Tuesday, February 28

Art Vibration - 454


Science & Technology is surprising to our world every day , Because the great researchers are busy in new search on this earth . The Researchers are giving to our  world every day something new or surprising method of science or technology ! 

Time is registering it continue in our world . science and Technology was started on our earth with  birth of life , time to time this science and Technology are getting much  better and advance mode for  easy way of life . I think science and technology is a also art work but its format  is something different and very practical , Art is work for inner matter of life   and this science and Technology is work for that inner matter as a tool or helper .  

I can say science and Technology is providing medium to art for inner matter of life . here  you can ask to me what is inner Matter ? so I want to tell you , about it .. inner matter is our sensors or that’s indications . without way of  language that sensors or that’s indications are live like blind in our unconsciousness , this science and technology ( medium ) is support to that all blind sensors or that’s indications  of us ,for put out in light through science  or technology . when our inner sensors are  get support of science or technology then our sensors or that’s indications are  get a right way of  language so that can come in our consciousness or by our consciousness it can transfer in others consciousness ,then their inner unconsciousness . ( something philosophical but its face of ART,SCIENCE or TECHNOLOGY ! )

I am talking about  this philosophical view because last week I was joined to a art activity of science institute . Actually I was invited for judgment of art at 17th All India inter Agriculture university  youth festival . This festival is come in under of Rajasthan University of veterinary and animal science ! 

letter copy , i received from hand of Sir S. K. Kashyap  Convener of Judgment  committee 2017 .
The Story was started to here one day  I was received a  phone call  , My literature friend Dr. Braj Ratan Joshi ( critic ) was called me and he was informed to me about art activity of youth festival or what was my role in that festival he was told to me  . I was in critical condition because my 15 days niece was admitted in Hospital she was in critical condition but out of danger . in that case  my mind was fully packed for her health issue so I was not said confident answer to Dr. Braj Ratan Joshi about joint to art activity of youth festival .
After three days Dr. Braj Ratan Joshi was came at My Studio  with Sir S. K. Kashyap  the  Convener of judgment committee of youth festival 2017 .  I was busy in  my art work in my very simple art studio or work table .  Sir S.K. Kashyap was submitted me a letter of judgment . He said we will wait of  yours on date 24th feb. 2017 at 3 pm . 

By support of time I got free time on date 24 at 3 pm , so I was joined to sir S.K. Kashyap At His office  in campus of veterinary  university Bikaner . 

I saw his work dedication or commitment , he was happy to me because I was there on right time  for my art duty as a dedicated artist or art master . 

There after a short meet,  I got  my work,  that was judging work of collage painting . A coordinator was gave me some mark sheets paper with subject of that collage painting ( thats subject was  science and Technology ) .

I was sit in a room of that collage office , there I saw near 60 paintings in collage style  . all art works were  very artistic like academic artists work . in mark sheet I saw four section about judgment , first was time duration , second was composition , third was impression or fourth was use of medium . all sections were  25 marks  total was 100 about each one art work judgment . 

On art work sheet I saw only code,  no any name or sign of students . so I could judged  transparently . All works were  fresh and very close to subject .  so that judgment was very tuff for me . ( in my art view that all art works were best , because the students were worked on a subject , they all were showed his/her creativity  with limited medium or space about bounded subject . so all are the best  no one was first or no one was second , third and  ETC. ) 

In a one art work  I saw  complete subject or that’s presentation  by limited art medium , I saw a rocket was in sky , that sky  color was gray,   the student was showed in that work the recent big success of INDIAN SCIENCE CENTER , He/She was exposed to 104 insets  launching mission of ISRO  in his/her  collage painting . so there I noticed to complete subject Science and Technology . A student have expressed his inner art sense or vision about Science or technology by a collage painting ( paper pasting work ) . That student had used his full mind capacity about visuals art , I knew he/she was not student of art but that’s inner sound was promoted to him / her so that was come out very strongly on canvas with subject science and technology . 

 So here I said science and technology information by art …

Note :- here I have no any visuals of that judgment motion or art works because that was not in  my rights , so I did not shoot any picture from that youth festival . but here I can share a letter image ,I got it from hand of Sir S.K. Kashyap , the convener of Judgment committee of 17th all INDIA inter Agriculture University youth festival  2017 …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA

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