Artist’s of INDIA
Their Art Is Record Work

But when Rj Rohit was
told me about that project of child art or that’s real aim then I were accepted
his call of Judgment to child art .
In post number 385 of
this art vibration I said about it very clear with my critical views so you can read to that .
Today Rj Rohit have
updated a image of Certificate on online . the Limca book of Record was gave
certificate to child artists of INDIA . it
is a big success of 92.7 big Fm about promotion of child art by a historical project
exercise .
92.7 big Fm was organized
a large child art completion in many
cities of INDIA in a one day / in same
time . it was projected for Limca book record . by luck I were joined to that
big child art activity and I could judged to child artists or their art works
as a visual art master .
When I were judge to
Bikaner city child art after creation of child artists at art competition place
of 92.7 big Fm. I did noticed 92.7 big
Fm was gave a subject to all child artists in INDIA that was SAVE WATER ..
When I were judging to
art works of child artists I saw lots of color and creative ideas + meaning
full messages about save water concept .
some child artists were wrote very punching caption on un -educative society or peoples by way of visual art . that was
clicking to my vision ..
That one day art
activity of kids were created a
historical record in our world, they registered their art vision in LIMCA book
by a one day art work , can you imagine
when they all child artists shell start
every day art work for education of our society , then how many records they
will create and achieve every day in their art life ? It is surprising me when I
am imagine it , for child artists of my nation .
child art master Sir Poul Klly was wrote his last statement about his art , he
said I were lived busy in my life for
child art work , in my full art life I created only child art but today I am
feeling I could not paint like a child ..( it is true words of a great art
master for child art… )
So I am in motion of
Army salute for child artists of My Nation or our world family ..
Here I want to share
the image of certificate of LIMCA BOOK RECORD , the team of Limca Book of
record was submitted it to 92.7 big Fm organization team and the team of 92.7
Big Fm is sharing it with all child artists of our INDIA by online network .
they are motivate to child artists and they are proving their own commitment is completed for Limca book record
I sure this certificate will give more art
energy to all child artists of that art competition of 92.7 big Fm about SAVE
THE WATER concept .
This live art activity
or that’s record achievement point is making me more happy and giving me proud
feeling . if I were part of that art activity about LIMCA BOOK RECORD through
child art .
So I am very thankful
for my theater Artist Cum Rj Rohit Sharma , or his 92.7 Big Fm Radio channel +
team of 92.7 big FM .
Because they all were
created space for child artists of Bikaner, INDIA then they all child artists
of INDIA have proved their art is record work and LIMCA BOOK OF RECORD was accepted it and
proved it by record Certificate .
So here I said child
artist;s of INDIA prove their art is record work ..
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA