Sunday, June 5

Art Vibration - 428

One More Critical Art Judgment

It was selected for first rank by  my critical art  Judgment

Friend today is world environment day . Our world is busy for convey to educative people to educative people about save to water, tree , oxygen , in one word our environment . it is must for better future if we need better / fresh environment  then it is very must we do work about that  in present . our present  work will give to us a fresh future . it is clear now . 

Kids Are busy In art creation at Synthesis institute  Bikaner.. 5 th June  2016
So I think we have started a right work for our future . Today we world people have fixed a day for  right indication about Our environment that day is today 5th June. Today our world is really busy in work of care to environment . someone are planting  to tree’s someone are caring  to tree’s  someone are saving to water and someone are filtering to water for our present or future too . it is must ..

 In  my city Bikaner ,  today morning  time I were joined to a art activity . that was organized  by 92.7 Big FM Unite of Bikaner. Last year I were joined then as a judge of a art activity ( painting  Competition ) . the kids art and 92.7 big FM was created record  in limca book  and this year on date 5 June 2016 they want to brake to last record  by same art activity with subject save to water . Last year I had been very critical judging for painting . I were selected only painting and rejected to poster art  of participant’s kids in that Art activity of 92.7 big FM . 

Kids Are busy In art creation at Synthesis institute  Bikaner.. 5 th June  2016
You know I am very critical for format of competition  but all are not thinking  like me at present  so I am living in critical mood its my nature of art . art accept only simple art interest and expressions for express to inner motion from a true artist. may be in future they all will understand to  my talk. Art is not for competition .. that’s all. 

The first , second ,third of competition  culture is killing to fresh art motion , mostly when then a kid are start to art and visual art . his /her fail condition is brake to interest and give only depression to kids ( child artist ) . last year I were wrote about it  on this art vibration so I will not repeat that  again.  But I did  in mood of critical judgment again today in art activity of 92.7 big FM . 

Today RJ Rohit Sharma from 92.7 big FM unite of Bikaner was invited to me at Synthesis institute for judgment to art work of kids . there I saw media person Mr. Charan Editor of Rashtrdoot news paper Bikaner edition , Zee news  Team , officer of Government water supply  office of Bikaner Sir Deepak Bansal . co – judge Junior artist Ballabh purohit  and some more organizer team members. 

When I were entered in room of art activity at Sythesis institute there I saw many kids were busy in painting they were  creating subject on paper sheet by color and line someone are writing caption and some more text about subject SAVE WATER …

I did hard judging and selected only painting , conceptual art work of kids , some kids were created very mature art work for the subject of that art activity so they got award rank first  , second and third by format of judgment on that art activity . 

Kid is  busy In art creation at Synthesis institute  Bikaner.. 5 th June  2016

That same art activity was going  on in another institute . The Ramesh English School there very small kids were participated  in that art activity . so my judgment format was more critically . I could not selected any art work of very little kids , because they were not conscious about subject of that art activity , so I was very critical there.  Over all  in two institute near seventy five  kids were came and they have been created subject SAVE WATER in  art form , I sure they all child artists were noticed to subject or that’s aim , I sure they have learned how to use water and how to they can save to water ,in their environment , I sure they had knew the value of water in our life . 

 A child artist was created very critical art work in that art activity. he was draw to story of thirsty crow . in visual  you will see his critical vision in his art work . he has visualize to future and said by story of thirsty crow  with a new angle . it was art and I did selected his  in first rank . a another kid was created a imagination about river  . he was created lots of rocks, a impression of dry river or in a box he was painted a water river . he did showed this dry land was river  in past ..he was gave a danger indication by critical view to viewers  so I were selected his art work for award , it was another critical judgment of  myself  in that art activity of 92.7 big FM  on world environment day 5 th June 2016  .

92.7 big Fm Bikaner  unit was gifted this  Tea Mug to me about  my art judgment  at 5 th June 2016
 I am happy the team of 92.7 big FM of Bikaner is understood to my way of art and format of a art activity. so they have balanced to each other  on a one place  very peacefully . I want to say  thanks to 92.7 big Fm  team of Bikaner. For me In thanks 92.7 big Fm team was  submitted  to me a gift ( Tea Mug ) .

Over all there I were educated to kids ( child artist ) about painting or poster . kids were noticed to  my guide line about painting or poster . I said that in critical  motion  but kids were understanding and learning about painting or poster for future art activity . may be  my critical nature, about their art ,will guide to them for their future and they will apply to  my guide line  in their art work ..

So here I said about  my judgment of second  art activity of 92.7 big Fm  on world environment day 5 th June 2016,  

One more critical art Judgment …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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