Friday, April 1

Art Vibration - 573

One  Alexandra was lived for war or My Alexandra Art MaestroEnzo Marino Italy is living for Peace of Human  family ..


War is a last step of patience of Human Mind .Unsecure persons are live in mood of war . unwanted fear is create war condition in our mind and vision . philosopher Magdugal was wrote life have only two base for  living.  one is fear and second is hungry  condition .I think this same thing is  work for war too.

Last three years to our human family is facing to war , that is in different form or condition but we human are facing to war in our world it is fact of today  .First is covid, it was started from China , second was Afganistan war and third war is on in mid of Russia and Ukraine.

War is give two result one is victory second is pain and loss of  life.

pencil drawing -subject war and peace -  work for Free Artist gallery Italy


In history we are reading Great Alexandra was completed many wars and he got victory almost on our world. But in his real life he lost very much we have read that . finally he knew war is not a proper way of victory .

Here  last 10 years to I am connected  to a real Alexandra of Italy , his real name is Mr. Enzo Marino or he is a art Maestro of Italy in visual art . I met to him  when he came Bikaner for victory of our heart by his create and artistic art , He did not done war for victory but he got victory on our heart from his creative art . It was very much surprising for me so I gave title to him My Alexandra , he is very senior most artist of Italy , he is living for art or by art he is creating peace in  others hearts .

My Alexandra is feel tens when he  is looking something wrong with our Human family . when covid war was on that time My Alexandra Enzo Marino called to world artists for creative works in covid time . he wanted to pull out to artist and human family from covid condition . Maestro Enzo Marino organized some art exhibitions from his International free Artist gallery Italy . he was done that on online from Italy or he was connected to all world by his art concept .

Now Russia and Ukraine are busy in war or that war is disturbing to My Alexandra Maestro Enzo Marino (  or me too )  . so once again he has called to world art family or this time he invited art works for war and peace  concept . he is thinking for our Human family or  that safety very first by visual art cum language.  he is trying to give right message to our world for stop to war and think what we are gaining for our human family .  

I also received call of My Alexandra and I  created a critical art work cum visual message against war . my work for international free artist gallery Italy . because my Alexandra was living there and there to he think for peace of world in any how condition . so it is for him .

 I know My Alexandra will organize a Exhibition of art works of war and peace in Italy .

Yesterday 31 march 2022 was last date of submission of art work for war and peace concept . I got permission for  update  to my art work cum message on page of free artist gallery , my Alexandra was permitted to  me so I updated / posted that on web world for message to all world and stop to war as soon as .

 I also posted  my art work image cum message to President of Russia by his twitter account . I want the president of Russia is notice to my message as a human being. Because he is a responsible member of our Human family .

I could done it because My Alexandra was called me for a art work on  war and peace subject . that subject I was converted in a form of art, I can say in very critical form of art or it was very must for me , I share it with president of Russia and Ukraine too for think on it what they both are doing with our Human family ?

 In my work I draw or  you can say I converted a photo image in drawing form , two hand one saving blade , a person trying for suicide himself ..i wrote a caption on that drawing WAR IS SUICIDE OF HUMAN FAMILY ?

My work was accepted from My Alexandra or for his art activity . it is making me more confident about  my art duty . because I think competitions and exhibitions are not important in my art journey   but  my art duty is very much important for me . so I am thankful for  my Alexandra art Maestro Enzo Marino he recalled to my art duty from his Nation Italy or I did completed that from My Nation India for our world Human Family ..

When I compare to Alexandra or Art Maestro Enzo Marino Italy , I think the Alexandra was lived his life for  war or my  Alexandra Art Maestro Enzo Marino is living for peace of Human family ..

My Alexandra  Art Maestro Enzo Marino Italy - File Photo


Once again thanks to My Alexandra Art Maestro Enzo Marino Italy ( Director of Free Artist gallery Italy ) ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Arts

Bikaner, India

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