Wednesday, June 8

Art Vibration - 578

 Achievement Of War ..?

Friend our world on stage of danger zone . The rich countries are forgiving their contributions or educational achievements in our world  . They are leaving to path or peace . we know education or richness are   giving not only gaining ( their  giving is their gaining )  . The world is on high alert at present , it was started from Covid _19 or today it is convert  in war seen  .  Its reason , I think all rich countries are feeling unsecure in their system of economy . But without patience or peace their unsecure condition will not change . They are thinking war will recover to their economy loss,  but it is just a  dream . we have seen two world war or that’s result , we human family were not achieved any special after world war. But we have faced that in two time or today world is going on stage of  third world war . so my question to our world family , what we learn to history ? why we read to history ? why we celebrate to world peace day ? why we celebrate festival, culture or food or others days  ? why we think for child education ? why we think for labor protection ? why we are giving priority to Education ,farming  or art & cultural activity in our world family . why ? 


Today we are stand on stage of third world war , so tell me what is mean of education, farming ,or art and culture when we are looking for war finally . I think it is a big joke from rich countries on their own system or progress of their nation path !

We know war always give pain, loss and hunger condition to each one countries . by war we damage to our basic elements of life , like water,air, food or land , by war we are changing to climate of our earth . by bombing we are creating unwanted pollution with high range in very short time . this kind of pollution is effect on humans or wild life too.

In war condition what is a right mean of NGO’s  of wild life care ? Girl child care ? Clean nation clean world ? Clean water ? Green cites green world ? Health care ? Digital world ? Peace full world ?  Clean air ? or ETC ?

In war condition what is a right mean of Research of Nasa and others  in universe ( mars, moon, or other planets ) ?

We world people are know result of war is nothing but we are pushing / pulling to our world once again in world war zone , but why ?

 I think its basic reason is unsecure leadership and  fear of Hunger life . ( philosopher Sir Megdugal was wrote about this fear or hunger  condition but he wrote fear and hunger is one  reason for live to life,  nothing after it for life . )   I read it in my Art education - subject  -western history of art .

But it is critical  condition  today , The  rich countries are  feeling unsecure to others ,why it is ?  They are capable for complete to their basic requirement of their nation, But they are need more and more for more secure to their nation , they are not thinking for other countries or our human families . it is critical or against rule of nature or human family .

Earth is providing to us water, air and food for safe life , we are know how to grow to seeds on our earth , we know how to clean to water for drinking, we know how to take fresh air , Because we are learning and educating to self for more better future of our human  life  on this earth with elements of  nature .

We know this  third world war is on our head or in our head we have very much experience of war or that’s result . so it is time to move to our vision on path of peace , Because achievement of war is nothing after death , loss or damage.

Last three months to two countries of our  world  are  damaging their image, sores of income , they are killing to kids , women’s and army mans too . They are busy in fire to last three months or that’s achievement is only loss of peace and life too .

They both have leaved to peaceful sleep , they are taking polluted air and fearful breath in each one second of time . in Rajasthani language we are saying to it  ( Nind Bechar Ojko Liyo ) it mean we have  sold our  peaceful sleep and taking to  unwanted fear .

I am thinking it , so I am in tens or I am thinking for  my world family , I know peace is a way of world but we are going in war zone it is critical , so I converted  my view on art paper by pencil with title Achievement of war .

Before this work I converted my view in art drawing ( art is my Business, Because I am art master ) . In that work I draw two hand is trying to suicide itself . Art Maestro Enzo Marino Italy was organized a International art Exhibition for peace with title  THE PEACE .he was selected my work and Exhibited in his art exhibition  in banner free art gallery Italy . I have shared a post about that art activity of Him on this art vibration .. Art Maestro Enzom Marino invited to 200 artists of our world and exhibited their works cum message of peace  . He recognize their contribution in art activity of peace and providing certificates to all participants. It is not a joke from Art Maestro  Enzo Marino ,  it is hard exercise to teach to world family , he is saying to our world family please avoid to war and adopt to path or art and culture for natural peace of life. 

But I think natural peace of life will come in our world . when  in leadership of each one nation  we will  select to a real artist,  a true artist  then we can push to our world on path or real PEACE . I think it for our world peace ,Because I know achievement of war is Nothing after loss of peace .

So here I write it Achievement of war …?

Yogendra  kumar Purohit

Master of Fine Art


1 comment:

  1. I wanted this great international exhibition "Rags in the wind ... of Peace" because I believe in the culture of Peace and also because I wanted to make the voices of artists from all over the world heard by the powerful of the earth. I called the artists together because I believe that artists are the conscience of the peoples, they are the sentinels of Humanity, they are the ones who first perceive the physical or moral danger of the people. Artists are the weeping of pain and joy of Humanity. 890 artists answered the call but we managed to create only one exhibition of 200 artists from 40 countries in the world. A beautiful open-air exhibition, in a wonderful park, which served as an art gallery, with extraordinary works that expressed outrage towards all the wars in the world but also, fluttering in the wind, emitted a sweet sound like a great hymn to Peace. Artists from various nations also contrast with each other such as Russia and Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Syria and Turkey; artists from various religions and factions, artists from rich and poor countries all exhibited together. With solidarity and without rancor but only driven by the desire for Peace. To denounce and contest the countries that oppress other countries, the oppression of man by man, the wealth that despises poverty. food waste, abuse of nature. It was an exhibition that condemned the "greats" of the earth for their nefarious actions, the selfish and inhumane international power lobbies operating only for their own interests, all the proponents of wars. big and small. The artists have made their choice, they are for Peace without a doubt Enzo Marino

