Friday, November 4

Art Vibration - 440

Natural Painting is give 

 Corns for food of life

First Step of Natural Painting of   2016
Friends you know before three month I was started natural painting in rain time at our farm land  by format of natural farming work .

Second Step of Natural Painting of  2016
 I did put  to corns in our farmland after rain , the rain water was mixed to corn  in clay of our farmland  and that wet clay was converted to corns in green leafs  in a one week . when all corns were concerted in green leafs  in that movement my farmland was got a look of natural green painting . that’s size was 825X825 fit’s .
 In last post I did shared a story on this  art vibration for your notice . now yesterday I was at our farmland  you can say on my natural canvas . There I saw our care taker person was feeling happy after some hard work . He was collected all corns from my natural painting . in that collection work he was faced some trouble from nature . The Air was blowing very fast with rain so all green grass was fail down on farm ground . so corns were  in risky condition, but our farm keeper ( care take ) was showed his patience after talk to me . I did pushed  him for collection to corns in that critical condition , before talk to me he was feeling very sad or upset. He was went in hopeless condition but I did motivated to him as a positive thinker or worker .He was noticed to   my talk  then in a one week he did collected all corns with his hard working family . when he was collected all corns then he came back in full confidence , he was said to me thanks but internal I did  thankful for  him or his working power or patience . 

Third Step of Natural Painting of  2016
Yesterday morning we got fresh corns after put to all in a machine . in a two hour I saw 10 X 100 KG fresh natural food corns on the ground of our farmland . it was came out from Earth or from my natural painting  work  by support of rain water . 

Now after art work  my art will give completeness of hunger condition of life . it will fill to stomach of life and it will fill the energy in life . so a big thanks to nature from my deep heart . 

Art is always give vision to life , energy to life , love and peace to life  but its all is come in life when our stomach live without hunger condition .Our hunger condition can stop, when we create natural canvas or on that canvas  natural painting for natural life of art . 

Final  Step of Natural Painting of  2016
My art work is completing to my dialogue , when I farming to corn very first  for stomach . my stomach live free to hunger condition then I can think for others hunger condition or in that motion I can create natural canvas or natural painting for complete to their  hunger condition .

 I know it is not a easy job for everyone  but anybody can do it by his /her patience . Because it is facet the natural painting is give corns for food of life .

 So here I said it Natural painting is give corns for food of life …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA


  1. hello brother, and a very happy birthday to you. may god show all his blessings on you.

    your reading shows the natural beauty and its colors that how a down to earth person can be and how easily he can achieve his happiness through hard work.
    Each person around us, famous or non famous, has one's own set of problems in the lives. If one overcomes them and becomes famous - at whatever level - being down to earth reflects the feeling of gratitude towards success as well as humility to accept failure if or when it comes. This behavior helps others around you to become comfortable. Whatever heights you reach, there always is a next level to achieve, thus whatever success you have just got might just be another step in the ladder. Understanding this being down to earth.

  2. i wish, i could be there to taste those fresh corns from our farms and enjoy them. very nice appreciable work

