Friday, March 1

Art Vibration - 510

Cabinet Minister of Rajasthan  Dr. B.D. Kalla  and Sahitya  Academy New Delhi  are  stand along  with   Academic Subject Rajasthani Language  of  Maharaja  Ganga  Singh  University  Bikaner …

Friends we know language is a code of Communication in our world. 

We all world countries have our own language for better communication between each other . In my nation we have many language ‘s because our historical records of different cultures were  started  very early or we know each culture and time were  designed itself a code language that’s form was in symbol or text . we know China have symbolic code language, today  they are following to their cultural language format ( symbols )  .
Nation America and England have English language but that’s are  their own English we can say two type of English language.  but that is accept for world communication .

Dr. L.P Tessitori
In my state we are facing to challenge for our own language . we are calling to that Rajasthani language . ( kind  your information in past posts I wrote about it on this art vibration .  ) . our Rajasthani language  was a vocal language in our past culture , but it was in used of communication as a code language of communication . we are seeing to our history then we can see to very small states ( countries ) in King time . so each one king or that’s setup were designed their own code language in form of vocal . so today we can see many styles of Rajasthani language just like painting style of Rajasthani Painting ( Kota Style, Bundi Style , Hadoti Style, Kishanghar Style , Jaipur  Style, Bikaner Style , Nathdwara Style , Fad style and many more paintings style’s  of Rajasthani painting  ).

A great Thinker /Philosopher /archeologist/poet/ editor / Dr. L.P. Tessitori  ( Italy ) was noticed to Rajasthani language  very first as a code language of communication after king time in our Rajasthan  State . he was created  a very big dictionary of Rajasthani words and gave a text form to Rajasthani language  in English or Hindi language . 

Kind  your information to day we are writing to Rajasthani Language  In Hindi text because it was a vocal  code language of Rajasthan states ( countries of King time period ) .

Today After Dr. L. P. Tessitori  ( Italy ) many writers /poets/ story writers ( literature persons ) are writing to his / her creation of literature in Rajasthani language  by help of Hindi Text .

So they are giving a right form to Rajasthani language  in text format and converting  to vocal  code in text code  format . So vocal Rajasthani language is coming in a text full  Rajasthani language . 
After Rajasthan Peoples the Sahitya  Academy New Delhi has accepted it as a language of Rajasthan so many writers and poets ( literature person ) are trying to develop to this vocal language in text code language of Rajasthan . 

writer/ poet  Dr. Nand Kishor  Acharya , Cabinet Minister  Dr. B. D. Kalla  , Prahalad Roy Goekan and V.C. MGSU Pro. Bhagirath Bijania , Publisher Dr. Pradhant  Bissa , HOD Rajasthani  language  Department  Dr. Meghana Sharma  and Journalist  Rajeev Harsh  at MGSU Bikaner 2019 .

In this progressive path our Maharaja Ganga  Singh University Bikaner  was Taken a big step  for Promotion or development of Rajasthani Language from Maharaja Ganga Singh University  Bikaner . this creative or Rajasthani Language  promotional work was started in under of V.C. of Maharaja  Ganga Singh  University Bikaner Pro. Bhagirath Bijaniya , we submitted a  application  to him about Subject  Rajasthani language  before six months ago , I also presented In University  when my city literature persons were submitted that  application  in hand of V.C.  Pro. Bhagirath Bijania .

On date 21 Feb. 2019 , I was invited as a guest at campus of Maharaja Ganga Singh University for join to their Scholarship distribution event . V.C. Pro, Bhagirath Bijania  submitted scholarship to students of  Subjects Rajasthani Language . it was big surprise for me and I felt happy and cool when I knew our Maharaja ganga Singh University is working as a committed worker of Rajasthani Language Promoter / developer ! 

In that Scholarship distribution event our Cabinet Minsiter  Dr. B.D. Kalla  was presented  with writer  Dr. Nand Kishir  Acharya or a social worker of Kolkata Mr. Prahalad Roy Goenka . in visuals  you will  see to full story of that very important work of Rajasthani Language by Maharaja Ganga Singh  University  Bikaner.
Kind  your information Maharaja Ganga  Singh University  appointed to two faculty for  subject  Rajasthani language . the faculty of subject Rajasthani  Language are Dr. Namami Shankar  Acharya and Dr. Gaurishaknar Prajapat , Dr. Meghna  Sharma is HOD of  Subject Rajasthani Language  . so on date 21 – Feb.- 2019 I saw a complete  Dream form  of Dr. L. P. Tesssitori ( Italy )  . I thnk he was dreaming  this kind of  format  about Rajasthani Language in his dream . 

 After Date 21 – Feb.-2019 , I was invited again  by Maharaja Ganga  Singh University Bikaner or Sahitya Academy New Delhi at campus of  Maharaja  Ganga Singh University  Bikaner. 

It was another  Surprising movement for me . I received a invitation card for Seminar on Rajasthani  Language or that’s writing styles. Seminar Subject was tradition of Rajasthani  language  Story or what identity of Rajasthani language Stories in this Modern  time ..   

As a Listener I presented there in that two days  and listen to all sessions  about Rajasthani Language or that’s stories writing styles . I listen to Sant Somgiri Ji Mahraja , Dr. Sohan Dan Charan , Pro. Bhagirath Bijania , Member Of Sahitya  Academy  New Delhi  Mr. J.K. Verema ,  writer cum convener of Sahitya Academy ( Rajasthani Language ) New Delhi Madhu Acharya , writer Mithesh Nirmohi , writer Jitendra Nirmohi , Ashok Vyas , Manoj Swami  ,writer Arvind Singh Aanshia , Dinesh Panchaal, Bharat Ola ,  senior  writer Kamla kamlesh ( Women speaker ) .

Second day date 26 – Feb. – 2019 , I listen  to Dr.Neeraj Daiya ,  writer Krashan kumar Aashu , Omprakash Bhatia , Bulaki Sharma ,Ramkumar Gahlot,kamal Ranga , senior writer Devkishan Rajpurohit ,  in mid of sessions two writers of Rajasthani  Language  were launched his books from stage of  Sahitya Academy or Maharaja Ganga Singh University  Bikaner. Dr. Neeraj Daiya  launched a story book of His Editorial  work.  he published  stories of Senior Writer Devkishan  Rajpurohit , and Dr. Namami  Shankar  Acharya lanched his translation work of Rajathani language  in form of book .

In last session I listen to writer Laxmikant  Vyas  and writer Malchand Tiwari . writer Malchand Tiwari  defined to definition of tradition or modern for post modernism writer  of Rajasthani  Language ..
On Desk  Writer Malchand Tiwari , on stage  Writer /Convener Madhu Acharya  , HOD Rajasthani Dept. Dr. Meghana Sharma  and Writer Laxmikant  Vyas at MGSU Bikaner 2019 . 

Overall in that two days I noticed many writers and poets of Rajasthani language came in that seminar from all cities of Rajasthan . they were speaking Rajasthani language in their own tone or local touch of their vocal code language of communication . we were listen and understood their vocal sound and words that was fully Rajasthani words.  so that seminar project was got success for Rajasthani language promotion or development by campus of Maharaja  Ganga Singh University  Bikaner. I noticed Maharaja  Ganga Singh University and Sahitya Academy New Delhi were   completing  their duty and commitment of Promotion to Rajasthani  Language . I were  happy because in that  committed work of them they invited me ,they remembered me as a founder of Subject Rajasthani  Language  in maharaja Ganga Singh University Bikaner.
Jai Rajasthan  Jai Rajasthani but very first jai jai Hindustan …

Yogendra Kumar Purohit
Master of Fine Art
 Bikaner, INDIA


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  3. Io fino a trent'anni fa non conoscevo L.P. Tessitori. Lo scoprii per caso visitando il Museo Civico di Udine dove c’era una sala a lui dedicata piena di cimeli indiani, innanzitutto armi antiche. E fu così che seppi che era uno studioso, archeologo e indologo italiano amante dell’india morto nel 1919 a Bikaner.
    Per me, a quei tempi, Bikaner era una città qualsiasi dell’irraggiungibile India. Visitarla era un sogno irrealizzabile che mai pensavo si potesse realizzare.
    Poi il tempo passa e, grazie all’invito di amici indiani, ho potuto realizzare il sogno di visitare la fantastica India, il Rajasthan e la città di Bikaner, luogo di vita e di studio del mio connazionale L.P. Tessitori.
    In questi ultimi anni sono stato tre volte a Bikaner e ho visitato molte città del Rajasthan ed ho soddisfatto così la mia curiosità sul mondo indiano. Ho approfondito la conoscenza della magica sabbia del grande deserto indiano, dove, nel 2015, io ho dipinto quattordici grandi tele come una unica opera dal titolo “Popolo del deserto”. Io sono rimasto affascinato e legato a questa terra comprendendo così la scelta fatta dal Tessitori un secolo fa.
    Non solo ho conosciuto la città di Bikaner, il mercato, gli abitanti e molti suoi artisti, quanto la sua attuale vivacità culturale e la sua antica civiltà.
    Ma la cosa sorprendente è stata che la gente di Bikaner e del Rajasthan non ha dimenticato L.P. Tessitori! Egli è ancora vivo nella memoria del popolo come il “personaggio italiano” che si è dedicato a studiare il Rajasthan in particolare.
    Oggi attraverso il blog di Yogendra K. Purohit ho appreso del convegno sui linguaggi tenutosi a Bikaner con la presenza delle Università, studiosi di linguaggi, scrittori e poeti. Una grande soddisfazione e un grande onore per me sapere che un italiano, all’altra parte del mondo, si è reso utile all’India e all’ ”intera umanità” con i suoi studi sul linguaggio parlato antico del Rajasthan. Io mi prodigherò a divulgare, qui in Italia, l’opera di L.P. Tessitori. Enzo Marino

  4. Until thirty years ago I did not know L.P. Tessitori. I discovered it by chance visiting the Civic Museum of Udine where there was a room dedicated to him full of Indian memorabilia, first of all ancient weapons. And that's how I learned that he was an Italian scholar, archaeologist and indologist, a lover of India who died in 1919 in Bikaner.
    For me, in those days, Bikaner was a city of unattainable India. Visiting it was an unattainable dream that I never thought could be realized.
    Then time passes and, thanks to the invitation of Indian friends, I was able to realize the dream of visiting the fantastic India, Rajasthan and the city of Bikaner, place of life and study of my compatriot L.P. Tessitori.
    In these last years I have been three times in Bikaner and I have visited many cities of Rajasthan and I have satisfied my curiosity about the Indian world. I deepened my knowledge of the magical sand of the great Indian desert, where, in 2015, I painted fourteen large canvases as a single work entitled "People of the Desert". I was fascinated and bound to this land, thus understanding the choice made by the Tessitori a century ago.
    Not only did I get to know the city of Bikaner, the market, the inhabitants and many of its artists, as well as its current cultural vivacity and its ancient civilization.
    But the surprising thing was that the people of Bikaner and Rajasthan did not forget L.P. Tessitori! He is still alive in the memory of the people as the "Italian character" who has dedicated himself to studying Rajasthan in particular.
    Today through the blog of Yogendra K. Purohit I learned of the conference on languages held in Bikaner with the presence of universities, scholars of languages, writers and poets. A great satisfaction and a great honor for me to know that an Italian, on the other side of the world, has become useful to India and to the "whole of humanity" with his studies on the ancient spoken language of Rajasthan. I will do my best to divulge, here in Italy, the work of L.P. Tessitori. Enzo Marino

