I Join To The Future Of Life
Nobel Week Dialogue 2022..
The Nobel Prize community is committed for our betterment of life . They are organize to Nobel prize for inspiring work of our human family . Every year they are selecting to selective person of our world . in that selective persons they are select to writer, scientist ,researcher , artist ,social worker and social thinker too .
Sir Ravindranath Thakur
was first candidate from India for Nobel prize . He was achieved Nobel prize for his poetry work .
that’s title is GEETANJALI that Geetanjali poem book is in BANGALA language . So in system of the Nobel Prize community ,
they have no any boundary for any one about Nobel prize but they noticed very
first how much useful the work of Nobel prize winner for our human life.
Because The Nobel prize is a idle frame for our world peoples . our human family are follow to Nobel prize winner in their own life and in family culture too.
So Nobel Prize community is very much alert and dedicate for responsible work of Nobel Prize . they are not give only Nobel Prize to selective persons, or with time to time they are organize some dialogues and discussions from stage of Nobel Prize community. It is great or very must for more betterment of our world family .
I respect to Nobel Prize community, because they are promoting and exposing to a right person in front of our world by their Nobel Prize reward. Or they are trying to communicate with our world for Nobel work by social communication. They are also inviting to Nobel level work for the Nobel Prize .
2008 to I am continue on online or I am connected to The Nobel Prize community by their online social media pages like facebook. Twitter or google too.
Here time to time I am collecting or receiving important informations from the Nobel Prize community by mail or by message on facebook or twitter . it is a great achievement for my art journey from the Nobel Prize community .
On date 29 Nov. 2022 I received a invitation mail from The Nobel Prize Community , that was invitation of The Future of Life Nobel week dialogue 2022 ( online ) . so I registered myself as a participants or I got conformation mail of my registration .In that movement I felt happy after my registration at The Nobel Prize Community or that’s activity . Because i got chance for join to online dialogue of The Nobel Prize Community first time in my art journey .
Here I am very much thankful for the Nobel Prize Community because they have created a space for me or I can join to their live the Future of life Nobel week dialogue 2022 today on online format.
In Dialogue of Nobel Prize Community the Speakers are talking on life or for future of life. They all were touched to all subjects of life like digital world, virtual world, literature ,art and craft, economy , food and fashion , basics of life and nature of our earth .
They focused on food, friend and fashion with concept of forms of art , science plus literature for the Future of life.
I noticed some speakers are in tens for future life they mention to covid attack or war attack in their speech . I think it was must from stage of Nobel week dialogue because they are thinking for our future or life in tens side .
In short time many speakers presented their own views by the panels of the Nobel week dialogue 2022 . The discussion of Nobel prize community is trying to educate TO EDUCATED persons of our world or they want to create awareness in vision of our world peoples, in peoples we can see to teachers, writers, artists, doctors , scientists , engineers, technicians , digital masters, poets , singers , craft man , workers, labors, economist, social activates , social worker, wild life care takers , nature care takers or culture care takers too .
In this format the Nobel Prize community is working very hard as a care taker or that’s result is , live online communication with our world , under the banner of The Future of Life Nobel week dialogue 2022.
I hope in future the Nobel Prize community will organize more live dialogue and they will more educate to our world for our natural betterment of life in future .
The Nobel Prize community has been started to work for the future of life or it is very must we should support to them from our hard work for the future of life. I sure we all human family can do it because we are human or we believe in community and support format.
Our one commitment can make better to the future of life. We know it or we can do it .
The Nobel Prize community have done this commitment or that’s example is their live online talk show of today . The future of life Nobel Week dialogue 2022. Today I join to that …
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA
Condivido quanto dice Yogendra kumar purohit e tengo a precisare che le persone che compongono la comunità del Premio Nobel e che producono le nomine a fine anno sono persone speciali che si limitano a selezionare, con la loro coscienza, donne e uomini eccezionali a cui conferire il Nobel.
ReplyDeleteLa discussione è complessa e di grande consistenza umana perché non è facile scegliere dal campionario umano le “eccellenze delle eccellenze” che hanno raggiunto alti risultati per migliorare la qualità della vita sulla terra. Innanzitutto chiediamoci: chi sono i soggetti predisposti al miglioramento?
Io sono convinto che chiunque si adoperi per l’Umanità e consegue risultati positivi per migliorarne la vita sia degno del Premio Nobel ma sono anche convinto che il premio esige una selezione e di conseguenza una scelta.
Io stesso, che ho creato il premio internazionale “Scintilla dell’Ingegno” (2022-VII edizione) con lo scopo di gratificare le eccellenze emerse durante l’anno in tutti i campi operativi umani, nel mio piccolo, mi sono trovato spesso a dover fare delle scelte e vi assicuro che selezionare e optare è molto difficile specialmente quando si è di fronte a più personalità di grande spessore culturale: letterati, artisti, scienziati, ingegneri, poeti, economisti, sportivi operatori sociali e della natura.
Io mi sono sempre creduto all’idea che il futuro dell’ Umanità preme innanzitutto alle persone che hanno la percettibilità universale delle cose, la coscienza di cosa è il genere umano contemporaneo e la conoscenza delle origini e dei motivi che hanno formato le genti d’oggi. Ma innanzitutto che i grandi uomini, attraverso le loro idee e il loro operato, rivelino intuizioni creative per il futuro della famiglia umana.
Bisogna ammettere che l’Umanità, per motivi di sopravvivenza primordiale, ma oggi non più validi, si è fatto travolgere dalla competitività fino a sostenere come gioco di vita il conflitto, l’ostilità, la guerra.
La cultura bellica, quindi, ha preso il sopravvento sulla cultura del dialogo, della collaborazione, della fratellanza con ricadute negative sulla qualità della vita umana.
La comunità del Premio Nobel dovrebbe concentrarsi di più su queste questioni ed evidenziare le azioni e gli uomini di Pace.
Enzo Marino – marinoenzo@yahoo.it – WhatsApp: +393465064978