Give and Take , it is a
nature rule for our universe . we all are following to it and with us our all
world human and all kind of life of this
earth in our earth nature . after birth to till today I am taking breath
for my life in our nature , this breath
can come in me through oxygen . I have no idea how many gallon oxygen I have
taken in me in my 37 years and I am
taking it continue today in every second of time for my live life . this oxygen is a gift to life
by our nature.
So I am thankful for our nature because I can take oxygen
for my life in our environment then I am
living a image of master of art in our world family .
Friends after lots of
study of art and research of myself ,I
find a way of life for live to life. That is love and peace so I am
committed for this exercise about
creation of real love and peace on our
earth . but when I read to life then I
find the life need very first fresh environment for life and mind , fresh mind
can take positive think and way for next positive activity on our earth . and
positive think need a positive mind and a positive mind need full fresh
oxygen every time. It is very must .ha
Today we know our world
is going in critical condition by pollution of nature . every day pollution graph is going up
for danger point about world life . Really it is danger for peace of mind .environment
pollution is polluting to our life
structure . Science is proving it every day with lots of examples . we are
reading, watching and noticing by media or electronic media today .
Few month ago a
International youth artist Vibha Gahlotra was came in My city Bikaner, ( I were
shared her critical art installation concept through this art vibration post ) . She was
presented her art concept about
pollution by a art activity in mid of society. She was invited 100 kits flyers
and they all 100 kits flyer were flying kits in sky and trying to created a big black cloud from 100 kits . her art project
was under 50 /50 . but her art concept was working in mind of social people .
she was educated to people of my city by
her art work about condition of present
pollution , and telling to all you all
people are creating pollution in air (sky) just like a black kit or like a big cloud of
all black kits ..she was right about pollution matter . so I am thankful for
her art exercise or that’s presentation she was selected my city Bikaner and she done a art exercise
with common man of My city for their real education of critical environment condition by today pollution .
She was indicated about
pollution but in that movement she was not educated for creation of fresh environment and how to
pollution will stop ? to my city people . so I were criticism of her art concept , I did
talked to Artist Vibha about
her art concept and asked to her
what is a right way for stop to pollution ? she was not expressed any thing
about my question ,in her art work concept . because she was not think for stop to
pollution and how to create fresh environment by ourselves . so her art concept
was critical in my view that was half
art work or exercise by vibha Gahlotra about our fresh environment creation . she said to me I have not think
about it .
In month June Rain time
of Rajasthan , I were started once again work of Farming in our farm . ( I am
saying to that natural painting by
natural color on natural canvas. ) ( about this art concept I have shared a post
on this art vibration in past , ) but this year I mean in 2014 my natural painting art work concept was
converted in a new think . After visit to
Art Concept visuals of Artist Vibha Gahlotra . I said to that FARMING OF OXYGEN to my natural painting . so it is a complete dialogue with art concept of Artist Vibha Gahlotra Delhi INDIA .
So today in my view Oxygen is a important product for our
world life. because it is basic requirement of live life.
. Today it is very must we care to
farmland because that is a factory of
Oxygen production . it is also very must we educate to people for job of
Farming ( production of Oxygen ) . nature provide to life earth land for life use , science said life need Oxygen
very fist , and oxygen can producing by natural farming and natural farming need
natural free land on our earth. Then we can get fresh oxygen and fresh environment
for our fresh mind about positive activity for creation of peaceful Environment
So I have started natural farming , and I am
producing oxygen by work of farming of oxygen for live life . or about future of
earth life .. in this exercise of farming of oxygen I am
giving back to oxygen to our nature
after take to Oxygen ….and you ?
So here I said to my
recent art concept * Farming of Oxygen *
Yogendra kumar purohit
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA