Are Reading To Concept of Artist…
Yes someone are doing silently their work for
betterment of others life . they are
promoting , supporting , pushing and pulling to others for their better future
. we are calling to them Godfather In our human philosophy . really they are
great , because they are hearing to others. they have space in his vision for
others. they have time for others .actually they live for others , it is really great . they know how to observe
to others or their activity for social life. They notice to others or their
work and selecting in his promotional zone /sector by their own selection . it
is true because I am facing this kind of true in my life to last three years .
Prafulla Dahanukar art
foundation Mumbai , its completely dedicated for visual art or that’s promotion
. they are hearing to artist or his concept , they are notice to artist angles, they are creating a right
space to true art from their true art vision in our nation.
They have a very
different art selection format . it is very must for today art promotion . actually
they are ranking to creativity of artist
by their own observation. they are not selecting to work of artist on that’s
art work look . they are talking to artist or their art work, they are hearing
to artist and reading to his/her art work before their selection in KALANANAD
award rank . It is great start for real progress of art in our nation at this contemporary time .
They know competition is not a aim or game of
art, art is business of mind , but not for money . ( but they know money is
must for better life of artist or a creative person ) .so every year Prafulla
Dahanukar Art foundation Mumbai is calling to artist of our Nation for their
KALANANAD award entry . in my view it is
not a award it’s a very artistic reward for artists of our nation from Prafulla
Dahanukar Art Foundation Mumbai .

year 2017 I received a new call for national art ranking about artists
work. So I shared my recent art concept with Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation Mumbai
. I shared some visuals of my big canvas
that’s size is 820X820 fits . there I created green color on that big canvas by natural
farming work . I painted green color by natural green leafs . it is a cross
talk to great art master Mondrian . he was painted only green color for tree or
plants in geometrical form, he said I am seeing only green color and
geometrical form in tree look . so I am
painting single green color , I am not trying to paint to leafs for tree ,that
is understood ! he said it through his
art concept ( from his painting ) I read it in my art theory when I am reading
to books in my masters education at Rajasthan School of Art Jaipur . / I
also painted green color in geometrical form . but my painting
format is very opposite to art masters Mondrian , I am not using to brush or green paint in this natural painting , I am painting by
direct green leafs by support of nature
for future of nature . it is also noticeable or its noticed by Prafulla Dahanukar Art Foundation so I am in their selection
rank for kalananad Award 2018 ..

- that green leafs are giving 3 month fresh oxygen , so environment is getting
freshness by my natural painting , second that painting is giving job to two
workers , that natural painting is giving food corns for save to life/wild life
in desert site , my natural painting is caring to
farming land or that’s fertility . so its completely art work for better future
of our world or world life , it is my art concept of natural painting
I am happy Prafulla
Dahanikar Art Foundation , Mumbai . have read to my art concept very carefully and they have
taken in Selection of Art work Ranking for Kalananad Award 2018 .
So here I said about Prafulla Dahanukar Art
Foundation , Mumbai ,They are reading to
Concept of Artist ..
Yogendra kumar purohit
Master of Fine Art
Bikaner, INDIA