Friday, January 19

Art Vibration - 642


Patrika Brain Power is making will power of Child Artists of our world ..

Friends we know Press is a mirror of our society . press is committed for expose to truth of our society , press is motivate to culture of society . so in our society press is playing very important role for educate to us or press is provide to us right information as a helping hand of our society . 

Samundra Manthan Painting of Child Art Master  Miss Gourangi Purohit , published  by Patrika Brain power

samundra manthan painting published in jaipur Edition of Patrika Brain power page

In Rajasthan A branch of Indian Press The Rajasthan Patrika News Paper is playing real role of press in mid of our society . Rajasthan Patrika News paper is a Daily News Paper of  INDIA , it is publish in Hindi or this news paper is fully committed for promotion of art and culture . my childhood age to till today I am seeing  this Rajasthan Patrika  news paper is publishing daily art and culture events news/ story  with some important information of our society  .

I joined to facebook page patrika brain Power for art visit of child art of our world

The Team Of Rajasthan Patrika news paper was published to my art journey Many time in edition of Rajasthan Patrika - Jaipur , Kota, Bikaner , Jaisalmer , Bundi , Hanumangarh , ETC. 

When I was completed  my master in Painting A Editor of Rajasthan Patrika 141 page Jaipur , Sir Sumant Bhatacharya was called me with a job offer of Press Photographer , but I could not accepted his offer because I was busy in painting work at Graphic Studio of Jawahar Kala Kendra Jaipur . ( kind  your information myself and Editor Sir Sumant Bhatacharya were  worked  together in News Paper Dainik Bhaskar Jaipur Edition .  Our team was launched in Jaipur new colorful page of Dainik Bhaskar News Paper that’s title was CITY BHASKAR . But it was a another story or the temperament  of Dainik Bhaskar news paper is very different to Rajasthan Patrika news paper .  

Here I want to share a very soft but very important think of Rajasthan Patrika News Paper , I noticed it and I like it . Because it is making will power in brain of kids . yes will power of kids . Rajasthan Patrika Have started a Patrika Brain Power page for kids ( creative child  for more creative inspiration in brain of  other child’s  ) . They are inviting creative works of  childs on facebook group page Patrika Brain Power .  There after join to that group page each one child can share his / her creative work for publish in Patrika Brain Power page or they are publish that 100%. 

IN this Patrika Brain Power page the team of Editor is publish to painting, poetry, story , article and some more knowledgeable matter for make to will power of kids brain . it is very much important for our kids or Rajasthan Patrika news paper team is knowing it or they are hardly working on it and  its result is very bright and impressive . 

Its live example I noticed in my home , my niece Miss Gourangi Purohit ( six year old ) is very creative girl child , she is creating painting from her own imagination like a story painting , first she observe to some subjects from TV cartoons like Krishna , pandwas, Ramayana and some more cartoons , she is also watch some family video on youtube and then she is create some painting in her own style . she used to water color , crayons , pencil color, acrylic color , marker and sketch pen colors . I am not guide to her for her creativity . As a art master I try to motivate to her,  because I know she is knowing to nature of art medium or self creativity by her daily art practice . She is transfer her imagination on paper as a art work or I know her art work is pure and fresh plus very much creative . so  I can certify to her child art because I am art master in Painting . kind  your information the team of Patrika Brain power  page  has been published one painting of  my Niece Miss Gourangi purohit , Her painting title was SAMUNDRA MATHAN . by this painting publication Rajasthan Patrika Brain power page team was charged to her will power for more creative art works , it was surprising for me when she was looked her painting on page of Patrika Brain power ( jaipur Edition ) She was jumping with her up hands, she said yeeehh, I saw a self confidence on her face , that was creation of Patrika Brain Power page team for  my niece , so I am giving Sadhuwad  to Rajasthan Patrika news paper and to team of Patrika Brain power  Page .   

How to child are is pure and fresh ? Here I want to give a example of it . great art master Poul kelly ( European Artist )  was completed his academic art education and then he was started art work on child art . In his full life he painted like a child or in last stage of his creative life , he said , I painted full time to child art but  in reality I could not paint like a child .it mean pure , free child art is very up to all art works  of our great master’s  of our society . it is noticeable point  for our society .

The Team of Patrika brain Power is noticing to my daily visit and they are giving me points to my visit ..


I think Rajasthan Patrika News Paper and that’s Patrika Brain Power page designer team is knowing about it . so they are inviting painting, poetry, story, article from creative child’s or every day they are publishing to that for inspire to more kids . Because this know art and literature is making brain power of kids , or that’s publication is  making will power in kids .

So here I write it ..Patrika Brain Power is making will power of Child Artists of our world .


Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

 Bikaner, INDIA


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