Monday, November 10

Art Vibration - 338


In This year I have done a natural art work for nature from natural format . before three  months I were started work in on farmland . I were created a clean farm and after that I were started farming on my farmland . I said  to that natural painting  by natural color or elements . I said to that real natural work The farming of oxygen . 

Actually it is a duty of a  natural person on our earth or in our nature Environment  . in  my conscious I were knew what I am doing and how to I will present it or what is final result of this exercise . 

You can connect to this talk of myself to Great Art Master Picasso , he was said when you know what is end of  your work then  you start  your work of art. 

It is  giving action to nature from  my energy by rule of nature care . so I said it is my duty for nature as a art master . 

In last posts of this art vibration I have shared  with  you many posts about natural painting or that’s process .in this art or natural project  I were created natural canvas, ( Farm Land ) , I were put corn of Deshi Bajari , rain water and clay of farm was put out green leafs of Bajari Plants , green plants of bajari was started  through out to oxygen  in environment for our natural or fresh environment .

After two month I saw magic of nature . in our farmland ( natural canvas ) was converted in a factory of production . our farm land was producing to oxygen and corn of Deshi Bajari . I saw many birds were pick up to natural corns by  natural farming . 

After  three month of farming I were collected 100 multiplex Deshi Bajari from our farmland . it was natural magic of nature or I can say to it , like this ! it was blessing of God and nature. So I am thankful for God and nature because they both were completed  my natural painting or farming of Oxygen project perfectly .

Last week in home  my mother was cooked Roti of Deshi Bajari for our lunch . I were shoot  a photo of that first Roti of Bajari . because that was final result of  My natural painting or farming of Oxygen  art Project .
 On online  I were shared that photo image and some Hindi text as a short note about  final result of natural painting  so that’s link + text copy is here for your reading and notice ..
मित्रों आज मुझे मेरे कठिन परिश्रम और प्रयास का प्रतिफल मिला रोटी के रूप में। जी हाँ बाजरी की रोटी ! तीन माह पहले मैंने अपने हाथ से खेत में बाजरी के दाने बिखेरे और प्रकृति ने उन दानो से कई लोगो का दाना पानी बनादिया प्राकृतिक रूप से , प्रकृति की गोद से !
आज पूर्णिमा के पावन पर्व ,कपिल मुनि के मेले के महातम और गुरु नानक जयंती के इस शुभ दिन के अवसर पर घर में माँ ने हमारे खेत की बाजरी की रोटी बनायी जिसका पहला ग्रास मैंने अपनी थाली से गौ माता के लिए निकाला और दूसरा ग्रास मैंने ग्रहण किया !
उस वक्त को व्याख्यायित करने के लिए मेरे पास शब्द नहीं ! आँखे नम थी , भोजन की थाली मेरे स्वर्गीय पड़ दादा जी श्री शिव रतन पुरोहित जी की तस्वीर के ठीक निचे रखी हुई थी और मेरे मुह में, मेरी मेहनत और पसीने का स्वाद बाजरी की रोटी का पहला ग्रास मुझे दे रहा था ! स्वाद महसूस होता है मित्रों व्याख्यायित नहीं , ये आप सब जानते है ! मेरी बाजरी की रोटी का स्वाद आप भी महसूस कर सकते है , पर तब , जब आप मेरी तरह वो सब करे जो मैंने उस बाजरी की रोटी को पाने से पहले किया प्रकृति के लिए अपने तन मन और धन से … जय हो …
यहाँ फोटो मेरी बाजरी की रोटी का। ) 

In this project of natural painting or farming of Oxygen I were noticed it . our nature is noticing to us and our true work for nature or in result nature give to us a right result about our work . if we are true then we can get true result or we are in  falls  condition  for nature then nature is not live true for us . so our nature have a right system we are saying to that give and take system . I can say nature is teaching to us . nature is taking our test and then nature is giving to us final result for our real test of patience , dedication, duty , respect, love, care, and ETC. ha 

So here I said final result of natural painting ….

Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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