Thursday, September 19

Art Vibration - 684


Newspaper Header Design From Paper Messy Art and Craft ..

Friends we know paper messy art and craft medium is very old medium in our culture . for collection of dry corns we human were used to this paper messy pots in home stores. Before paper innovation this paper messy art and craft was done from clay, dry grass , cloth dust ,and some wet corns . but today this paper messy art and craft medium is get ready by real paper and gum . I am saying about it because I have done a art and craft exercise  with this paper messy art and craft medium in my studio yesterday week . 

Final Design of Header of Dainink Bhaskar in Paper messy art and craft from myself art practice , 2024

 Actually last week I received a phone call  from Editor  Dainik Bhaskar Bikaner – Sir Piyush Mishra ji . He was invited to me at his office for a meeting . so on time of meeting I were presented in his office chamber , There he was taken a meeting with me on subject page design of Dainik Bhaskar Bikaner.

He shared his condition with me and some ideas for requirement of page design . I also gave some creative advice cum idea’s for page design . in that meeting we finalized  a art and craft work design exercise for header of newspaper Dainik Bhaskar  Bikaner Or may be National .  

poster look of header design of Dainik Bhaskar

I said to Editor Sir Piyush Mishra Ji I will create to header design in paper messy . or in paper messy I will use to real news paper copies because that is available at home easily . So After that meeting I came to my studio or I were started art and craft work for header Design of Dainik Bhaskar .

First I taken water in a big pot and then I messed  to news papers and put in that big pot for  wet to mess papers . After one day I put some gum paste medium in that wet papers. Or next day I got a right paper messy art and craft medium from myself at studio . it was great experience for me about homemade art medium that was paper messy . 

Header Design Of Dainik Bhaskar in under process  at yogendra -art and designing Studio  Bikaner.2024

From computer printer I got a big size header image of Dainik Bhaskar on white paper size 5X30 inches .and then I were started craft work on that printed paper.  I made hindi text in 3D form 1X5X1 inches. In a one day I crafted header design in paper messy for news paper Dainik Bhaskar . After crafting work I leaved to that design in sun light for dry,  so in next three days that header design or that’s paper messy art and craft work was got proper dry .

When paper messy was got dry then I were started painting work on that. Mostly Dainik Bhaskar news paper is print to header in black ink , but I painted off white ( cream color ) or in background I painted dark gray color for a new or different look to header design ( A Positive impression from header Design on head of reader  ha ha ..) . In visual you will notice it . I created that header in 3D impression because Editor Sir Piyush Mishra ji was wanted embossing effect in printing with header design , so it was must for me I create this in 3D form or I did it . 

The Sun ( Bhaskar ) in Paper messy art and craft

In visual  you will notice to crafting sound , in ruff look of manual paper messy art and craft work . This ruff  look will prove to manual work of  paper messy art and craft from printing for each one viewers of this design of  newspaper Dainik Bhaskar.

For header design of newspaper I have used to newspaper it is special part of this art and craft design from myself art exercise . 

I am submitting  Header Design to Editor  Sir Piyush Mishra Dainik Bhaskar Bikaner 2024

So here I write about it .. Newspaper header design from paper messy art and craft ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

 Bikaner, INDIA



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