Friday, May 6

Art Vibration -575


Thanks To International  Press/ Print Media, you share our art sound Di Peace for  peace of Our World…

Friends we know last three Months to war is on in mid of Russia and Ukraine . They both countries are busy in bombing , we know war is very danger for our life , nature or environment too . But we Humans are doing war , but why  ? it is big question in front of our Human family or we have no answer about it ? why ?  

War effect is disturbing to mind and life style , war is create fear/ unwanted fear in vision , war do  block to normal life or that’s way . but war is still with our human family , it was started from life or it is running with our human life today . 

As a artist I think war is suicide of our human family . I draw it in form of a drawing by panicl on paper as a art message . This art message was accepted by International free Artists Group of Italy , There The Director Art Maestro Enzo Marino was also thinking for peace of life . So he was organized a international art exhibition as a art message for real peace of human life. 


Maestro Enzo Marino is  very senior  most Artist of Italy , he is very active in social art or in art communication for natural beauty or peace . so I respect of Him or his art activity . His art activities are giving positive energy to our world family , He think for creative job not for war or etc.  so I salute to him . in my vision he is  my real Alexandra , he know how to win to heart of people through the art .


Last month he was organized Di peace art exhibition in park Da Tagilla Di Cardito , Napels city of Italy . Maestro Enzo Marino Invited art works on online for selection . He did selected 200 art works for art Exhibition Di Peace , He was printed to all 200 art works on canvas and exhibited in park of Napels  Italy . by this art Exhibition Maestro Enzo Marino was gave live message for di peace , He gave message to our world family “ we can live peaceful life with art and cultural  activity on this earth with our Human family . 


I am happy because my art message was presented in this di peace art sound of our world art community . or I am thankful for international press/ print media community of our world , they were published and expressed to our di peace message in front of our world family . 


International press / Print Media  Community was gave full space to our art sound di Peace in their columns . They were indicated to us “we press are with  you our world art community . “ so lots of respect for our International press /print media . 


Special thanks to press /print media of ITALY and Bikaner/INDIA, Because they were noticed to our art activity and then presented very finely from their press medium . It was great moral support to our Art community  from International Press/ Print Media . 


Here some images of  International media publication for  your notice  , They were published to our art sound Di Peace . In images you will see or read how to international press and print media were taken to our  art Exhibition Di Peace or that’s art message , 


so I write it , Thanks to International Press/ Print Media , you share our art sound  Di Peace for peace of our world …


Yogendra  Kumar Purohit

Master of Fine Art



1 comment:

  1. Dear Yogendra ji congratulations to you for participating in this wonderful art exhibition.

