Saturday, July 13

Art Vibration - 673


A Painter can paint to poetry…

Last week I received a message in my inbox of instagram page , it was a promotional common message from a junior artist of My City Bikaner . Painter Sneha Rampuriya was posted that message with a surprising information of her new poetry book . Her book title is “ANOESIS” ..


I were  surprised, actually  I know artist sneha is a painter but I do not know she is a good  poet too, so I were surprised  after read her message . In message I read her recent poetry book is available on Amazone .In .

So It was very must I read her literature practice as a senior . I were collected her book “Anoesis “ from Amazone .in and started to read her poetry . kind  your information Anoesis  book is in English literature . but when I were reading her poems I felt her book is up to all text languages or her poems are creating many visuals of real experience of her own life just like a painting .  

 Painter sneha is saying about  her book, it  is a sea of feelings or I felt this fact ,  when I were reading it .

In this book she has been added only 19 poems or that poems are very short poems. but that’s meaning is very large for vision of readers . For me each one poem is giving me feeling of a painting canvas . painting of emotions, painting of memories and painting of self thought and painting of time and space of poet cum painter Sneha Rampuriya .

In a one sentence I can say her Anoesis book is a painting of poetry . In reading of poems I visualizes many realistic visuals in few words,  poet sneha created very big landscapes and innerscapes too .

I visualize many feeling full color after black and white color in her poems , A painter can imagine it and express it.  so poet sneha has been done a great job as a painter in her poetry without any hesitation . it is great start of her in literature .

This poetry book Anoesis is showing clear confidence of poet sneha and it is showing great possibility of a great poet of  future . so I want to say congratulation to painter cum poet sneha Rampuriya .

After read her all poems I wrote a note in Hindi that note copy I want to share with  you at here , because I can’t rewrite that same feeling full words once again in same tone . so I request to you , you should translate it and know what I felt when I were reading her poems through her recent English literature book Anoesis . 

 I sure  you will get right translator on our web world for this hindi note ..

 मित्रों इन दो रोज में मैंने बीकानेर की उभरती हुई युवा चित्रकार के साथ युवा कवित्री  स्नेहा रामपुरिया बीकानेर की अंग्रजी में रचित काव्य रचना की पुस्तक का  अध्ययन किया है  ! पुस्तक का शीर्षक है अनोसिस जिसका हिंदी में अर्थ होगा विचार रहित / काल्पाहिं चेतना और संज्ञानुभूति !पुस्तक में  19 रचनाओं  का संकलन है ! विनोद करूँ तो कवित्री को स्वयं के रचना कर्म पर अभिमान नहीं है उसने अपने काव्य सृजन को 19  ही माना है 21  नहीं ! पर वास्तविकता  में ये पुस्तक युवा  काव्य रचनाकारों में मुझे 21  ही लगी !  ये सत्य है !
कारण , काव्य रचना लघु रूप में है पर उसका वैचारिक स्वरुप विशाल समंदर की तरह विराट और भव्यता लिए हुए है ! सही अर्थों में कहूं तो भावों का समंदर सही लगता मझे सम्बोधित करना इस पुस्तक के लिए   अध्ययन के उपरांत  !
प्रतिक काव्य की खूबी है और इस पुस्तक में   कवित्री स्नेहा  ने बहुत ही सुन्दर प्रतिक रचे है अपनी लघुतम रचनाओं में और  कारण  ये भी है की आप एक अकादमिक चित्रकार भी  है ! सो पुस्तक की काव्य रचना के पठन के दौरान अनेकों दृश्य कल्पना पट पर उभरते है जो इस काव्य पुस्तक की   सार्थकता को इंगित करती है साथ ही कवि  मन के दृश्य जगत से रूबरू भी करवाती है !
सिमित  शब्दों में कविताएं समंदर की भव्यता और गहराई   को विचारों  के कैनवास पर अमिट छाप की तरह उकेरी जाती है साथ ही   अध्भुत अनुभूति संसार भी रचती है  ! ये इस पुस्तक की खूबी है कि  कवित्री स्नेहा रामपुरिया ने अपने काव्य से   घागरमे सागर भरदिया है अपनी   काव्य अभिव्यक्ति से सो बधाई इस पुस्तक अनोसिस के लिए और मंगल कामनाएं आगामी काव्य सृजन के लिए !
पुस्तक अमेज़ॉन से ही उपलब्ध होगी जैसे कि मैंने पायी है यहाँ पुस्तक पहचान के लिए आप के समक्ष पुस्तक का आवरण /टाइटल कवर इमेज  साझा कर रहा हूँ!


 Or after read to this hindi note  you will know how to a painter can paint to poetry .

So here I write about it  .. A painter can paint to poetry ..

Yogendra  kumar purohit

Master of Fine Art

Bikaner, INDIA

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