said  you write and create by limited elements  about art and literature . 

As a Dr. of theater and literature & art his talk was  very right by academic process . but art and literature  have itself a academic structure and it is also in my art journey . so I were not accepted his critical talk direct for art. Because I know we human have same function in our body for life  journey . but our observation-feeling sense – action or reaction activity  is different to each other . so it is not possible for any creative person he/she  work just like other and it is not sure he/she  can work perfectly just like others .because his/her  vision is different to past art  creator .

 In other view today we are going in future side and we think about follow to past time  it is not possible  in this nature time.  because  time live in present ( contemporary ) for our future there no space or any backdoor for past time. In present past is only for history . this blog post after update on online , it will go in past for history of  my art journey.. ha ha..

It is a live criticism by me but it is fact by nature . we human have our own inner sound.  it is live  in our unconsciousness  and it is come out by us through a medium , it can writing, painting, dance , singing , performing or ETC .  

Our inner sound webs have many level and it can come out by our presentation or in creation ( art and Literature ) . some time we can express to our inner sound in very limited presentation or creation and some time it need to us lots of for expression . because in our unconscious we feel unlimited flow of emotions and that’s come out by medium of art and literature for self satisfaction of us .  in that case we see and read a big creation of that unlimited inner sound . 

 I were define to it in a Hindi Definition ..that is it ..
अंतर ध्वनि के प्रकटीकरण की स्वयं की एक निर्धारित सीमा होती है ! जो शब्द या रेखा या फिर किसी अन्य अभिव्यक्ति माध्यम से प्रकट होती है !

 ( Inner sound have a self limitation for creation , it can  come out  in form of creation by writing ,art,and other medium of presentation or creation . ) 

Creation of  Inner sound of two persons of INDIA in London Olympic 2012 , Steel King Laxmi Mittal and Artist Anish Kapoor  with Model of  Olympic tower 2012 . it was Mega structure of  Steel Tower about Attraction of Olympic ground in L ondon ,2012 ( it is a super example of  my criticism  ) image from google  image .

A true art is giving full freedom to creator. so there is no space  for any boundary or format from  critics , viewers and reader of art . it is acceptable when then a person feel lots of presser of inner sound  in his / her unconsciousness  in that case he /she are feeling handicapped  condition to express to that inner presser by his/her  own creation language ,  so they can follow to past format of art and literature  for self  satisfaction but about a real creative person , it is not must because he /she know how to put out to inner sound or that’s presser of   unconsciousness by his /her own style or language of presentation or creation . 

So here I said about it , inner sound have self limitation of creation…               

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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