Wednesday, August 7

Art Vibration - 676

730 Art works  in 365 days,  A commitment of myself for dedicated art work..

Friends in last year month Aug/ 2023 - I got fracture in bone of my right shoulder .so doctor was fixed my right shoulder by belt . or he was gave me instructions for care to his right  treatment . he said you will not  use very much  your right hand , you will not pick any weight in your right hand or  you will not move much more up and down to your right hand otherwise your bone fracture will not recover  very well or in right time . For me it was critical condition . you know I am painting to my right hand and  my right hand was bounded from medical sector . so I felt upset , because I could not paint and draw natural size painting and drawing of myself from my right hand . 


“ But time is give some more way when we think all way are block in our life”. I am thankful for my time and god , because I got a new idea for my art work . According to instruction of  my Doctor.  I could not moved very much to my hand but I could  moved to my hand in very limited space . so I selected small size paper ( 6 X 8 Inches ) for my continue art work  in fracture condition at home . 

You can say my commitment was got a easy way for daily art work practice in pain condition . that was my true dedication for my art and you can also say art is my real food for this art journey . art is my energy sores for this art journey . so art work was must for me or my life in that pain condition or I did that by support of time . 

So at home in rest condition I started drawing work on small  paper . Every day I draw two drawings by pencil or ink pen in same flow of myself .

On my social media you are noticing in this days every day I am updating my two art works for  your visit. After three months the medical sector was gave me freedom after update to my right hand shoulder . the bone was reset in my right shoulder , pain was removed with time . my right hand shoulder was came back in same working mode by blessing of god and by support of time. 

So I lived continue busy in my daily two drawing work . now this Aug/ 2024 one year is complete today and I have draw 730 drawings in this 365 days of my art journey . In this work I have not taken any leave or brake , I think it is blessing of art on me so I live continue in this art work . 

Myself commitment and dedication was charged to me every day in pain time of fracture of  right shoulder  or after pain .

Kind  your information  this small size work was selected for international or national art event of online or off line too . This work also got a big offer from a International art collector for rupees 12,50,000 /- ( each one  work of myself ) . so I am thinking , it is real success of my  continuity of art and art commitment plus art dedication ..

So here I write about it …730 art works  in 365 days  A commitment of myself for dedicated art work..


Yogendra kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA



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