Wednesday, August 21

Art Vibration - 679

Farming of Oxygen by Natural painting of Myself ..2024


Friends in my body farmer blood is running twenty four hours in a day ( I am grandson of a farmer or farming work is our family culture )  . so every year in rain time I am doing this family job farming work at farm or at home too . it is true. 


But I am taking to this farming work as a art work because I am master in painting or painting in my vision , so every important work of my life I am taking as a art work  , so this farming work job is also a natural painting work for me .

Kind  your information Prafulaa dhahanukar art foundation Mumbai was noticed to my natural painting and they were gave me city artist award with a good prize money/ amount .

 I am describe to this natural painting  in my words that is this :- my farmland is my big canvas and rain water and seeds are my art medium . with out brush and paint  I paint to natural green  on a big canvas . you can say to this art practice a installation art by farming craft . ha .


This year 2024 is a good year for my natural painting, because rain is coming time to time according to requirement of water in natural farming work . so I am confident about fine result of my natural painting .I know final master stroke in hand of nature .  

The big canvas I mean my farm land is get natural green look after tree week  , this green color base will get more green in next few weeks by support of nature or rain water  in natural environment .

 I also done natural painting at home in small size . some free space of home land I use for natural painting so green color is come out to earth by support of rain water. 

Many birds/ humans will get natural food from my natural painting in fresh environment . or this fresh environment is creating  naturally my natural painting at home or at farm land too.

Farming work is produce to pure oxygen , this oxygen is base of our life . so this natural painting work of myself is work for farming of Oxygen . its direct mean is work for journey of life on this earth  .

As a artist  I am trying to do my right job in this earth environment , I am producing  to basic of life that is one and only oxygen , without oxygen we can’t imagine to life on our earth . so I am working on basic of our life from my natural painting  in rain time of each one year , or I hope to all of  you “  you should try to do this from yourself” for our journey of life or for our earth environment  too. We should create  this nature in our child vision for their own fresh natural future  , they will live in future or their  future is in our hand today . so it is must we start it from today .. am I right ? reply me  in comment .. thanks 

I hope  you  have understood to my right message or meaning about  farming of oxygen , it is very much important for us in this nature ..

 So here I write about it  Farming of Oxygen by Natural Painting of myself .. 2024

Yogendra kumar purohit

Master of Fine art

Bikaner, INDIA

1 comment:

  1. Your a beautiful soul!ALL OF YOU! Man how inspiring!

