Monday, January 25

Art Vibration - 416

I React For Pain Of France

Friend in this days the Hon’ble  President of France Sir Hollande is in India as a special Guest  for our Republice day or that’s celebration . 26 Jan is our republic day of INDIA so this year Hon’ble President of France Sir Hollande is with us and we Indian are feeling Proud after his presence in our nation . so I am very Thankful  for Hon’ble President of France . 

Hon'ble President of France Sir Hollande  at Rock Garden  with  Hon'ble PM of  INDIA Narendra Modi , Chandigarh

His Presence is Showing to world if he is a real hero of our world , he is very angry and alert against non states communities of our world. The Amereica and some Other Countries are alerting to INDIA , they are predicting  for something wrong by Non States communities. Non State  Community can attack on India  on date 26 Jan . 2016 . in this high alert condition Hon’ble President of France is with us like a super hero of our world . 

 I am happy to  my Nation security system . they are caring to every movement of Hon’ble President of France in India . its example is , The president of France was visited to  very Artistic  Rock Garden of Chandigarh , India . He was enjoyed there art work of Rock Garden In presence of  Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Sir Narendra Modi . 

Today Hon’ble president of France Sir Hollande  was traveled in our Metro train  like a common man of India without any fear , his confidence is saying he is very angry on terrorism or that’s non states communities . it mean , He Know How to Control / clear to that non states communities from our world . He is Observing to tens condition of INDIA ., like his nation France  because both Countries are facing same trouble that’s title is terrorism . 

Indian and France in same tens , this unwanted tens  creator is terrorism . it is hidden Devil of our world ,it is ,? we world people know it very well after got lots of painful accidents from them . All time they are killing to our peaceful people of our world family . after kill to people terrorist  go in hidden site . But today India have exposed to all non states communities or their hidden place, may be America , France , England, Australia , Dubai , China know about them  and Pakistan is promoting to them from land of Pakistan . so it is a big Question for all world Countries why Pakistan is caring to terrorism ? why ?  

May Be The President of France will Ask this Question to Our UN .After this Visit of our INDIA . 

President of France Sir Hollande  at Rajghat for respect to late Great  MAHATMA  GHANDHI

I am happy because The President of France Sir Hollande was showed his full respect for MAHATMA GHANDHI Ji , he went at RAJGHAT and there he was submitted his respect by  flowers in form of a right SHRDHANJALI to real peace maker of our world late Great MAHATMA GHANDHI JI . 

In Nov. 2015 , I were showed  my deep feelings for France peoples, many social peoples were got death there in  terror attack . Terrorists were killed lots of social person of France , The International   news was informed to world about that big loss of France  . when  I were read that bad news,  I could not  painted  my painting . I got disturbed to myself from that very sad news of France . In that painful  condition I were tried  to paint but in painting I could not filled the lots of colors , I did filled the color of Flag of France. On Twitter and facebook I were shared that painting  with  feeling of R .I. P. for Death of  peoples of France . it was my reaction by art on that Terror Attack of Terrorism. 

I created it after terror Attack on France  Nov. 2015 ..for R.I.P.

So here I said I react for pain of France …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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