Tuesday, May 12

Art Vibration - 540

A Painter Can Critic of Painting..

Art Work of  Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur
Friends we know criticism is very must for real sign of any subject of our society . critics are playing the role of mirror about our society . critics are expose to ability or disability and  they are  guide to each  one practitioner . critics are researcher of a subject or practitioner . critics are doing hard study before criticism then they come as a critic in front  of our society  

 So the role of critics are very important in our culture design , we can’t imagine a fine cultural culture without a true critic . it is true . you can see in  history of our culture . we will see many critics , they all were worked for better design of culture  in our human society by their criticism  . They did that because they are living to  true guide line of our mythology and folk culture too. 

I have seen this sound about critic in my master education of painting . I read to Nobel Award winner Late Sir  Ravindra Nath Thakur ( yesterday we were celebrated his 150 birth anniversary  In India )  .Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur was a literature person,  he wrote poems, novels and many songs and stories  . But in age,  year 67 he painted many paintings and he created many drawings. 

In year 2004 , I went to Delhi and there at National gallery of modern Art , New Delhi . I visited original art work of Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur . for me ,  he is a good painter from his childhood age , I can say it after visit his original painting , he started very late but that was his very strong inner sound , that’s come directly in his art form (  line and colors ). I know many contemporary art critics are agree with me on this point . kind  your information  Late Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur was gifted a art institute to our INDIA that’s name is Shanti Niketan ( kala bhawan ) . his donation ( in form Shanti Niketan ) was proved it , if he was living to art very deeply in his life . that was come out  very late but a painter was living in him . He was criticized to western art format because that was damaging to Indian cultural art . we all know about it . so I will not say much more on it , I want to say Sir Ravindra nath Thakur was a true painter then he could criticism to painting of western art. 

Santi Niketan ( vishva Bharti ) phot by google image so thanks google image
 That same  thing , today I see in a contemporary senior art critic  Sir Prayag Shukla . he is writing on art as a true critic , mostly he is criticize to paintings. ( visual art ) .we know Sir Prayag Shukla is a good poet , book writer, literature person or a very important art critic of our INDIA . it is outside true of  sir Prayag shukla . inside he is a true deep painter ( visual artist ) . I can say it because yesterday he was sending to me his own creation  two drawings images on my mobile  (digital communication format ). 

Art Work of  Sir Prayag Shukla  ( lock down )  2020 , photo by  Sir Prayag Shukla
He said I have draw it .so  I visit his drawings and then  I remembered to original art work of Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur ( National gallery of Modern Art , New Delhi ) . in drawings of Sir Prayag Shukla , I noticed  same  critical sound of sir Ravindra Nath Thakur . Sir Prayag Shukla  is living to painting in his inside . then he can visit and observe to other artists or their  paintings as a painter .  he know the nature of painter because inside he is living to self as a painter . you can notice it in his drawing works then   you will accept it . because it is true . 
Art Work of  Sir Prayag Shukla  ( lock down )  2020 , photo by  Sir Prayag Shukla
  After visit to art works of Sir Prayag Shukla I knew how to he criticize to a painter , where to he get confidence for criticism of each one painting of different artists of our world  . it is not a easy job but he is doing it very easily. because a painter eye quae is in his vision . I hear  same sound of  Sir Ravindra Nath Thakur in sir Prayag Shukla  for  Indian culture design ,  they both are poet, writer , literature person, art critic and they both live art in his inside we are calling to that unconscious part of our  deep heart  .

Without study   on subject criticism is impossible , sir Prayag Shukla is doing possible to this impossible work by his deep art study on painting Subject.

So here I wrote about Sir Prayag Shukla ..  A painter can critic of painting …

Yogendra  kumar purohit
Master of Fine Arts
Bikaner, INDIA

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